Jan 22

Family Atmosphere at the Start of Goa Trance Party at Hilltop in AnjunaGoa became famous in the 60’s and 70’s, when Hippies from all around the world discovered this smallest state of India to live a carefree life of love, peace and happiness here.

2 decades later in the early and mid 90’s – Goa Trance Techno Parties were invented here and with the help of Paul Oakenfold and other DJ’s, who went on a spree around the globe, they were introduced and became popular to a world-wide audience.

Over the last couple of years, Goa lost some of its appeal to the Trance crowds, as local police and competing local and Russian Mafia tried to cash in on its success; making official parties more and more difficult. Drugs and other crimes in broad daylight spiralled almost out of hand as a result.

These days there is a ban in place for all parties past 10pm, which obviously makes the whole concept obsolete. Over Christmas and New Year there was a ban on all parties on beaches in the tourist belt in Goa, with only a few exceptions – notably the Sunburn Festival event at Candolim beach – a Ravers magnet for the last few years, this year merely a shadow of itself.

This year the 3-day Sunburn Festival was even interrupted 2 times for hours at a time and risked immediate closure; due to conflicts with local authorities over permits and fees paid to whomever. With all this uncertainty ongoing, ticket sales plummeted and probably only a few hundred Ravers visited the event, compared to a crowd of thousands just a year back.


Psychedelic Painting, Goa Trance Party in AnjunaThen there is the unofficial Trance and Psych Trance center of Goa – Anjuna. Here is where the parties got started a few years back and where still most part of the action is. Although most of it is taking place unofficially and unannounced, only communicated by word of mouth and on short notice.

In two Beach shacks in South Anjuna, namely Curlies and Shiva Valley, you can party almost every day around sunset, when suddenly the chill-out tunes change to more trancy music, the volume is increased and strange plants are smoked openly all around you. More crowds and better atmosphere is usually on the weekends, especially on Saturday evening. Rarely you’ll see a Cop getting lost to this end of Anjuna, trying to enforce the strict 10pm rules. Also with fewer guest houses around here, there are probably less complaints of citizens and other inhabitants of the area.

Colorful Tree Lightings and Psychedelic atmosphere at Hilltop in Anjuna, GoaThe hills around Anjuna Beach and Vagator are the scene for most happenings, with the Hilltop Parties in Anjuna one of the rare fixtures of the scene. The organization is still top-notch, with printed tickets, Q-lines, colorful-lighted trees, top DJ’s, reasonable entrance fees and drink prices, helpers to collect the garbage and local vendors for all legal and illegal needs on the sidelines.

Here you can still join a trance party for 50 Rupees, which even includes a large bottle of mineral water. That’s a far cry from rip-off artists like Club Tito’s in Baga, who charge 500 Rupees for cover charge alone, without any drinks included for some mediocre R&B and disco tunes.

This place is now mainly frequented by rich Mumbai’ers, who throw around their money for overpriced cocktails; also the male-to-female ratio is something around 5:1 in Tito’s.

Other localities for interested Ravers in Anjuna are Westend, Banyan Tree and Prim Rose, but I found the Hilltop parties to be the most thrilling.


Psychedelic Painting, Anjuna Trance Party, Goa, IndiaCurrently most larger Rave and Trance Parties @ Hilltop oddly take place on Sundays. This is probably due to the fact, that mostly the Police enjoys their weekend at home with their families and rarely somebody checks up on parties or flags down bike riders in search for a cheap bribe. Still the parties are as good as a Techno Party can get. They start already around 3pm, with crowds flowing in around sunset.


Besides great music from local and sometimes international DJ’s, the whole scene is surreal. Surrounding trees are painted with fluorescent colors, with black light bulbs above them, so later at night everything is shining in bright colors of the whole rainbow.

Psychedelic paintings are hanging in the trees, featuring Aliens, Spaceships, Mushrooms, Indian Deities and other religious motives among Peace, Freedom, One World, Unity and other Raver messages.

Firedancer at Anjuna Trance Party in GoaBody or Face paintings are applied and especially before sunset the whole scene has more the appeal of a family picnic, with children running around and patrons mainly standing in front of the stage, slowly moving more like swaying trees in the wind.

The people are the most interesting bunch, very diverse from old sixty-year-old Hippies, over teenage ravers to whole families, classmates or tour groups to single-mothers with kids.

Firedancers entertain the crowds who don’t like to dance but love to enjoy a good show. After sunset the whole scene gets more lively and up to a 1.000 people are dancing to the same tunes.

