Dec 01

Flag of IndiaI was practically glued to the TV last week when the events in Mumbai happened; couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Hard to get in front of a computer again, didn’t feel like posting anything at all about long-term traveling in India.

But then, isn’t that what those terrorists tried to achieve? To paralyzing the country and make an economical impact? Most people in this thread on the IndiaMike Forum, discussing the repercussions of this hatred, agree that they want to continue traveling to India.

So I will follow their example and won’t stop recommending it. Read on for a “Cost of Living Chart” for living in Goa, India:

This is done again in the tradition of the following charts:

I updated the currency exchange rates for those above as well, so you can have a direct comparison. What’s interesting also is that the Exchange Rates of Indian Rupee and Philippine Peso are pretty similar in Dollar and Euro, making for an easy direct comparison.

The prices aren’t updated this time, as it’s hard for me to verify from a distance.

As well there are some prices I couldn’t find out yet here in Goa. Anyway – just bear in mind that prices go up all the time and some items aren’t available in every place.

About Goa

While India is certainly one of the cheapest countries regarding Purchasing Power Parity (read: how much bang you can get for your buck), the state of Goa is one of India’s most expensive places. Simply because it’s the most famous with tourists (locals and international ones alike).

As well it’s very dependent on the monsoon season, you basically only have a short season of 6-8 months, where the place is up and running at all. That is a big difference to an island like Bali, which sees plenty of visitors all year round, although a bit fewer in the rainy season.

With the monsoon and torrential rains coming full swing here in Goa, the whole place shuts down basically from June/July to early October every year. That means the restaurants, hotels and other businesses have less time every year to earn their living.

Maybe that’s another reason why prices here were heavily on the rise over the last couple of years.

Still, the whole state of Goa is very affordable for the Western or 1st World Traveler. Food and drinks are surprisingly cheap and generally of very high quality.

The prices listed here refer to the main touristy area around Calangute/Candolim, they might be lower for locations further away, depending on type of products (local/imported) and your bargaining power.

Without further ado, here are the numbers:

The official inflation rate in India is currently above 11%, although the Reserve Bank of India is targetting a mere 4.1%. Obviously the rise of commodity prices like oil, food and energy made that target impossible to reach this year.

Good for you – if you earn your money in a country with less inflation and your base currency is stable or appreciating, you still save more or spend less over a year – even with rising prices in Rupees.

Would you like to see additional items or expenses in this list?

Please let me know via the Comment Form and I will update the spreadsheet accordingly.

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written by Chris

149 Responses to “Cost of Living Chart – Goa, India (in Rupees, Dollar and Euro)”

  1. Nomadic MattNo Gravatar THAILAND Says:

    nice and cheap! just how i like it!!!

  2. bobuuncleNo Gravatar NEPAL Says:

    goa’s a dump. RIP. If you think it’s quality, think again. The sea is toilet, the beach is a toilet, much of the food is of questionable quality, products are fake, accommodations are crap.

    try SL.

  3. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    bobuuncle, although I can understand your hygienic concerns, I find the beaches and the sea here less polluted than most other places in Asia. Okay, you have the holy cows running around here dumping their stuff here or there. But not so many stray dogs, plastic garbage or sewage like for instance in Bali, around Singapore or at Malaysia’s beaches. Or take Pattaya in Thailand as an example, the sea will give you skin rushes or an oil film, depending on the direction of the currents.

    Food is depending on where you go, avoid empty restaurants, places with plenty of customers have usually good quality. And most meals are simply a great deal, if you think what you get for your money. I paid 10 times as much at one of the 3 Indian restaurants in Bali or still 3-5 times as much compared to Singapore. The quality is defnitely comparable.

    The attitude of the local people here is another topic. One I will probably write a separate article about soon. :-o

    What is SL???

  4. Mike OwenNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hello again, I’m sorry to read of your distress about Mombai, particularly as its only less than two weeks ago I was telling you about the great three nights you could go there from DayTripper in Calangute. I, also, was upset, but not to anything like the extent after 9/11, I think because the scale was thankfully so much smaller. However, one death is one too many. On my journey with Daytripper we stayed literally only along the road from the Taj Mahal. Your cost charts from Goa have shaken me. Its three years since I was last there, I cannot believe the difference now. Even though Ive had to do some sums to convert to Sterling. It used to be easy, Eros divide by 3 and multiply by 2, dollars divide by 2. Not now!!!! Mike

  5. junglelandNo Gravatar CAMBODIA Says:

    Hi there, i fall into the ällready retired category, just sweet 61, found your list very interesting but could have done with some guide as to where you stay and what one would be paying for long term acommoadation. Am at present a resident of Phnom Penh but it’s going downhill rapidly as far as i’m concerned and im ready for a move, apart from Goa are there any other beaches you would recomend for a budget long stay traveler, have been to India on many occasions but always avoided the place, i was in Mammalapuram a few years ago and found that o.k. no good for bobuunkle though as the cows and locals used part of the beach to shit !!!. Great site will be using it regularly from now.

  6. TrugNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I’ll take a guess – South Laos :)

  7. Amanda B.No Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I just read the cost of living chart at 3:30a.m. my time and in my half asleep state , all I could see was ” cigs, pants, flip flops, and a bunch of alcoholic drinks ” . I thought the chart ended there and it was kind of funny in a ” well at least he’s giving us a rundown on what really matters way ” .

    Thanks again for the great info ! The cost charts are awesome.

  8. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Mike Owen, yup the exchange rates of all major currencies are pretty volatile the last couple of months. Guess I have to update those charts more often in the future. Daytripper has now several outlets, one in Baga, one in Calangute/Candolim, so I’m still pondering, where to go first. Probably Hampi, no urge for Mumbai right now. ;-)

    jungleland – wow Phnom Penh sounds very nice to me. I made it there for 2 days only a few years back, when visiting Angkor. Why is it going downhill? For further long-term stay I can so far recommend Bali or any of your favorite islands in the Philippines, as they both offer ease of living for reasonable costs. I stayed in Phuket/Thailand for 8 months as well, but the recent Visa changes and the constant Bar Scenes were quite depressing for me. Maybe some other Thai island? Here in Goa I stay just between Candolim and Calangute and pay Rs 11.500/month for a brand-new, furnished 70sqm, 2-bedroom apartment.

    Trug, or maybe Sri Lanka? But bobuuncle didn’t return yet, so it’s maybe even some more remote. :D

    Amanda B. – yeah, first things first, right? Although I gave up smoking meanwhile and only drink rarely a beer or two. Have to watch my health, now that I get older without doing much, hehe! Anyway, thanks for the thumbs up! ;;)

  9. junglelandNo Gravatar CAMBODIA Says:

    Hi Chris, Yea the Penh was o.k. but with all the rapid (over) development going on it’s a bit like living on a huge building site right now, a building site that has “bars” popping up in every corner i should add. And, although i realize it HAD to happen, you really would not believe Siem Reap now, how ironic that you have to stay in the most un – Khmer town in the country to visit it’s most iconic attraction. Never done the P.I. or Indo because of the visa bit, as a Brit i would get six months for India so i may well try Goa, off season though for me im just an old fart who dont like crowds and is to ancient to party now. Keep us all updated.Cheers

  10. MichaelNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    I am ready to locate but I was thinking of maybe some small village up from Manali (india) – I love the mountains and apple Juice up there.

    or maybe Madura (Indonesia). Cheap, great beaches, no tourists but visa issues!

    Bali, Singapore, Goa..maybe not!

    anyway, keep up the good work!


  11. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    jungleland and Michael, yup the Visa situations seem to get worse in Asia. Just did read yesterday that Thailand now only extends for 15 days when you do a Visa run via any land border.

