Oct 24

Outage Monster strikes nomad4ever.comFor the last 2 days nomad4ever.com was experiencing constant Access Troubles. You probably saw the following errors (if you could access the site at all):

  • X.500 Internal Server Error, Website not accessible – or MySQL WordPress Database Errors
  • In General – ultra-slow loading of Website or some pages not shown at all

I want to apologize to you – my Readers – for these problems, caused by a DNS failure in the Co-location Datacenter of my Hosting Provider Dreamhost. If interested, you can read the whole story here.

Unfortunately, the problems are still not completely resolved yet, as of now. :-(

In fact hundreds of sites hosted at Dreamhost were affected and were/are either completely down or hardly accessible at all.

My site was at least temporarily available. But it had only about 25% of its usual daily visitors.

Sorry for the inconvenience again – I hope those technical problems will be resolved soon and the site will be as accessible as ever.

Do you have suggestions for more reliable Hosting? Please comment:

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written by Chris

One Response to “Website Unavailability Problem!”

  1. Iklan Baris GratisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Try using servage chris.. i have using their service for one year and their uptime was amazing.. if u interested, u can use my coupon code and get extra 25GB space for you..

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