Dec 01

This is what can happen to you in Asia’s red-light districts, even though you go with 2 or 3 persons. You can lose your wallet, mobile phone and – most important – your dignity. Here it wasn’t date-rape by men, but more date-rob by some hookers, stupid ones on top of that, leaving their ID at the hotel reception.

Didn’t know though, that those pills cause bladder control problems and worse. Must have been really a heavy dose, but read on:

Pattaya Walking StreetCHON BURI: Three unlucky vacationers from the Islamic Republic of Iran were taught a lesson on November 15, when they learned the hard way that pleasures of the flesh rarely come cheap – even in the steamy sois off south Pattya’s infamous Walking Street.

The three men, Sedaghat Heiydari, 30, Saber Mobanazade, 31, and Nohsen Nadsill, 32, came to the seaside resort town on a package tour. The men were presumably keen to take full advantage of being freed from the fetters of their conservative home country.

At the same time, they were keeping a careful eye on the holiday finances. It was for these dual purposes, perhaps, that the three decided to “bar fine” two young women from one of Pattaya’s many beer bars to share between themselves.

On the way back to their hotel – the suitably-anonymous Ambassador City Jomtien, the world’s largest resort hotel – the now five-strong group stopped for supplies: two bottles of wine – one white and one red – and two packs of Love brand condoms.

What happened next is still murky, but by the following afternoon, the wine had been drunk, five of the six condoms had been used – and not one of the three Middle Easterners could stand up.

Mr Mobanazade said that the last thing he could remember was drinking the two bottles of wine. He had no recollection of events until about noon the following day, when he woke up. Mr Mobanazade then tried to rouse his friends. Mr Heiydari, however, could not be awoken.

Mr Nadsill and Mr Mobanazade, although conscious, were unable to stand and were reduced to falling around on the floor. All three men had also suffered bladder control problems during the night.

Mr Heiydari, who still could not be roused to his senses, was sent to hospital. The other two victims were also later taken to hospital after first checking their belongings. The two Thai temptresses had apparently made off with US$1,200 and 3,000 baht in cash, and three mobile phones. Police are acting on the theory that the women spiked their victims’ wine with tranquillizers.

Pattaya NightlifeThe two young women may not have had such a successful night as the above haul of swag suggests, however. In their hurry to flee the scene, one of the girls forgot to pick up her government ID card, which was left with the hotel receptionist – as is standard procedure in reputable Pattaya hotels when a guest brings back unexpected company late at night.

An intrepid reporter from Thai-language daily newspaper Kom Chad Luek wrote that reporters were denied access to the crime scene and that hotel staff asked them not to run the story.

The woozy Iranians were smuggled out of a side entrance to evade the attention of the waiting press pack, the reporter added.

Source: Kom Chad Luek, Daily News

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written by Chris

One Response to “Full-House Fiasco in Pattaya”

  1. ff-webdesignerNo Gravatar GERMANY Says:

    hehe…sounds somehow familiar…

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