    Indonesia’s Social or Tourist Visas are quite a pain, the Philippines’ up-to-2 years Visa extension sound very nice, if it wouldn’t be that expensive. They have another one though, if you invest up to USD 50.000 in the country (for instance in your condo), then it costs only one-time USD 1.400 and USD 10 every year extension. But I don’t want to invest or buy property, just to live cheaply!

    Malaysia has a similar scheme “Malaysia my second home” (MM2H), but the amount to invest is even higher. India offers 6 months, but isn’t so liberal like the others, so maybe not so interesting in the long run?

    Hmmm. Are we running out of options?

    Maybe I have to return to Singapore or even Germany one day to stay pain-free for longer than 6 months…hehehehe! Just joking. The Costs of Living would eat me alive there. :-o :))

  12. junglelandNo Gravatar CAMBODIA Says:

    The cost of living wouldn’t so much eat me as kill me, that wouldn’t be a problem however as the only time I would return to the u.k. would be in a coffin. So I guess it’s six (months) here, three there, two wherever, one on a train and fourteen days in the land of smiles !! :)) :)) If you open your door one day to a pensioner who’s a Gandhi look – a – like in a sixty’s flower power outfit it’s me. Quiz Q for you: My last abode in the u.k. ( a 6m x 6m room with the bathroom down a hallway, $900 a month !!!) was in the only place in Britain to be occupied during the 2nd world war, any guesses: Cheers

  13. junglelandNo Gravatar CAMBODIA Says:

    Hi Chris, sorry mate and wont bother you again after this, BUT, (there has to be one) where would you recomend as a place to look for a long term house/apartment rental within the Goa area. Cheers

  14. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    jungleland, that would really depend on your taste. I live now in the Candolim/Calangute area in North Goa, here are most of the facilities, restaurants but also most of the tourists. Thus a bit more pricey. Okay, currently it’s pretty quiet, as there must have been plenty of cancellations after the Mumbai events.

    Further north in Anjuna or Vagator it’s even less hectic, less traffic and I heard, a bit cheaper. Or try Morjim further North, very idyllic, quiet, but very charming.

    Plenty of long-term tourists stay in the south as well, Colva, Benaulim or Palolem at the south border of Goa. I was to the first 2 places only for 1 day with the bike and it seems very nice, can’t say about the prices. Food was similar priced as in the North. Another area I like is close to the capital Panaji/Panjim and called Miramar Beach, has plenty of apartments and looks quite local. The Beach looks okay and you have the capital with all its amenities (shops, restaurants, cinemas; more civil prices).

    I saw about 10-15 apartments (1-2 bedroom w/ bath/kitchen) in the North and most were pretty run-down in the range of Rs 7.000 to 20.000/per month. But that was 6 weeks ago, when the season started and before the Mumbai events. The season so far seems to be a catastrophe for the tourism industry, so prices are currently in free fall.

    We pay Rs 11.500/month for a 2-bedroom apartment, which is fortunately brand new, the paint was still smelling and beds, fridge, tv (with tata-sky) all still sealed in plastic, when we moved in.

    The main thing about Goa is maybe its dependency on the monsoons, as they say that after April/May they whole place is pretty deserted and plenty of shops/restaurants shut down until October. But maybe that’s what you like?

    You could try to come here with your 6-month visa, rent a guesthouse for 1 week and drive around with bike or even local bus (dirt cheap) to explore the areas around the coast, which would suit you. That’s what we did as well.

    So far I’m quite happy with our choice of Candolim/Calangute and am sure, that we can survive fairly well here over the next 5 months. When the Visa is up for renewal, that’s a different story. With the monsoon approaching, I guess it will probably be a different country further to the East for a while, as I’m allergic to too much rain. ;-)

  15. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Oh yeah jungleland – and I’m late with my guess regarding the only occupied spot in Britain during WWII. Tough to say, but I can only imagine some island in the channel or maybe even some part of a former British colony? Please, can you can enlighten us? ;;)

  16. JACQUINo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    The cost of living advice is a real help, Thanks
    I was thinking of taking Sterling and changing it in Goa
    But some people have advised me to take travellers cheques
    What do you advise? =D>

  17. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    I would just withdraw it via bank card from an ATM here. That’s what I do here. You can withdraw up to Rs 25.000 at once from most ATM (Axis, HDFC) and the exchange rates are better than what you get from a Money Changer. And without trials to getting ripped off. ;-)

  18. TinaNo Gravatar SWEDEN Says:

    Appreciate the chart, makes bargaining in a new country easier! Although I’ve been living in Bali for many years myself, it is certainly a completely different ballgame in India. Can you recommend any bungalows close to the beach, for a decent price? Preferred area: Arambol, Palolem or Anjuna. I am travelling with my children and will be on the coast for about 2-3 weeks.
    Where abouts in Bali did you live? I had my home in Seminyak.

  19. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi Tina, yep I lived near Seminyak as well. Jalan Marlboro, just from the intersection Jl. Petintenget passing the jail direction to Denpasar.

    I’m sorry, can’t help regarding beach bungalows for these 3 areas. I’m only here 2 months now, so far I didn’t make it to Palolem. Arambol and Anjuna I’ve been, but didn’t check for accommodation. I’m staying here between Candolim and Calangute. :D

  20. AmitNo Gravatar OMAN Says:

    Hi Chris,

    Recently joined the discussion……
    I quite agree to the costs given by you – excellent.
    So, if a couple have their own accommodation and wish to lead a normal life without too much of fussing around, Rs 20,000/- per month as expenses seem pretty good…….What says?

  21. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Amit, If you take that amount besides accommodation and transport, I would say ‘yes’ – it’s possible. It would depend of course on how much you want to party, shop and spend on other things.

  22. robertNo Gravatar SINGAPORE Says:

    about S$900 a month for a couple to live in Goa…. i would seriously consider staying there for 3 to 6 months…a simple room (for single) in singapore costs min. S$600/month…it is a wonderful world in South and S.E Asia.

  23. kareemNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    this was very helpful, thanks chris!

  24. Donna MNo Gravatar SWEDEN Says:

    Hi Chris,

    I have just returned from a holiday in Kovalam and I am surprised at some of the prices there. In fact, I found that the same cloth bag costs less in Primark, Oxford Street than in Kovalam Beach and no amount of haggling could bring the price down. In the end, I decided not to buy it as it would be like ‘taking coal to Newcastle’ . As I am in love with the place nevertheless, and would like to retire there one day, I hope that the locals see the long-term effects f their actions as it can put people off in many ways. As a tourist, you feel very vulnerable. Looking forward to your updated cost of living chart for Goa and keep up the brillant work!


  25. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Donna M, yep, unfortunately I have to agree with you completely!

    There is something ongoing with the attitude of people here. Other Expats here confirmed that to me also. It seems that greed and milking the cow as long as they can is really taking overhand.

    Even though the locals/tourism industry obviously feels the impact of the economic downturn, the Mumbai attacks and the constant rape/murder cases (e.g. Scarlett Keeling) – it appears, the remaining (few) tourists shall pay for it. There are no “Thank you’s” when taking your money, no “You are welcome”, no more smiles – it’s plain, cold-blooded greed you can feel a lot in the tourist areas these days.

    My advice so far: avoid the tourist vendors, visit more local markets, where you can still get good bargains and affordable things for local prices. One example is the Friday Market in Mapusa, you can still buy a T-Shirt for 100 Rs, Flip-flops for Rs 120, a Watermelon for Rs 40 and everything else way cheaper than in the tourist belt.