Want to dance the night away yourself?

The next Hilltop Party is on 25/01/2008 with DJ Nigel. Maybe we’ll bump into each other… ;-)

Last Sunday, I shot some Pictures and a few short Videos over @ Hilltop. So if you are interested, check out those examples over here at Flickr for a small dose of Goan sounds and sights.

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written by Chris

95 Responses to “Goa’s famous Trance Parties – still going strong… maybe only just”

  1. [F]oxymoronNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    You’re absolutely correct about Tito’s… way, way, way overpriced! And not very, ahem, lively. Although this past year, some of this can be blamed on the area’s response to the Mumbai attacks.

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Found this article about arrests for illegal organizing of Rave parties at Mandrem and Morjim. It says that things are moving further North to more isolated spots now, after Anjuna and Vagator are more under police scrutiny. Let’s see tomorrow….

  3. Nomadic MattNo Gravatar TAIWAN Says:

    doesn’t look as fun as the full moon party but i hope to get to it one day….goa that is…

  4. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    It was actually quite good. The first picture above shows the place only before sunset. The real action was a bit later, but my small click-n-shoot camera doesn’t make too good pictures in the dark. :(

  5. AashuNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    ll be goin to goa around d end of the month….vent been around much….n being an indian not having gone to goa is shameful….finally ve found tym so i really wanna make d best of it….
    ne hilltop parties end feb????
    thanks a tonne!!

  6. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Aashu, should still be on! Just try it out Sunday evening close to sunset. Maybe we’ll bump into each other…

  7. AashuNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    yea…ll be at anjuna,probably….ll be riding down wid a frnd….these re all nyt parties ryt????

  8. LarsNo Gravatar GERMANY Says:

    i guess the partytimes are over. i’ve never been in goa, but i was in manali ’98 and ’08. worlds apart!

    ’98 there were lots of great parties. entrance fee? not existent. there was a box in the middle of the dancefloor for donations, that was it.
    ’08… no party. i heard of some parties afterwards, but there was no scene around to spread the word.

    times are changing… made me a bit sad, but i can accept it. if there are good parties, they are not in india anymore… or at least you have to search a lot to find them.

    anyway, india has sooo much to offer. to go there only for party would be a shame.

  9. AashuNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    wat do u xpect outta a student doin law….this s d only escape n wel yea hopefully within d budget….

  10. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Lars, you are probably right. The party scene moved already on to other shores, although there are still some small pockets of resistance in Goa. Plenty of locals (Mumbaiers and from Delhi) still come to Goa to party, but most of that takes place in Tito’s and at the beaches and is far from what you or I would describe as a Trance party. Though it pays to look and ask around a bit and yeah, there are still some available.

    Aashu, yep – the Hilltop parties are still all night.

  11. jitkaNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    have been living in Delhi for one and half year and looking for some rave scene, but the result is 0. and the same in goa every time go to anjuna for weekend nothing happens. may be just unluck. any idea when some next rave s planned near anjuna???

  12. jitkaNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    chris: just read your second name, sounds pretty czech…

  13. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    jitka, there are always parties ongoing at Hilltop, WestEnd and other places, but it’s hard to plan in advance. Your best bet is when you’re here, just ask around and you will most likely find a place where things are still happening.

    Yep. the name sounds czech, the name is actually not that uncommon in Germany. Some heritage from my grandfather, who was from a big town what is today’s Poland (formerly German Waldenburg, now Walbrzych near the czech border). My grandfather even used to drive the old 60’s Skoda Octavia car back in East Germany until the late 80’s; which was really a gem of a car, the shape, the sound, the reliability. ;-)

  14. jitkaNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Chris: yeah pack and go is probably the best way, getting mad from delhi, but now it s time for rave parties to shift to himalayas i guess

    what you mean by hilltop, never heard

    actually skoda cars are quite popular here, skoda has a factory in aurangabad and makes octavia and fabia for indian market, but octavia calls laura here, i saw some also in goa when was there last november
    so do not you miss europe???

  15. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    jitka, Hilltop is the place in Anjuna where there are most of the Trance parties these days in Goa. That’s where I shot the pictures for the article above.

    No I don’t miss Europe, especially not the winters. :D
    Only miss my family but see them at least once a year, either somewhere in Asia or I go on a short trip back home.

