While some of Indonesia’s famed airlines obviously try their best to get their acts together – this can’t be said about the most notorious suspect – Adam Air.
Over the last 2 years, there were various rumors that Adam Air’s license might be revoked, if they didn’t clean up their mess and come up with concepts how to improve their safety standards and maintenance regime.
But – as often in Indonesia – nothing much followed, except maybe some money changing hands and things continued as usual.
Nothing much followed? Not exactly:
A further string of incidents and near-accidents followed from Adam Air. The latest issue occurred just last week, when one of its 737-400 skidded off the runway on Batam Island (next to Singapore), injuring 5 of the 176 passengers and crew onboard.
While that wouldn’t be even worth mentioning a few months back – times have changed quite a bit.
Indonesia’s Government is currently trying hard to be allowed again to fly into Europe – a ban was instated by the EU a few years back, following Indonesia’s dismal record of airlines safety, with 2-3 serious or fatal incidents every year.
It seems that the majority of airlines got the message, with Garuda and especially Lion Air doing what they can to overhaul their operations and financial management. They purchased new planes, set up new training schedules on international standards in cooperation with Australia and even got backing of financing institutions like the Export-Import Bank, a body owned by the Government of the USA.
No plan, no idea
For Adam Air’s 3rd incident in just 18 months last week, an investigation into the accident showed that “the pilot had no idea what to do in an emergency situation”. So, Budhi Mulyawan Suyitno, Director General for air transportation of Indonesia, pulled the plug yesterday and suspended all their flights as of today:
“It is no longer allowed to operate any of its aircraft,” he said, adding that the Transport Ministry had found its operating and maintenance standards inadequate and training of personnel substandard.
They have now 3 months to solely concentrate on rectifying their problems and coming up with a plan on how to improve the situation or risk finally the ceasing of all operations.
I can’t say that I’m surprised at all – maybe about the actions of the Transport Ministry to finally pushing through with affirmative action. That can only be saluted and hopefully set an example for other airlines to follow suit quickly.
Not surprisingly – their website is still working. You can still chose routes and book tickets, although that wouldn’t be a good idea by all means.
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March 19th, 2008 at 8:28 pm
that is the best decision ever made by the Indonesian govt. to be honest, there should couple more airlines companies need to be grounded due to the low standard of flight safety procedure.
March 20th, 2008 at 12:23 pm
Yikes! Doesn’t do much to allay my fears of flying. Luckily, I flew Singapore Air when I came over.
btw, I wanted to let you know that I finally posted about our fun meet-up in November! You can see it here: http://www.travel-betty.com/travel-betty-meet-up-with-nomad4ever/
Be well
March 20th, 2008 at 6:10 pm
Devari and Travel Betty – yup, I think the Indonesian Government finally realized that they can’t talk only, if they want to restore national and international faith into the country’s aviation industry. Hope that examples shows the other airlines, that the time for NATO (No Action Talk Only) is up.
Ah yes and Betty – many thanks for the friendly and kind words! We enjoyed meeting you in Bali just as much and had a ball of a time. Talking about time – 3 hours passed like an eye blink and I couldn’t believe that the sun was actually setting already, when we parted.
I hope we can do that again and I’m sure we will catch up during one of our travels wherever we may roam at that time!
March 21st, 2008 at 12:02 am
LOL..dunno how to say..but as i know Adam Air sudden grounded not because only of the security factors. that because affair and corrupt in the company.
as the major party is the owner and operational director vs financial director. with 50-50 share holding in the company.
but the problem as the financial department director also the owner of few TV channel and Few mass media magz..that make the real problem cover up by the mass media of the financial department director. and use security problem as the reason (although it is true)..But can’t say that is the best what Indonesia gov best action..LOL.. it is happen not because of the security issue but back to the money.LOL..
March 22nd, 2008 at 7:10 pm
[…] nomad4ever blog. […]
March 22nd, 2008 at 10:42 pm
I have flown Adam Air a few times last year for domestic flights in Indo but after seeing an Indonesian based airline crashing or disappearing a few times on the news I stopped using any domestic airlines if I can help it.
But if I want to fly domestically in Indo I really don’t have a choice but to use a local airline, lately I have been using Lion Air. But for anywhere else I always fly Singapore Air
But no matter what my ass tightens up every time I jump on an Indo airline, even before all of the crashes my stewardess friends used to tell me stories about incompetent pilots, lousy maintenance and how easy it is to bribe airline inspectors.
March 28th, 2008 at 5:50 am
I don’t know what to say. Our Indonesian airline has make a bad looking in world eye. I hope Gov. can solve the problem.
I hope so.
March 31st, 2008 at 1:39 pm
Dear mother of god……………finally! Keep those Adam Air bastards off the runways!
I have a special place in my heart for the dumb cow flight attendant that nearly knocked me out by smashing me over the top of the head with a full luggage bin. Yes, I still remember you, dumb ass.
May 16th, 2008 at 3:52 pm
[…] check in. It’s also not unheard of for planes to crash for unexpected reasons, especially the recently grounded Adam Air. To be on the safeside, I flew on the only slightly more expensive Garuda, […]