  26. SmsNo Gravatar SWITZERLAND Says:

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the chart, it’s amazing! I was searching for something like it, and it’s so complete… :)
    Also, do you know a good massage place near candolim-calingute? and are they really only Rp300?
    It’s hard to believe, seeing the prices anywhere else, and having a good massage in Goa seems wonderful… :D
    Thanks for the help!

  27. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Several places in the dune alleys to the beaches (behind the beach shacks around Candolim and Calangute) offer Rs 300 massages. Although I’m a big fan of massages (both in Thailand and Bali I had one at least once a week) never personally tried here in Goa yet. Not sure about the reason though, maybe it just didn’t look so comfortable in this beach massage places and we didn’t check the health and spa centers yet. There seems to be one very popular massage temple just between Candolim and Calangute, called ‘Snip’, I pass there every day, but I’m sure it will be more than Rs 300…hmmmmm…. :-?

  28. SmsNo Gravatar SWITZERLAND Says:

    Thanks! Seems nice.
    I’ll try the snips and, if you haven’t already, say if it’s worth it.

  29. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Sms, I just stopped yesterday at ‘Snip Salon & Spa’ and asked for their price list, they charge minimum Rs 1.700 for 1 hour massage, so not really cheap. The whole place looks quite upper class as well, both inside and outside, but the price is ridiculous high for Goa’s standards. So unless you want to spend more than necessary, I have to withdraw my recommendation. ;-)

    Another option could be the Ayurvedic Salons, which are dotted all over Goa, which offer massages as well. If you try one for instance in Anjuna, a bit further North from Calangute/Baga, the prices should be more normal as well.

  30. SmsNo Gravatar SWITZERLAND Says:

    Thanks Chris for checking it out !
    I’ll just roam around and fing something that looks nice… :)

  31. MonicaNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Chris,

    Going to Goa in the end of March – any good advice for “you have to go and see this” while you are there.

  32. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Wow, Monica, what area of Goa are you going, North or South? And how long?

    There are many things to do, visit the more than 30 different beaches, go for a swim, snorkel trip or dive. See the old, rustic, charming towns, the countless churches and other colonial buildings. Trying out the local foods, markets and shops for worlds of exotic smells and colors. Drive around with a moto scooter or on a house boat into the river mounds, watch the thousands bird species. Ride an elephant. Trance dance the nights away. Visit the waterfalls or charming hinterlands, or the famous ruin town of Hampi closeby. Or you use the many cheap and reliable dental or medical facilities to improve your health for little money.

    What else would you be interested in?

  33. Graeme JacksonNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hello Chris Great web page
    Goa is an amazing place we have several properties in the north (Baga Beach) and a house in Assago near Anjuna and it’s the best thing we have done
    We find the people pleasant and like you say if you go into Mapusa you can buy cheaper
    In Candolim you have Newtons supermarket where the prices are on all items they sell and everything is scanned so you pay the same as the locals
    At present I work and live in Mumbai which is a city on it’s own (the city never sleeps) you have to see it to believe it
    Again Great web page
    Your cost sheet is very good we use it as a guide even today just to give us an idea
    My apartments in Baga are near East meets West and available to rent if anyone is interested
    Goa as you know can be cheap or expensive we find eat where the locals eat and you will find the food great…….and good company

  34. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Graeme Jackson, I’m glad that the spreadsheet was useful even for a old Goa Fox like you! Yeah, I use Newtons as well, although I get the feeling that some prices are especially for foreigners, like the chocolate, household items and the alcohol are mainly more expensive than elsewhere. But still they sell almost everything under one roof, so it’s a good place to stock up. :D

  35. byronNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    chris, i hear all the issues with visas and cost of renewing or just moving. what is situation with attaining dual citizenship or staying permanently?

  36. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    byron, that’s a good question. Unfortunately I don’t have the answers to it, but in this thread on another site is a discussion about the topic.

  37. AshNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Chris. Superb webpage, glad I found it.
    Thought I’d run a few things past you, if you have time to reply. I am 50 this year, going through seperation from partner and looking to get out of the rat race like you did. I was originally born in India but came to the UK when I was 6. I have travelled extensivelly over the years but my heart says I want to give India a go to semi-retire. I hav’nt decided on exactly where I want to live in India yet, but thought Goa would be a good place to start and maybe even finish. I have been to Goa twice before but a few years ago. Your cost of living chart is great, it gives me a really good idea how prices have moved on. Not a lot from what I remember. I should be out in Goa over next 2/3 months time when I get everything settled at home. I have access to about £1000 per month from a rental property which intend to use to live on. Do you think I could rent a decent apartment in a decent area and be able to live/feed myself in a relatively comfortable style? Can you let an apartment on a month by month basis or do you have to rent long term? I notice you hav’nt lived through the monsoon out there yet but have you heard from other expats what it is like during that period? Can it be done or do people leg it? Are you staying over monsoon?
    I have so many questions but will think of them as time approaches to move there.
    Thanks in advance for any reply.

  38. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Ash, sounds good to me! If you know Goa already and like it, it’s probably the best place to be. With £1000 you will be able to live like a king here! Of course you can also rent decent apartments per month, just take your time, see a lot of places and don’t accept the first offer. With the coming monsoon and the not so great season behind, prices for rental and everything else should plummet.

    As well, plenty of Expats LOVE the monsoon, especially when the initial humid heat (like now) is fading and the rain is coming. Everything is more quiet and laid-back then they say. More private and friendly. We will not make it past end of this month, as our Visa runs out and we want to see other shores before coming back to India, so no, not staying during monsoon. If you are interested, there is an interesting forum called indiamike, which has a lively Goa corner as well, with plenty of locals, Expat in and loving Goa. You might want to check it out as well. ;-)

  39. AshNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hey Chris thanks for that. Just one other quick question… Have you come across any expats who’ve decided to settle in Goa who are working part time or full. I’m not asking with a view to particularly making any kind of massive income… but with a view to wandering what people do once the initial 3/4/5 months have passed by… and you begin to wonder what to do with your time !! Thanks again !!
    :D =D>

  40. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Ash, yes I have. You will surely run into some long-term Expats once you are here, it’s unavoidable. Goa is a small place. The general type of Expats you meet here are quite nice, open-minded, always up for a good chat and with plenty of life experience to share. Most are past your or my age group, but for me that’s fine. I know of one particular, who works happily part-time in gardening and landscaping in Goa, but can’t give the name here (don’t know how official that is). ;;)

    There are some weirdos too (probably more here than anywhere else), but it’s easy to avoid them. You might want to check out the above forum to get an overview beforehand. :D

  41. AshNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Chris… Mite b over in Goa next month now… If I want to find a place to stay in… monthly or long term… Shud I try and find a place on the internet before I come over or is it easy to come over and stay in hotel and go around letting agents and try this way? Any advice? If I come over… can you reccomend any agents or online sites? Thanx again.


  42. Graeme JacksonNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Good Morning Ash

    I have two apartments at Baga Beach opposite East meets west good veiws nice pool amazing complex but will not be ready for a couple of months which I will rent of long term I live in Mumbai so flying down to show you is no issue
    As for your question to Chris we have settled in Mumbai but will be moving to Goa when my contract expires
    You will have no problems the place is great and I am sure you will enjoy yourself

  43. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Ash, better get a price locally, the offers on the internet are usually hopelessly old. Also it’s now shortly before the monsoon and prices have plummeted even more after a disappointing season.

    And thanks, Graeme Jackson for your offer! If you 2 guys are okay with it, I will forward your e-mail addresses to each other, so you can get in touch…

  44. AshNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Yeh thanx Graeme… that would be great… If you have any info on apartments please forward… and thanx Chris for facilitating this… :))

  45. AshNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Chris.. Hope u are well. I know this sounds like a daft question cause we are communicating via the internet. But how accesable is the internet in Goa? Is broadband freely available? Do apartments that you rent tend to have internet and broadband in them or is it all via internet cafe’s?