  16. jitkaNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    hmm i miss especially winters, last weekend was skiing in Himalayas Gulmarg, sun and beach is perfect but can become boring little bit… anyway everything s better than delhi…

    btw check this, looks like gud stuff : http://www.goatrance.de/goabase/party/details/43192

  17. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    I freeze already just thinking of winters! Thanks for the link, will check it out. ;-)

  18. Dull BoyNo Gravatar INDIA Says:


    Im gonna be in goa the next week saturday through tuesday

    Could you guys let me know where the raves are happening at the time?


  19. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Dull Boy, thought I mentioned most of the known places in the article. For others, you would have to ask around in Anjuna/Vagator. Most are happening on short notice.

  20. Dull BoyNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Thanks Chris…
    ive kept the names in mind..

    but even if something were to pop up on short notice, whom or where would I be able to inquire?

  21. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Dull Boy, you have to ask other travelers in restaurants, beach shacks or elsewhere. Most of these parties are advertised by word of mouth only. Only some have flyers pinned on trees, black boards of shopping marts or around Anjuna/Vagator.

  22. johnNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Wow, I am fully thrilled by the artistic beauty that Goa has in offering. Trance parties at its best.

  23. vagatore beatsNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    chris, heard the cancelled shanti jatra’s crew is organising a party in hilltop for 3 nights from oct 7 09. Is it true?

  24. vagatore beatsNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    btw aint it better to keep the non rave crowd away from the parties rather than sending them there just to quench their curiosity on raves???

  25. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    vagatore beats, that can well be, but I can’t comment on it first hand; as I left India in May 2009 already. After a short stint to visit my family back in Germany, I live already the last half year in the Philippines. Hope that Goa will still be in full swing soon, as the rainy season should come to an end in a few weeks. :D

  26. IrfatNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi would like to know if there would be any parties or exciting events in GOA between Jan 16, 2010 – Jan 24, 2010. coz i have a trip planned around that time. it would be great if some one could share some information on this. Thanks in advance…. :)

  27. Chris SimpsonNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Best rave parties in the world are in Australia. There are the big ones with Government permission oround Melbourne in the Southern summer; or the ‘Bush Doofs’ out in the forest behind Byron Bay most of the year but peaking about once a week in January.
    These guys just haul everything in to a forest and put the word out in Byron Bay and Nimbin. 1000+ people, huge sound, worldwide DJ’s, every party substance known to man and virtually no scams violence or busts.

  28. RamiNo Gravatar GERMANY Says:

    Hello everyone, same as every one coming from lebanon for nice parties in FEB 2010 in any would love to know. Boom.

  29. GoanDudeNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    hey ppl..parties hapnin at curlies: thu n sat..starts at 4p.m ..hill top:sat n sun ..shiva valley: tue ..
    Letz all party 2gether..:)

  30. boomNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    any parties from the 8th to 15th? please let me know as i will be planning my next trip around that time. thank you (:

  31. samiNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    wht about 29th to 3rd… curlies n shiva wld def b blowing it everynight…i wanna the scene at morgim further up north….also not so far away…gokanna wld also b exploding…heard tht for the past few yrs gokanna has been rippin the scene

  32. vjNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Any parties b/w 23rd to 30th Jan,Please post as i am planning my trip over tht period.

  33. RajNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hey guys heading this weekend to Goa…..U ppl got any ideas of any already happening parties??

  34. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Seems the party scene is not very organized or lively anymore in Goa. Oh well! :(

  35. boomNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    well i recently returned from goa.. parties happening!! tue at shiva valley, sat-sunday hilltop which i think is not the same as before.. there was a party at aswem last thursday at blue wave shack which was pretty good. 26 hours straight.. there is a 3 day festival “chakra-view” from the 5th-7th feb somewhere in agonda, near butterly beach in a forest. so keep ur eyes open for that. until next time….. booooooooooom

  36. lilithNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Goa 2010

    I have discovered this page in the web accidently.

    If anybody ever intends to come to goa for trance parties pls be aware that those small events what they call parties like curlies shiva valley and hilltop, westend are not safe places. What i mean is that if u intend to smoke chillum in the party and to enjoy yourself with other things pls be carefull sinc this events are continuesly observed. Pls be carefull of your belongings too!

    Indian male tourist frequent this places ONLY for foreign girls. It means be aware.
    They dont come to enjoy the music or the party they only come with one aim in their head. There are some few exceptions.
    They see soo much naked skin and they go crazy! Their mentallity is very different and sick!

