Jul 09

10. Money can buy a bed, but it cannot buy sleep.A load of money...

9. Money can buy books, but it cannot by brains.

8. Money can buy food, but not appetite.

7. Money can buy finery, but not beauty.

6. Money can buy a house, but not a home.

5. Money can buy medicine, but not health.

4. Money can buy luxuries, but not culture.

3. Money can buy amusement, but not happiness.

2. Money can buy companions, but not friends.

1. Money can buy flattery, but not respect.

Sometimes it’s good to remember, right? ;-)

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written by Chris

28 Responses to “10 Things Money Cannot Buy”

  1. ChristineNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    It’s always good to remember, thanks for the reminder. :)

  2. clairemNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    the world would be a better place if we didn’t need the reminder but knew those truths intrinsically… that’s unfortunately not the case, and it is good to be reminded. Thanks.

  3. robmeyerNo Gravatar ECUADOR Says:

    Good list Chris, but I think you should mention one thing that money CAN buy… WOMEN!!!

    Btw, that was a joke. Hope I don’t get any hate mail for that one…

  4. MichaelNo Gravatar CANADA Says:

    Money money, it is the rat race and it is great to think of the none money things. I remember a great study that linked money and happiness up to 30,000, but over that amount it was an inverse relationship, the more money more problems. Was that socrates?

  5. The DinoNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    What about: Money can buy whore, but not love.

  6. cheese tasting wineNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Hi Chris,

    Nice list…

    @dino.. nice comment :)


  7. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Dino’s comment should be the 11th :-D

  8. xsplatNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    I sure agree – persuing money can be a drain.

  9. The DinoNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Thank you. It is old true and I am lucky that I dont have to buy the whore…

  10. 3 Secrets to Early Retirement (and Life like a Nomad forever) | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Don’t be a Pretender any longer! Money can’t buy you happiness! […]

  11. ChloeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:


  12. danielaNo Gravatar ROMANIA Says:

    money can not buy happiness =D>

  13. DeeNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Money buys shelter (over head and on body) and food – without that, there is very little foundation for basic stability, and often a path towards unhappiness. So a little money (or support) helps to attain a calm mind and some foundation for happiness.

  14. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    That of course is true as well. ;-)

  15. vicongNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    quote from someone at slashdot.org :

    “Money can’t buy happiness, but somehow it’s more comfortable crying in a Porsche than a Hyundai.”


  16. trucNo Gravatar VIET NAM Says:

    money can you food, but not family meal. ;-)

  17. fareedoooNo Gravatar SAUDI ARABIA Says:

    money can buy everythings, but not parents

  18. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Good ones as well. Reminds me to give my parents a call and check that flight reservation….

  19. camillaNo Gravatar SINGAPORE Says:

    hey chris everything that i always see but i havent done yet as like you,you like to make blog but i hope i can make book the true story all my travel and everything sorry to put this because you gift me inspiration to create so i want do that but exactly your blog is good post i like it.hope you gift me advise by that thanks by camilla

  20. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Camilla, all the best for your book writing then. And thanks for the friendly words!

  21. SYAHIRNo Gravatar MALAYSIA Says:

    what a good reminders. money also cannot buy our believes. is it right?

  22. ChrisNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    I believe so! :D

  23. Deepak raj subediNo Gravatar NEPAL Says:

    L-) :-o
    you are absolutely right… i feel u need to add some more things as well…
    money can buy a physical body for sex but not the love… ha ha although it is already include in some of the points but still young agers need them directly…
    nice job

  24. Mr. Dilli Raj SubediNo Gravatar NEPAL Says:

    Money can buy companions, but not friends!!! =D>

  25. mohitNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    its good yaar

    You can buy a college degree, but not an education
    You can buy insurance, but not safety
    You can buy jokes, but not laughter
    You can buy a bed, but not sleep
    You can buy a house, but not a home
    =D> =D>

  26. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Right on, guys! ;-)

  27. What money can’t buy « Actspot's Blog UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Make your own list of things money can’t buy. Then compare it with this list http://nomad4ever.com/2007/07/09/10-things-money-cannot-buy […]

  28. NabeelNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Exactly what I need for my homework!!!

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