Dec 05

Malaysia FlagMalaysia may introduce tough Internet laws to control bloggers and prevent them from spreading “disharmony, chaos, seditious

material and lies” on their websites, a report said Sunday. Deputy Science and Technology Minister Kong Cho Ha said moves such as registering bloggers would be difficult, but accused some writers of posting controversial articles to attract readers.

“We are talking about creating cyber laws to control those who misuse the Internet,” Mr Kong was quoted as saying in The Star newspaper. He cited a photo on an opposition politician’s website last month of a Muslim male and Muslim female lawmaker, reportedly showing the man in a bathrobe with the woman lying on his chest, in what appeared to be a hotel room.

It sparked a scandal, with accusations the pair had committed the Muslim sin of khalwat, or close proximity, when two unmarried people of the opposite sex are alone in each other’s company.

Source: AFP

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