    If u intend to come to goa to enjoy yourself in parties, then wait until u ll get to know about some sudden parties happening around. mostly this kind of parties happen now a days in Morjim or Arambol. Those parties are safer and at the end more fun with only some minority of indian tourists.

    I am a foreign girl living in Goa and married to a local for 10 years now.

  37. madhavNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    will be there in goa frm feb 19th.. any trance parties at anjuna ??

  38. kamranNo Gravatar ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN Says:

    I was in Goa this past weeks and there were great trance parties at Curlise and Shiva valley from 6-7 pm till mid (not every night). very good ambience, good people, great energies.

  39. transmaniaxNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    The psy trance scene in Anjuna is still going as strong as ever if this youtube clip from the 30 March 2010 Full Moon party at Shiva Valley is anything to go by:

  40. ribinNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    any full moon parties at anjuna beach on 27 or 28 dis month….or any trance parties..

    reply me chris..

  41. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    ribin, no idea, last time I was in Goa was more than a year ago. Maybe someone else could help, or simply read the many comments above on how to find the best parties around. Also check out flyers in the supermarkets and the usual suspect spots. Good luck! :D

  42. MarsNo Gravatar UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Says:

    Any ideas wat the paty scene is like in Dec/ New Years? Hoepfully more psychedelic parties happen at this time of the year

  43. madhavNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    thnk u guys …. shiva valley took me beyond evrything i could imagine … that probably sums up goa … goa is an experience … goa is my life ! :)

  44. GioNo Gravatar SAUDI ARABIA Says:

    Holla guuuuys

    How’s everybody???

    I’m planning to go to Goa around the time of 2nd of Sep -14th of Sep

    I’m looking for a Relaxation Trip + some Real action at Famous Goa rave parties

    is there any parties held at that time (2-14 sep)??

    are the parties still going on as it used to be???

    cause i’m having some doubts now!!! cause i have two destination options (Goa or bali)

    any one could help me out guys??? plz

  45. RibinNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    L-) hai everybody ,

    In anjuna,trance party will be der ,every thursday 8pm to12pm.
    exactly last anjuna , desides the hill.

  46. ChristoNo Gravatar not found Says:


    Can someone recommend some places in Goa that might have a party going between the 1st Aug and 14th Aug 2010.

    Thanks :)

  47. MissyNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Planning Goa with my girlfriends towards the last weekend of september.Will appreciate it if we could get any info on parties happening around that time at curlies,Shiva Valley,Ashwem,hilltop or any other place? Thanks in advance ;-)

  48. BOBBYNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    hey guys ,, will be in goa from sep 9th thru the 15h, any clues to where the party’s at during these dates …sandals and shorts party being on high preference …would appreciate a nudge in the right direction …

  49. WhitedoveNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi am currently in Anjuna, all is good, there is a good vibe… Curlies is Trancing strongly daily, there is first big party ay ‘Westend 16th to 19th’ Anjuna Rock’s… ‘See you out there’ Namaste

  50. BoomNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    hey whitedove, you passed on a great news today. keep on rockin the parties.

  51. hashishNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    friends,,,,om namah shivay…i am visiting goa just for the raves from last 8 years and i love goa more than ma hometown..westend is a place where big parties happen and they are announced,,,and the next party is from 18th 9 pm to 20th 10 pm…go to the goatrance site u will get it there…secondly,, i wud suggest U to go to other full moon raves at morjim aswem,vagator and arambol…they are more psychedelic..and No entry fees…drinks at better price.. westend is the HUB of russian mafia.. so they hav a command over that area…but there is no tension in going for a party at morjim or aswem.. they are very safe…season starts in oct 1st week…though sum parties can happen b4 that…and Ravers i wud suggest U to stay nearby morjim or aswem, or anjuna vagator area…its easy to have a track of raves…or take ur bike or car and chek out for the parties once everydaay (mostly friday and sat)..,, ask any peddlar..they have info sumtime..or go to 9 bar vagator and try to get some info…DJ or anyone u find gud..the original raves wud only be possible thru contact.. nothing else mind it

  52. HeleneNo Gravatar DENMARK Says:

    hey everybody,, will be in goa from dec 10th to 2th january , do any one know that there will be a full moon party or any other nice partys during these dates ?? ;;)

  53. hashishNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    @helene…thats the peak time n there wud be a lot of parties,,infact every alternate day U can find them u just keep ur eyes on these places,, aswem,, morjim,, arambol and vagator,, ask people or shack owners abt dat..
    most importantly I will also b there fr whole dec and jan.. U can ask me at ashish123sharma@gmail.. will send U the updated info lol..

