Jul 18

What is The Meaning of Life? Don't know. The Computers are down!Things are not the same they used to be. There was a time you had Seers, Wise Men, Gurus or Oracles who could predict the future or at least give you some outlook and hints on how to live your life the righteous way.

Nowadays we have DIY guides for that. Guides for Dummies. Just check Amazon.com.

These days it seems, everyone is caught in a race of Consumerism, Materialism and a run after the big great lie – mammon.

What is so special about the 5 C’s (or is it 6?): Cash, Car, Career, Credit Card, Condominium and Club Membership? All of them tie you into the Rat Race, never to let you out again.

Ever heard that tune “You can checkout any time you like, but you can never leave”? Exactly! ;-)

So when even the Wise Men and Oracles are starting to use computers to tune their naturals skills for the better – think for yourself! Do you really need someone to tell you what to do?

Put your energies where your heart is and stop wasting your time with things you don’t like. Checkout and leave! Live.

Think for yourself and make your own life!

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written by Chris

7 Responses to “The Meaning of Life”

  1. FeliciaNo Gravatar REPUBLIC OF KOREA Says:

    I won’t ask you what I should do, but could I ask you for some suggestions?

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Of course, what do you want to know? ;-)

  3. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Sell. Everything. You. Own.
    That’s a great start to escaping consumerism.

    Now, when I say everything, I don’t mean it literally. I would never sell my computer, or my hifi, or my beetle. To me, they are essentials. I mean get rid of all the non-essential crap and clutter around you. Who needs CDs and books when there are libraries? Who needs wardrobes and wardrobes full of clothes when you can only wear one set at a time? Flog it on eBay; give it to charity shops; get it out the house!

  4. joeNo Gravatar MONGOLIA Says:

    5 C’s. include condominium. they used to be what women want or require from their men. but now it’s true for most, if not all of us…one suggestion: how about trying to live in or visiting the philippines too?

  5. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Joe, the Philippines are definitely on our agenda, but the time is not right yet. Maybe later next year. ;)

    Many thanks for your comments!

  6. John MatthewsNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Life is filled with technology and stuffs that control us is in a way these days.
    Wish I can go back in time L-)

  7. MasonNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I really like your name, are you a real nomad? or is that metaphorical?

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