    Can I also ask you about the electricity and water supply. Has it got better in Goa or is it intermitent?

    And finally, in order to buy/drive car in Goa. Can you drive on a foreign licence or do you have to take a test and get local licence? Infact, how easy is it for foreigners to be able to drive in Goa with relative safety?

    Thanks again

    Ash ;-)

  46. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Ash, there is no daft question, don’t worry! Internet in Goa in 2 words: it sucks! Most Internet Cafes advertising broadband have a maximum of 128 kbps. The ‘Sify’ internet cafes tend to be a bit faster. When hunting for an apartment, I didn’t see any (none!) apartment which came with internet, although everyone said it’s easy to get. Trust me on this – it isn’t! I checked several providers and the main problem is that you can only get real broadband internet, if you sign at least 12 months up with them (e.g. Reliance and others). The rest of the bunch only offer GPRS speeds (Airtel, Vodafone, !dea), but they are abysmal (slower than dialup) at best and all really unreliable. Although there is hope for a couple of months down the road, there was recently the 3G auction and most careers who won parts in it had to confirm to roll out 3G within 6 months. Don’t know if that will help you.

    I heard in Anjuna is a private company who offers reliable WiFi internet via an antenna, but I don’t have the name for it.

    I can’t tell about the improvement of water and electricity, as it was only my first season here. While there are certainly brownouts almost every day (mainly during the day, rarely at night), I didn’t have too many problems with it. During the day I’m not home anyway. Water supply for me was great and without interruptions, the water is clean, has high pipe pressure and nice temperature, as our landlord has a solar system on the roof.

    Driving licenses: officially you might need the international license, although it’s more a theoretical question. If the police stops you, they will ask the international one, if you show it, they want to see your national one. Or vice versa. Goal is to make you pay anyway. They have the same system here like in Bali, so you might want to read this article. If you ask regarding insurance, I would say it doesn’t matter, as you as the foreigner will pay anyway. Best advice, never stop when the Police is trying to flag you down.

  47. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Ah forgot; I currently use Tata Indicom via an USB Modem, which is actually CDMAx2 standard. The speed is similar to dialup, during the day and evenings even slower, after midnight it gets slightly faster until app. 8am. The modem costs Rs 2.500 one time and unlimited volume costs Rs 800/month.

  48. Tokyo DrifterNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Many thanks for this great blog Chris! I too am ditching the rat race. Got my 10yr visa and will be landing in Goa the begining of May.

  49. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Tokyo Drifter, all the best for your trip then! Do you want to make your 10yr visa full here? ;-)

    I must admit, that after living close to 6 months here I’m more than happy to move on again soon. Food, weather, landscape and beaches are all very nice; but I miss a lot the warmth and friendliness of the people in SE Asia. Here it’s quite a lot grumpiness, rudeness, lack of manners and pure cold commerce, makes my soul cry somehow. :(

  50. Tokyo DrifterNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Chris, its nice to have the 10yr visa as I can make plans for other destinations without having to return to the states. :D

    Sorry about the negative Goa vibes. Have you looked at Chennia? I was originally looking into it before I decided on Goa. :-?

  51. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Tokyo Drifter, definitely – the Visa Rules of India are the best in Asia, as far I can see. Very easy to get, unproblematic and cheap. Even the normal tourist visa (renew every 6 months) is a smooth piece of cake compared to the complicated regulations of say Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam or others.

    Do you mean Chennai? Yes, that might be interesting for me, but not for now. Will go most likely to the Philippines first and think about returning to India at a later stage, probably when my body or teeth ask for some serious maintenance or medical repairs. :D

  52. Tokyo DrifterNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Chris, Yes, I meant Chennai.

    I have the 10yr tourist visa. Just have to leave every 6 months. Not as much as a strain when I lived in Chiang mai Thailand, 9yrs ago, doing the dreaded boarder run every 30 days. Of course its even more difficult in Thailand with the new rules these days. :(

    The Phillipines sound fun. Keep rawk’n the nomad life brotha!!! :D

  53. byronNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    chris, are you able to be employed and paid in inr on your current visa? i am trying to move permanently away from u.s., exploring india as option. i get no retirement, so plan to work.

  54. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    byron, I’m here only on a tourist visa and didn’t plan to work either. I heard some people do that anyway (unofficially), but the pay is anything but good.

  55. JurgenNo Gravatar ITALY Says:

    Hi Tokyo Drifter, how and where did you get your 10 year Tourist Visa? In Italy they won’t issue any more than a 3-month-Visa and in Germany they won’t exceed the 1-year-term even though at their respective websites they claim to go as far as 5 years.

  56. Tokyo DrifterNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Jurgen,

    Looks like US citizens are able to apply for the 10yr. Did not know it was so tough in Europe. :(

    What’s funny is that I first got interested in India by listening to wild stories told to me by an Italian I met in Brazil years ago. I guess things were less restrictive in the 70’s.

  57. BrianNo Gravatar NEW ZEALAND Says:

    Hey Chris!

    Thanks so much for your post and concise list of prices around Goa!

    I may be taking a job based in Goa (with an American ngo) I’m married with a young baby, 5 months old! My wife and I are wondering if you can suggest an approximate cost of living for a year in Goa(or monthly) we’re not looking to live like kings, but would like to be in a nice place and go out a few times a week. Also wondering what the cost might be for a nanny a couple days / week?

    Thanks so much for your time!

  58. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Brian, it’s really hard for me to give you an overall estimation of *your total costs*. I don’t know, if you guys will cook yourself or eat out every day, if you prefer budget restaurants or beach shacks, will live in Calangute (more expensive) or Anjuna and how demanding your other family members are. You know you spending habits much better than I can do via my glass bowl, simply compare your spending where are you now with the equivalent costs from the spreadsheet above. Sorry mate! ;-)

  59. jayneNo Gravatar not found Says:

    hi, my boyfriend and i are thinking to come to goa next month to work in the tourist industry, is there much tourism around from may onwards pls? i hear november to march is better but we wanted to come before, also whats the tourism like in general there, would appriciate your advice.. ;;)

  60. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    jayne, wrong timing! The tourist season here is almost over. Most restaurants and even hotels are shut down already. The big rain will come next month and for the 4-5 months thereafter there will not be much international tourism. But maybe even better for you?

  61. jayneNo Gravatar not found Says:

    thankyou so much for your advice, you saved us from making a big mistake!! maybe we will go to ko samui in thailand instead.. do you no what the tourist industry is like over there this time of year pls? do you think that would be the same as goa?

  62. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    jayne, not sure about Koh Samui, last time I’ve been there was more than 3 years ago. Also I have no connection whatsoever to the tourist industry; I’m just a long-term traveler. My guess is that with special skills you can get a job everywhere, but you might have to settle for local conditions, which may or may not be sufficient for you both to survive. :-?

  63. jayneNo Gravatar not found Says:

    thanks , as long as accomadation is clean and a sleepable bed im ok abroad,oh and a long mirror…(im a woman!! ) went to north goa about 4 years ago in november for a few weeks stayed at palmarina close to mapusa and calangute and the accomadation was good. iv been living in sharm egypt for 2years now,did some traveling to cairo and alexandria and that was a eye opener!!! hopin to go luxor and aswan also but hard to escape work..guess you have the travel bug like me…its great that you have this site. thanks again. =D>

  64. AshNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Chris… Hope you’re well.

    Here’s another daft question for you. I know you are a long term traveller and although your life is all about chilling out, you may still be involved with other bits and pieces to keep life ticking over (such as working on your website).