  54. davidNo Gravatar SWITZERLAND Says:

    Hi everybody,

    Christmas and New Year seem to be good dates for parties.
    But is it also worth going afterwards, like January-February? Are there weekdays or days of the month where most parties are held?

    Thank you!

  55. Ross2452No Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Im flying out on the 28th of december for two weeks. Going with family but intend on raving it up as much as possible.

    Does anyone know what the chances of me getting to play a wee psy-trance set set over there would be and if so, how would i go about it…just the usual means?

    Also, does anyone know what the alcohol alternitives are like? ;)

  56. hoffmanNo Gravatar CHINA Says:

    hi Ross,
    Nice to hear you go to Goa – you sound excited – enthusiasm is good. Maybe noone will answer you cause generally not too cool to make such enquires online. But rest assured, dont worry about the parties or party favorites – they will both exist – but both not something you can plan bdforehand – just chill and the rest will work out when the time arrives….

  57. Ross2452No Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    cool. really looking forward to raving it up:)

  58. sandNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Im coming in to Goa from Dec 29-Jan 4. Are there any good parties for techno for these dates. I just found out I am going to miss the SunBurn Festival Dec 27-29 :( …. and I just booked my flight, non refundable or changeable arrrgghhh !
    Any good clubs that play tribal, techno or hard house around Arunjana?

  59. MempheszNo Gravatar INDIA Says:


    We are planning to be in Goa from the 16th until the 19th of December 2010. Please suggest some great, tried & tested rave parties to attend!!!


  60. sashNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    is there any good party at goa during January2011………….some one please………….. :((

  61. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    I would love to answer those calls for the best parties in Goa, but as I didn’t visit for more than 18 months, it might not happen. The only advice I can give is going there first and asking around. There is always something happening and others will be happy to share those with you, by flyers or word of mouth. Don’t worry too much before-hand, just go and make the best out of what you found on the ground. :D

  62. RoshanNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Hi ,

    I want to visit Goa between 27 to 2 jan with my girlfriend and also as we are party lovers so we like to go for rave parties.

    Is that be safe to go for rave with girlfriend?


  63. AurkoNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    ^^ yeah its safe man. Maybe we’ll bump into each other, im planning a trip this new year’s myself :D

  64. bluebloodNo Gravatar DENMARK Says:

    Call me between 29th Dec and 01Jan for trance parties in GOA.

  65. vishalNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    hi guys..is ther best party place at goa during 30 dec to 2 jan plz let me know guys …
    love u…

  66. HellsShadowNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi, I would be reaching goa tomorrow with my friends. Is there any rave party happening around.

  67. anjunabeetzNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    The psy trance scene in Anjuna is still going as strong as ever if this youtube clip from the 30 March 2010 Full Moon party at Shiva Valley is anything to go by: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DXW4Db3G1nk


  68. SBCNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    psy trance parties of goa was on full mode during this years russian new year. parties lasting about 2 days were held at blue waves,liquid sky and at many other places >:)

  69. Ross2452No Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Got back last week, ended up staying in colva with family the whole time so no raving….but im sure there is plenty going on up north.

  70. rahulNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    is that any party going on on feb 04 to 10th in goa?

  71. davidNo Gravatar SWITZERLAND Says:

    hi just came back yesterday. Great party on Mondays and Tuesdays. it was packed on tuesday and music was good shit! for other weekdays i think other beaches are better, but haven’t been there.

  72. RahulNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    WIll be in Goa from 12th February till 15th February……it wud be gr8 if you guyz help me wid any parties around…….where will I find 1?

    Looking fwd to ur replies..

    Thanks and party hard!!!!!

  73. RizaNo Gravatar UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Says:


    We are planning to go to GOA on April, are there going to be any parties during that time? :/ please help. My first time to go to GOA and been wanting to go there for ages :(

  74. NitinNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    heyy guys….me n my frnds r commin to goa just for pure partyin :) we will be reaching der on 9th of april i.e. saturday mornin, n will be staying der for abt 7 days….pls tel me wer to party [TRANCE] ……thank u guys in advance :)

  75. Ross2452No Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:


    I was in Colva (south) the whole time – not a lot going on party wise (as expected) although still fun times. Time has been pretty cruel to Goa. I feel it has lost a lot of the vibe from ten years back; less quiet beaches, more Corona billboards… but I suppose that’s just how the world works. If you dig a little you will find the spirit of old Goa in certain places.

