Mar 22

A Plane of Wings Air IndonesiaRegarding the improvement of the safety of Indonesia’s airlines, there seems to be some consequences finally on the way.

Indonesia’s Adam Air, Wings Air and Dirgantara Air Service could fall into the Transportation Ministry’s lowest rating category when the results of a recent audit are announced, an official said.

“It is possible that those three airlines will fall into the third category of the rating,” the head of the directorate of airworthiness certification, Mr Yurlis Hasibuan, told The Jakarta Post. The directorate-general for air transportation is set to announce this week the ratings for 15 private and state-owned airlines operating in Indonesia.

The ratings include three categories: Compliant airlines that have rectified both major and minor infractions, non-compliant airlines that have managed to better their performance within a three-month period, and repeat offenders that have ignored safety regulations.

Mr Yurlis said airlines that fall into the third category will have three months to improve their performance before the government makes a final decision to revoke their Aircraft Operator Certificates.

A Dirgantara Air plane crashed in Kalimantan in 2005, while an Adam Air flight crashed into the sea off Sulawesi on New Year’s Day, killing all 102 people. This year’s review is the first for Wings Air since it started operations in 2003.

Source: Today Newspaper, Agencies

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written by Chris

3 Responses to “3 Indonesian Airlines Risk Closure”

  1. Adam Air escapes license revocation | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] 3 Indonesian Airlines Risk Closure […]

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    […] least 1 airlines catastrophe every few months for the last couple of years. There was even talk of closure of some of the incident-stricken airlines earlier, but some money changed hands and nothing […]

  3. Adam Air Indonesia grounded! | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] the last 2 years, there were various rumors that Adam Air’s license might be revoked, if they didn’t clean up their mess and […]

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