    If it is possible for you to do this, I would like you to describe a typical day for you (blow by blow) from getting up in morn to going to bed at night. I know everyone is different, but am trying to get a feel for what people do with there time once they have been in a place for a few months, seen the sites, explored the area, found an apartment to settle into and got your day to day routine in place.

    :)) Regards Ash.

  65. ChrisNo Gravatar GERMANY Says:

    jayne, yeah I feel similar. As long I have a clean bed and bathroom for myself, it can be dirty as hell outside. A good shower can do a lot for ones piece of mind. Hehe!

    Ash, okay will try to give a typical example. I won’t usually get up before 10 or 11am, will have a brunch then for about 1-3 hours with reading some newspapers. After that it’s usually driving around with the bike, exploring new locations like a new beach, a mountain, some interesting tourist sight or natural wonder. Around 5pm I love to go to a beach for a swim or just hanging around with friends or else. Back home around 7-8pm, taking shower or surfing internet a bit. Either Diner then or writing on an article if I got some ideas. For longer articles it takes me mainly 2-3 days to formulate my thoughts, I rarely write in one go. Also in the evenings watching some News or Movie on TV or trading stocks if the market day started interesting. Later it’s either more movies, some multiplayer computer games (I love Civilization IV or before also World of Warcraft) or more internet, skyping family/friends or going out for some disco/pub, karaoke or simply hanging out, if it’s a weekend. Going to bed is usually around 2-4am during the week, a bit later on weekends.

  66. AshNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Read your latest… Best, good and ugly… O my god… nearly put me off going to Goa… but will probably hang in there and experience things for myself… One quick point though Chris… I am not a push bike or motor cycle rider… How easy is it to rent/hire a small car in Goa? Any idea of the cost? If I want to explore the place I will need some mode of transport to look around… (unless you can suggest something else)… Have you met any other people who have rented a car. Cheers again. =D>

  67. JurgenNo Gravatar ITALY Says:

    Chris, very appealing lifestyle, did the same when I was your age… ;-)
    While this is absolutely possible in Bali I’m asking myself where did you spent your time until the whee hours in Candolim? As far as I remember, besides the “secret” Trance parties in Anjuna everything shut down at 11pm…

  68. ChrisNo Gravatar GERMANY Says:

    Ash, don’t let yourself be put off from Goa just by reading my report. There are many positive points as well, as mentioned above also. Make your own experience, you might see things completely different than me.

    Cars are available for rent in Goa, for price examples see the above chart. Nowadays the costs are probably even lower, as it’s off season and the economy isn’t going that well. Shop around and check if you can get better deals.

    Jurgen, the whee hours we mainly spent at home. I can’t recommend any specific venue in Candolim. The Trance Parties in Anjuna would be a good choice also.

  69. alexNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    hi chris been reading up on this site and going to goa on the 13 th dec 2009 for 4 weeks got a flight from manchester to bombay mumbai got the flight for £377.00 (finair) need to get a flight to goa from mumbai i’ve hear that i need to go to another airport the plain gets at around 6.00 am how long would it take to get from one airport to the other

  70. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    alex, I just flew from Goa via Mumbai to Europe. All from the same airport in Mumbai, although the terminals are quite far apart. Maybe you mean that?

    They offered a shuttle though, which ran every 20 minutes. To get from the domestic to the international terminals took about 20 minutes also. I came with Kingfisher from Goa and flew out with KLM/Northwest, which was without any troubles (apart from that the international airport is pretty dull and boring). Just plan enough time ahead, for booking you might want to check out, that’s where I found my flights, which were the best offers at that time of any travel agency.

  71. alexNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    thanks it is what i ment just needed to know how long it would take from getting off the plain to getting on one need to book the conecting flight to goa and needed to know how long to allow so if i get in at six so it should be cool to book the goa flight for say 7.30 just that i hate waiting especaily in airports alex

  72. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    That should be about right! Have a nice trip, alex! ;-)

  73. alexNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    thanks for the info chris sorry to be a pain but what time do you need to check in to catch the goa flight and what time do you need to check in at mumbai for the trip home thanks alex

  74. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Good question, that would also depend a lot on the airlines you are using. From/to Goa there are at least 4 that I know of, Kingfisher, Spice, Jet, Paramount, but there are probably a lot more. I guess your first idea with having at least 90 minutes between flights should be fine. Don’t plan it too tight, there are always delays and nothing is worse than missing your connecting flight. You will be %@$#ed big time. ;-)

  75. RaymondNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I found this site while my wife are considering moving to India for a job, I have been offered. I can live anywhere in India since my work is internet based. I do have to live in India though. I have been living here in the PI ( Philippines) for the last three years. I have seen several fundimental mistakes on some of the comments about the PI. I hae updated the cost of living in a post already. With upto date (07-10-09) prices.

    Visas seem to be another issue people get confused. You can only extend your visa for 18 months (not two years) the 50,000 investment visa, is not investing into your condo, be prepared to write a check to the goverment. I haven’t met anyone who has done that. Visa’s aren’t an issue since you can get your 13a (perm. resident card) in only six months. No visa problems at all.

    All in all the philippines is the nicest place in all of asia, but that is just my opion.

    If you can offer any assistance in places to live, rental costs, visa requirments, or any other info I would be thankful. And if you have any questions on the PI, let me know I am more than happy to ansewer them


    To all those who petioned to keep medical transcription in the U.S. my family thanks you……………..NOT!!!!!!!!!

  76. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Raymond, what kind of questions do you have regarding your transition to India? I’m no expert and I never worked for an Indian employer; but will surely try to help together with other readers of this site.

  77. GraemeNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi Chris Hi Raymond
    I am from the UK and I came to work in Mumbai last year.The company I work for are great with an excellent boss
    I also happen to have a house in Goa which to me is pure heaven
    If you have the option to live anywhere in India Goa is ideal the people are nice the place is beautiful and there’s plenty to do even in the monsoons
    If you decided city life is for you then Mumbai as a variety of things to meet peoples tastes but good accomadation is not cheap you are looking on average in the heart of Mumbai around about 1.5/2.5 lacks
    Hope this helps you out……I wish my job could allow me to stay full time in Goa

  78. ElizabethNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hi Chris
    Fanatastic blog, particularly expenses comparison. My partner and I are looking to rent long term. Initially 6 months however it appears that long term contracts are mainly 11 months is this normal?
    We are looking to come over early Jan 10, noted on previous discussion that estate agents tend change/alter rental prices (particularly on the net).
    Is there anyway round this? Noticed you had recent discussions with Graeme Jackson and he stated he may have some apartments avaialble in the South, can you give me more advice on the South.
    Possibly pass my details on to Graeme. Once again a fantastic informative blog.

  79. AlanNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hey Chris great post. I was last in Goa 1997 for a couple of months and was thinking of coming back for a refresh and relax. Can you tell me how much a small moped ad the Enfield are now days. Had one of these last time, what a great time I had. Thanks for the great information.

  80. AlanNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Sorry Chris, I meant to also ask how the local cops are with riding bikes. We were getting stopped a lot back then and they were after bribe money.

  81. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Elizabeth, yes most landlords want naturally longer contracts, but everything is negotiable. I would recommend not to use internet sites, as the prices their are hopelessly inflated and rental prices on the ground are much lower and more realistic. It’s a renters market, as Goa is currently struggling to retain its long-term guest. Also it’s better to negotiate 6-months contracts, so you are more flexible in case you want to move on after. I’m sorry, I’m not sure about prices and the situation in the south, but I forwared your mail to Graeme, he hopefully will get back to you. ;-)

  82. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Allen, the small Mopeds go from 200-300 Rs per day. Per month you should pay no more than around 2.500-3.000 Rs. Sorry – no idea regarding the Enfields, but they should be slightly more expensive… ;-)

    And yes, the local Cops are there and they want you money. Follow these tips to get around it.