    Stick north if your looking to rave it up. Lots of interstate tourists kicking about but good vibes as always. 7 days is not long to find an event so i would maybe go to baga/anjuna etc, to see what the chat is and then go from there.

    Good luck and have fun!

  76. sameerNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Rave Party in goa

    hello friends hw r u? my self sameer well i m the event Organiser in goa

    and u knw some people like enjoy in group with Girls, Boys and Cpls etc..

    So, if u wanna any details like this type party so see this link 1st then call me only serious persons contact me. age group 18+ to 28+ this party look like a small rave type party but included only drinks,foods and enjoyment.. party timing is 8pm to 4am.. nw 10th party on 10/oct/11

    Notes:- yeh Party kisi Appartment mein hoti hai or Ratio hota hai 10M/6F
    or Bada Event Farm House mein Hota hai..

    Female Entry is Free

    Cpl Entry Fees is 5000/-

    Stag Entry Fees is 10,000/-

    join facebok – delhiraveparty
    or sameerpt66


  77. sameerNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    hi m rahul
    from goa looking for travel friends contact me rahulvrw on facebook
    or call 9806109849


  78. shad rao ali khanNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    hey join rev party with me only aligarh girls and boyz can join all entry r free boyz free and girls pay 500 rs only the best party of uttar pradesh contact me on 9319284139

  79. darshanNo Gravatar INDIA Says:


  80. eddieNo Gravatar MALAYSIA Says:

    hi guys,

    any up coming events/rave/party in anjuna from 3rd till 10th nov?? pls advice….thanks! :D

  81. aryan singhNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    >:) >:) any thing upcoming in the second week of nov please inform ..

  82. JuliecbNo Gravatar DENMARK Says:

    Any up coming events feb/mars 2012?? :)

  83. AKKUBNGLRNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hey Party Ppl Infected Mushroom in Goa Sun Burn Party is Starting at Goa From Dec 27 -29,
    Google it for more details…

    Have Nice time in Goa India…

  84. NainNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    @Chris or Rest, I am plannin to hit Goa this Christmas weekend. Please let me know of any good Beach party or psy party on the 24th and 25th.

  85. miniNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hey I am visiting goa during the christmas weekend.. Pls apprise me on the much talked about psy and trance parties furing that time

  86. Oretha WyrickNo Gravatar RUSSIAN FEDERATION Says:

    If your looking for top Club Beats check out http:www.pop-beats.com , great beats for any artist. Find that heat; Pop Beats, Club Beats, Hip Hop Beats and RnB Beats.

  87. sirouza dsouzaNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Talking about the trance parties in Goa its all about the lineups which takes place during season and the private club parties throughout the year in Goa, I’m a regular traveler to Goa and almost visit all the events in Goa along with: if u wanna enjoy Goa with power trips and line ups add me on BBM 273195D3 L-)

  88. ArrNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi guys, a bunch of us will be visiting goa next month for abt a week. It ll be on 3rd week of Feb. would be really great if someone can give any info abt rave parties happening around that time or where to get that info.. any mail or phone nos will be appreciated….. Thanks

  89. AMOSNo Gravatar not found Says:

    Hey Guy’s Wen is d full moon parties happen in curlie’s for 2012 any updates

  90. BinoyNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Any trance party @ hilltop or Westend in this week?

  91. KieranNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hey Nain, anyone else hu was ing goa over new year, were there any Trance Parties on New Years Eve??


  92. mustakimNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Just want to know that is there any trance party coming up in first week of September 2012??


  93. Chetan jainNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    I want to know do you have rev party in janaury between 4th to 8th jan.if yes please inform me if you can

  94. kalyan koneruNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    hey dude any rave from 26th dec to 2 nd june??

    thnx in advnce :)

  95. MasonDevilNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    IF you really want to have good Parties, Go to SunBurn. You will have a separate psychedelic stage with crazy Sound and People. Once the Party is OVer you have an After party at Hilltop, Vagator. Next to Sunburn. Also Prefer to stay in Vagator( Nearby Guest house Like RED SOIL) All Safe. Enjoy Curlies and Shiva Valley Parties on Tuesday and Saturday when they announce it officially. Else the Locals Peddlers will always be on the run to catch hold on u and then they will Tip abt this to Police as well. So Be SAFE GUYS

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