  83. ElizabethNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hi Chris

    Many thanks for your advice regarding rental accommodation. ? other than the internet where else can one arrange rental accommodation? Should I stay in a hotel for a week, then whilst there attempt to secure long term rental?

    Any help greatly appreciated.


  84. MikeNo Gravatar CANADA Says:

    Elizabeth, when you find out the places to live or stay short term, could you post them back on here


  85. johnny mccullyNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hey there

    I heard you can live in Goa for about $300.00 u.s per month? Is there any truth to that and if so how would i get started in finding a place? :D

  86. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I would not be able to do that, Johnny McCully. For any region in Goa; USD 500-600 is the minimum I would say. Goa is the most expensive state in India and you will feel that. Of course, compared with other countries in the East or in Asia, it’s still very much affordable, but USD 300 is a bit too low. Even the locals survive on more than that and you would have to live pretty frugal to just make ends meet.

  87. behruzNo Gravatar ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Says:

    hi i am from iran and want to know if buying a land or house is availabale in goa thanks :-?

  88. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    behruz, the rules to buy land in Goa are currently changed in favor to locals. A lot of foreigners lost both – their land and their money already. The courts decide in favor of Goans, whenever there is a dispute, even with proper paper, documentation and lawyer support of the buyer. Just another example on how property ownership in a foreign country can come back to haunt you. Just check some india forums, like and the Goa section, you can read all the bloody details about it…. ;-)

  89. darcy2071No Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hi have returned to the UK after 7 years in sunny Marbella, finding it hard to readjust and am seriosly looking at going to Goa for 6 – 12 months. Any advice?? haven’t been there since 1989 and know it has changed. Will need 2 bed apt/house and a job. All help or comments greatfully received.

  90. twochordterryNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    how much for a one person room or small house in anjuna these days? or vacator or arambol ? or the places in candolim ? tia

  91. SergeyNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    about 10 000-20 000 per month. Сгккутдедн paying 450 rs per day – nice 2 room appartment (no tv no ac but good quzlity and queaty) – it takes time to find such good appartment.

    if you want better places fro less money try cerala – it seems to be cheaperr/ better/ less turistish

  92. cat furniture plansNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Go to, they will give you an inflation rate/chart by the month or the year. They will also let you know what areas/expenses are increasing at rates above the CPI rate, i.e. education, health care, fuel and other components to the consumption basket. From my experience, a 3% increase is standard and increases above 3% are rare.

  93. JenniNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    I was interested to read the article on the inflation rate and cost of living in Goa, We fell in love with Chorao Island near the town of Panjim It is truly a little bit of hidden and quite unspoilt paradise and also boasts its own bird santuary – all within easy reach of the beaches and Goan towns. We returned a second time in 2006 and bought a villa on a private gated complex, we which rent out occasionally. It is not easy for foreigners to purchase property in Goa unless they plan to live there or can find a way around all the red tape. In the next few years the island is likely to get a bridge across to the mainland towns and the property speculators are moving in. We shall then move out, hopefully having made a little bit to retire on!! Does anyone know of anothyer ‘secret island’ somewhere?.

  94. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Jenni, sounds like an interesting tip! Thanks for sharing. The problem with those ‘secret islands’ somewhere is that they best stay secret also. Thailand’s Koh Phi Phi was once a secret and now it’s more concrete than secret. Hehe! Or look what happened to the Full Moon Parties over there (it’s all brutally commercialized now with the Mafia fighting for market shares, while it started as an insider location for a few). Sometimes it’s amazing how fast ‘secret spots’ develop into tourist traps. Examples are also Dreamland Beach or this beautiful Angseri Hot Spring in Bali. I’m starting to wonder also, how much one should write and what better not to tell. Maybe better, to treasure your secret spot and hope that nobody else will ever find out about it! ;-)

  95. Rob WellsNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hi Chris, Im a Brit working in the security industry and looking to spend 6 months in Goa (maybe with some work in Mumbai) and 6 in UK.

    All im after is a simple one bed apartment on the beach in a friendly, quiet part of Goa where i can chill, make friends and spend at least 6 months a year “livin the dream”. Not askin a lot i know!!

    Im trying to budget and work out a plan, do you have any advice?

    Kind Regards, Rob

  96. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Rob Wells, there should be plenty of choices for you. Goa seems to experience somewhat of a drain of international long-term tourists and prices should still be pretty much what they were about 1 year ago. Prices for low/rainy season are of course even lower, as the tourist numbers drop more significantly.

    For a detailed idea, I would recommend not to go with prices/offers you see on websites, as they are mainly setup by agents, who have more money and usually quote inflated prices.

    Best thing: don’t worry/plan to much beforehand – come to Goa, stay in a hotel for the first 10 days, rent a bike, drive around and ask around. This way you will get much lower offers and often directly from the owners. You will also get a better feel for the areas and are not tied down for 6 months already (a mistake I made, but even with renting on the spot). For quiet areas I would recommend the beaches north of Anjuna or even Morjim, or to the south Palolem and onwards.

    Enjoy your trip and your stay! :D

  97. KenNo Gravatar UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Says:

    Hi – Can anyone advise on a good quality Retirement Home facility in Goa for a 60+ aged person.
    Good quality Medical facility and House Keeping would be useful.
    Rgds – Ken

  98. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Sorry Ken, never heard of Retirement Home Facilities in Goa, although I’m sure they exist. If anybody knows something, maybe he/she can put us on the right track?

  99. raviNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    i m earning INR 21,000 pm . i want to shift to goa. can m life will be comfortable i have my wife ,a child of 2 yrs. & my mother.

  100. HarshNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Can someone tell me if 800-900 usd a month is enough to live comfortably in goa in 2010?

  101. BaghdadbrianNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hey Harsh,

    I have been living in Goa with my family since Jan 3 2010. It really depends on what you mean by “comfortable,” I think you could live here fairly well for that, but your big question is going to be housing. It looks like there are some nice places right now available for 12000INR/month, and I think you will be hard pressed to find something for less than 8 or 10k.

    You can eat out with drinks for probably 300-400INR if you stick to beer, and much less if you skip alcohol and eat at shacks. Don’t expect to save any of that 800-900 USD if you want to live fun and comfortable, but if you’re careful you might surprise yourself!

  102. AyeshaNo Gravatar PAKISTAN Says:

    i want the total expenses of return visa etc of diffrent countries i mean i want to know which country is cheap in traveling n offcourse i want to go their for my study so please guid me the best country with technological institute please please pleaseee do reply me on my mail

  103. devasuryanNo Gravatar DENMARK Says:

    Hi Folks,
    My first read here and I liked the comments and the sharing going on. Well as an expat to me , i would recommend pondicherry compared to goa. Pondicherry is way cheaper, people more freindly and you can live a kings life with 20000 Inr a month in a 2 bedroom house with a servant and eat daily. Not to mention, alcohol rates are the cheapest.
    Folks all you have to do is this : get a 2 bedroom house for 4000 Inr, hire a cook at 3000 Inr and thats it , next time do explore pondicherry. Kanyakumari is also a good option and to those folks who prefer idylic polllution free life try udupi or dharmasthala as well .

  104. pulliceNo Gravatar not found Says:

    I would like to find out something.. Could someone please help me.. I am an indian staying inSouth Africa and I would like to retire in India. Currently I have a property in South Africa which brings in 100 000 indian rupees a month.

    I dont know anything about India and I would like to know a few questions about living conditions in india. I have a wife and 3 year old daughter as well

    1) where to live in india?
    2) rent amount more or less?
    3) more or less monthly cost of living?

    if any other info that can help me please let me know.

    thanking in advance

  105. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Baghdadbrian, thanks for helping out ravi and Harsh. I didn’t read here in a while, but great to see others having similar needs and expenses.

    Ayesha, are you okay? ;;)

    devasuryan, thanks for sharing your experiences regarding pondicherry. Sounds really like ‘a better Goa’ to check out. Maybe also some option to research for pullice, as currently he still has a very broad approach for his goal to return to India.

  106. IainNo Gravatar MALTA Says:

    Hi nice webpage seems helpful enough.

    I am passing thru goa for a couple of weeks next feb(2011)
    I wasn’t going to book any hotels i figured i’d arrive and see what i can find.

    Is it advisable to know where I will rest my head, or can I just look for a place for a 2/3 week stay there and then?


  107. IainNo Gravatar MALTA Says:

    Oh forgot to mention.. I dont care about luxury… having the essential is enough( a bed a shower and a toilet / hole in the floor :)
    Make the most of what you got! What you got will make the most!

  108. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Iain, although it’s high season, you should still be able to just go there and find hotels in all price categories. If you have low demands, there is plenty of accommodation available. Have a safe trip! :D

  109. AnitaNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    depending on where you go you can easily find a clean hotel room (AC) for around Rs 3000-4000 per night. We stayed at Villa Anjuna in December and thought it was good value.

  110. timpuchalaNo Gravatar NEW ZEALAND Says:

    If you’re British, the cheapest way of having/spending money in India is to get yourself an ICICI Bank account in the UK. ICICI bank is a national bank in India with a presence in the UK. You just use your other bank UK online bank/savings account to put money into the current account as and when needed.
    Their debit card incurs no commission charges and no transcation charges with ICICI ATMs and being national they are all over India.
    And it’s a visa card so it has the best exchange rates possible, usually better than mastercard, and way better than any money changers.

  111. timpuchalaNo Gravatar NEW ZEALAND Says:

    For long term cheap accomodation rentals, the area around Mapusa in the north would be my recommendation, between Mapusa and the coast. The countryside between the coast and Mapusa is divine. The beach would be accessible and Mapusa, an ugly city as all cities are!, but all the resources you need at the best prices, would be easy to get to. Rent a hotel in Calangute/Anjuna/Vagator or even Morjim and ask Taxi Drivers for what’s going down. Hopefully it wil be accommodation prices in your range ;0))) I would say around 8,000 for a nice small place.

  112. timpuchalaNo Gravatar NEW ZEALAND Says:

    Ooops, 8,000 per month, that is!

  113. timpuchalaNo Gravatar NEW ZEALAND Says:


    Would you my expanding on Udupi, Kanyakumari and Dharmasthala.
    Thanks and peace ;0)

  114. sofiaNo Gravatar MALAYSIA Says:

    hi.. we’ll be relocating to Goa in July as my husband gt a job offer there (contract for 2years). we hv a 18months & 6months baby.


    1) if m not mistaken the company will provide us accommodation and entitled to full maintenance near Bambolim/Panaji?? is that a good place?
    2) can we survive with usd900/month?
    3) is the post office/courier service reliable?

    appreciate your assistance.


  115. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    sofia, that sounds like around the capitol region of Goa, maybe because your husband’s job is closeby. The area is alright, you would have most amenities, shopping options around for local prices as the more expensive tourist places are further out; you should be okay and able to survive with that kind of money. Depends of course on your demands, it doesn’t sound like too big a salary. I never had any experience with postal service, once I needed to send some documents and used Fed Ex or DHL for that. Both can be found in Panaji, the costs are comparable like in other countries, there is no India discount.

  116. sofiaNo Gravatar MALAYSIA Says:

    Hi Chris.. thank you! appreciate your reply.. hopefully all will turn out OK!

    We’ll definitely be there in July.


  117. alexNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I have a few questions;

    Is it safe in Goa at night?
    Is there a lot of people abusing drugs? Or is that only behind the scenes?
    Is it easy to make friends as a foreigner? Will you be able to make local friends?
    Do the locals like foreigners? Are there good hospitals?

    I red all your posts and really enjoyed them! Thank you! I hope this thread stays active!

  118. alexNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:


  119. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    alex, the answers to your questions from my view are basically:

    No – it’s not at all safe at night. People get robbed, extorted, cheated, beaten up and even murdered all the time in Goa. No kidding. But as long as you are not a single female alone at night and go out with friends or join other groups, you should be safe.

    Drug use and abuse is obviously there but happens only at certain places in the public, mainly the beach bars in Anjuna and further North. What is the background to your question? You want to avoid or join in?

    It’s easy to make friends with locals and foreigners alike, although a lot of locals seem to view you as a walking ATM and I’m not sure, how true those friendships will turn out in the long run.

    The hospitals are great in my view. Thanks for reading most of the articles. But you definitely missed out reading up on 2 more articles, which answer your above questions in more details. This one here about Hospitals and Medical Tourism in Goa and this one, which answers the rest more clearly and detailed.


  120. DebraNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Do you have an update of the cost of living in Goa? Are there safer and cheaper places in India than Goa? We both love the ocean, but also other green areas. (on the chart my bf and I could live quite comfortably on 1,600 to 1,900 dollars a month in Goa). But it sounds dangerous. I live in L.A. in a bad neighborhood and never go out alone at night. We are kind of used to that- but it would be better if we could find someplace safer, if not cheaper, to live. We have travelled to Paris, and hung on to our money belts there, and never left our money in the hotels. We are both kind of streetwise, having lived in East L.A. and East Hollywood. People get shot in my hood on a regular basis, and I was mugged on my street in daylight. Goa can’t be much worse, but still…

  121. DebraNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Also what about teaching jobs there? especially English? Or even art? I have that experience, and graduate level education, but no certificate for teaching English, and have an MFA in art.

  122. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hi Debra, sorry I don’t have any updated spreadsheet at this point of time, as I haven’t been back to India within the last 3 years. With the amount of your budget, it should be possible to live a fairly good life anywhere in Asia, but especially in India, as it seems still the cheapest place to be. As a street-smart couple you shouldn’t face any dangers, especially if you use common sense, keep a low profile, don’t let wads of cash hanging out of your pockets and avoid shady people and dangerous situations. You can easily travel on your own from Goa to other parts of India, which are generally much cheaper. Mumbai and Goa are the most expensive areas in the country.

    Teaching English is probably not a good option in India to earn money, as Indians speak English fairly well, due to a good education system and salaries are very low. You wouldn’t even want to wake-up for the money you might be able to earn there. Other countries like Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam or Indonesia might be suited better for you, if that is part of your plan. For arts, I unfortunately have no clue.

    I wish you a nice trip, you will definitely enjoy it, wherever you go in Asia. It will broaden your horizon, you will make new friends, explore news cultures and foods and will become more open-minded without any doubt. ;-)

  123. DebraNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Also- is there air conditioning available in the apartments? what would electricity cost be for a 1-2 brm apartment? Are brownouts frequent ( blackouts happen here, in LA maybe not as much, but usually during hot weather)

  124. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Debra, air conditioning is definitely available in most apartments and rented places in Goa, previous electricity costs are in the spreadsheet above. There are brownouts, but it depends on the area and its development. Tourists areas not so much, less developed more frequent.

  125. MichaelNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Chris,, and I wanted to ask you about medications in Goa India, I was hoping to stay there for three months. I need to take a regiment of medications. What is the cost of medications there? Or should I bring my own medications with me. I was hoping to find paradise near the coast of Goa. If I decide to retire there, could I get good health care?
    These are meds. I need. Anti-retrovirals:

  126. Debra GirardNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Chris! Thank you for answering so soon! Where would I get an update as to the cost of living in Goa, or other parts of India? My bf and I already love Indian food, so food would never be a problem. And we would be attracted to the culture, spiritual aspects and history of India. I know we would go crazy over the art and architecture! We would love to visit Thailand Bali and Vietnam, as well, but would not be able to live there. Especially Vietnam, and Cambodia, as I am on Social Security,and they wont allow emigration to a communist country. GO figure.

  127. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hi Michael, I’m almost 100% sure, that you can get any medicine available on this planet in India, as most are manufactured here as well anyway. Just check the local pharmacies and if they don’t have it in stock, most bigger ones will happily order your meds for you. Even prescription drugs you will get most likely OTC ‘over the counter’ without the need to visit a doctor first. And that for the fraction of the price you would pay elsewhere, especially in the west. Just make sure, you know the ingredients of your med brands and you can buy generic medicines for almost anything even cheaper. Not convinced? Check out my article about Medical Tourism and I’m sure you will sleep better thinking about that topic.

    Hi Debra, regarding an update about Cost of Living figures, you could also check the forums. There are lots of helpful people and if you ask specific questions, you will most likely get a qualified answer for the state/region of India which you are targetting. As I haven’t been to India within the last 2 years, I can’t update the spreadsheet currently, but if you consider current inflation rates regarding cost/price developments, things shouldn’t have changed THAT much. Enjoy your trip! ;-)

  128. Giuliano MennellaNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hi Chris

    I went to stay in Goa three years ago and I really enjoyed the trip! I went there at the end of January and stayed in a nice hotel in Calagute, and also travelled in the south of Goa, which is a beautiful state. I found the beaches very nice and also I enjoyed what you can buy on the beach offered by local sellers. There are nice women who woudl give you a 40 minutes massage of the entire body for less than 4 sterling pounds. I agree that the cost of living is higher than in other parts of India, but the place is overall well kept, the merchandise cheap and in abundance and it is great fun. I would like to go back for a longer stay. I am Italian but live in the UK.

  129. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Giuliano Mennella, nice update. I’m, glad you enjoyed your trip! :D

  130. AlanNo Gravatar GREECE Says:

    Hi out there, read all the threads. Is there. any person out there who can tell the TRUTH, about where a pair of old farts adventurers can go in Goa for about 5 months as a last fling, without sleeping in cow sxxx can enjoy good beaches, dont mind roughing it within reason . aLL ADVICE VERY WELCOME
    Thinking of going in the next couple of weeks. Cheers

  131. GraemeNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi Alan have a look at our website

    We may be able to help you


  132. RAJKUMARNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi Chris.I have got a job offer to work in Goa for a pay package of Rs.18.00 lacs INR per annum. I am living in Hyderabad for the past 23 years.My son is moving away from us for further studies. Now moving to Goa, with my wife (who is house wife) Is there any tsunami threat in Goa ? Big rains casue any diseases ?
    Is it safe to leave my wife at home , while going to office.

  133. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hi Rajkumar, as far as I know, there is no tsunami thread in Goa, but who knows these days for sure? Same goes for big rain or any diseases out of the ordinary. I don’t know how much you trust your wife, but I don’t see anything wrong with leaving her home alone, while you work. ;-)

  134. IanNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    How up to date are the price comparisons shown here?

  135. IanNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Is free wifi readily available in Candolim?

  136. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Ian, the prices are from December 2008, so it might look a bit different, when you get there. Also at the time of writing, Wifi was not readily available in Candolim or elsewhere in Goa and internet in general was very spotty, slow and unreliable. 3G frequencies were just about to be auctioned of, mobile internet was with EDGE speed at best. Don’t know if or how that has changed during the last 3 years. ;-)

  137. scottNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Hi Chris,

    Very insightful blog. I was wondering if you could provide some links to similar websites, blogs, information etc to what is found here for Goa. Also your thoughts on living in Goa through the monsoon season.


  138. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    scott, in regards to other resources for your research: the forum at always helped me a lot to make qualified decisions. Other than that, I would recommend you to read my conclusion after living 6 months in Goa.

    ‘Monsoon yes or no?’ is a personal preference. Some like it, some don’t. The main disadvantage apart from the heavy downpour would be that most restaurants and establishments that cater to foreigners or tourists would shut down during Monsoon. So, your options for dining out are for sure severely limited. If that and the weather is no problem for you, just do it, as you can save even more money during the rainy season. ;-)

  139. RobNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Here is an updated list for Goa… Hope this helps

    Volunteer Living Costs in Goa, India

  140. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Great list Rob. Thanks for the link! ;-)

  141. RobNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    No problem Chris, I took inspiration from yours, although I had previously done lists for the taxi fares (as they seem to be extortionate in Goa!)

    It can be very difficult to get local prices as a foreigner, and the non local prices can vary so very much!!! Can be frustrating at times.

  142. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I know and that’s why those lists are so helpful to get an overview on what are real prices and what is already ripoff. Therefore, thanks again….very useful! =D>

  143. Ritabrata GhoshNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    @ Chris – We are of five friends hitting goa in the first week of may..can u suggest us any cheap party places where we can party all night ????

    And is there any silent noise party in North goa ??? Except the one at palolem ????

  144. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Unfortunately I wasn’t back in Goa since 2009, Ritabrata. So my knowledge of current cheap places and parties is completely outdated. I can recommend you the forum over at for more up2date discussions. Have a nice trip! ;-)

  145. RobNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Here are some NEW Price lists for Goa

    Cost of Living in Goa India

    Big Banana Beach Shack Prices (Calangute, Goa, India)


    Why Not Tashi’s Restaurant Prices (Calangute, Goa, India)

    Just got them finished 10 minutes ago, so please have a look and let me know if there’s any mistakes….

  146. SteveNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Hi Chris any chance of updating your living expense charts to all your countries to 2015?
    2008 is way outdated my friend
    Regards Steve

  147. RetrogradeNo Gravatar MEXICO Says:

    He means Sri Lanka.

    Thank you for the article. I’ve been to 26 countries, and have yet to go to India. I’ve been invited. Time to go. While there, I plan to visit Goa for a week or two. I hope the food prices are still comparable after 8 years. I loved the food prices in Penang, in Singapore, and in La Huasteca Potosina, though accommodations were pricy in all those places. Looking forward to visiting in the end of the dry season. I want it to be downpouring every day when I leave. Yeah! Love running in the rain!

    I also believe that was Miramar Beach that Matt Damon ‘s character Jason Bourne was running on in The Bourne Supremacy, eh?

  148. RetrogradeNo Gravatar MEXICO Says:

    You asked about other beaches… Have you ever looked into Manzanillo Bay, in Colima State, Mexico? You can rent an apartment two blocks off the beach for $125US/per month, with only another $65/mo for utilities and cable/phone. There is an American minister there who owns a lot of houses, go there and look for him. Easy to find.

    Or go out away from the downtown or the beach and pay $50-$100/month for a 1-3br house.

    The city I’m living in now is about a 12 hour drive away from there, and I just looked at a 3br house for $75US per month.

    I rent a mountain villa in eastern Coahuila for $25/mo when I need to get alone to write.

    The deals are out there. Happy house hunting.

  149. Ajay GoyalNo Gravatar not found Says:

    Hi Chris,

    I reached your blog from your post on Indiamike. It is June 2017 now, my friend, Can you please get cost for Goa, Bali, Philippines, and of any other country updated? I am going to Goa on June 10th 2017, please let me know if I can help you in updating it

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