Nov 05

The Jakarta Post interviews Bali BloggersThe Jakarta PostThe Jakarta Post published today an article on how Blogs and the Internet can help to promote Bali as a travel destination. It shed some light as well on the positive and negative effects of Online Media as Journalists, Blog Experts and Amateur Bloggers, who happen to live in Bali, were interviewed.

Surprisingly I was asked as well by Prodita Sabarini of The Jakarta Post a few days ago, if she could interview me about my view and experiences on the subject. Of course I felt honored and agreed:

After all The Jakarta Post is the biggest English language newspaper in Indonesia with about 25.000 copies daily, oriented towards local English-speaking expatriates and the diplomatic and business community.

So it happened that is mentioned in the article as well. ;-)

I liked most about Prodita’s article that not only an overall rosy picture was painted of the situation. It’s more a fair review of the present state.

Of course people who live here and love Bali naturally post mainly positive things, which in return attract other travelers, investors or people, who are interested in visiting Bali.

But it’s good to show things which are worth improving as well, as Mr. John M. Daniels, President of Bali Discovery Tours put it:

“We try to provide balanced news on Bali. We report both the good and the bad, because we need to maintain our credibility. If we only report on the good news and neglect to report the bad news, people would not trust the information coming from our website.” he said.

Unfortunately there are some websites, who try systematically to tarnish Bali’s image or even try to run boycott campaigns. One is mentioned in the article as well. Usually they focus on negative aspects only, like corruption, nepotism and other things.

Of course these exist here also, but elsewhere in the world as well and in my view they are much overrated.Mount Batur Peak overlooking Batur Lake and Mount Agung

Life is colorful – not black and white only. Let’s work on it that it stays this way. ;-)

After 3 weeks traveling around Bali, visiting Ubud, Uluwatu, Tanah, Lot, Lovina, Jimbaran, climbing Mount Batur, eating heaps of Nasi Goreng, Tempe, Satay, Gado Gado, Tahu, Rendang, Padang and watching endless Sunsets and colorful ceremonies; my parents left today with hundreds of pictures and fond memories of our Island of the Gods.

They will surely spread the word…will you too?

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written by Chris

10 Responses to “Jakarta Post interviews Bali Bloggers”

  1. Iklan BarisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Yes, i agree with you Chris.. i really love bali, my lovely place.
    Where are you stay now chris? iam live in Ubud right now and take care my online business from my home.


  2. brokencodeNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hi Chris, thanks for support Bali. We are sure that Bali will be back as used to be with the power of bloggers unity !

  3. Private Blog » Adventures of Brokencode™ | Memulihkan pariwisata Bali melalui Blog UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Selepas membaca postingan Chris dan Anton, selepas conference dengan para master dan senior Bali Blogger Community, terlintas pertanyaan, mampukah blogger Bali bersatu dengan dengan kekuatan berekspresinya memulihkan pariwisata Bali. Bayangkan jika blogger-blogger Bale Bengong, Ex-Bali Adsenser Community, dan komunitas-komunitas blogging di Bali lainnya bersatu menggalang suara, menceritakan pada Dunia, Bali is Beautiful, Still Beautiful and will always be beautiful. Redam suara-suara negatif yang mendiskreditkan Bali, mencoreng image Bali yang sesungguhnya. Yang tentunya diharapkan dapat meringankan anggaran biaya Pemulihan Pariwisata Bali sehingga dapat dipergunakan untuk keperluan lain yang jauh lebih bermanfaat dibanding membiayai pejabat berwisata ke luar negeri untuk kegiatan (yang katanya) promosi Wisata. Semoga panitia Kopdar 3 Bali Blogger Community dapat mengagendakan hal ini pada pertemuan nanti. […]

  4. antonNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    hehehe. sayang banget aku ga dapet versi online tulisan ini. udah cari2 di TJP online, tetep aja ga dapet. sedih jadinya. :((

  5. Iklan Baris GratisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Viva Bali Blogger Community! :)

  6. MonNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Here in the Philippines, there are broadsheets that habitually publish columns about blogs and blogger.

  7. MonNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Ill link you.

  8. Memulihkan pariwisata Bali melalui Blog | UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Digg it Selepas membaca postingan Chris dan Anton, selepas conference dengan para master dan senior Bali Blogger Community, terlintas pertanyaan, mampukah blogger Bali bersatu dengan kekuatan berekspresinya memulihkan pariwisata Bali. Bayangkan jika blogger-blogger Bale Bengong, Ex-Bali Adsenser Community, dan komunitas-komunitas blogging di Bali lainnya bersatu menggalang suara, menceritakan pada Dunia, Bali is Beautiful, Still Beautiful and will always be beautiful. Redam suara-suara negatif yang mendiskreditkan Bali, mencoreng image Bali yang sesungguhnya. Yang tentunya diharapkan dapat meringankan anggaran biaya Pemulihan Pariwisata Bali sehingga dapat dipergunakan untuk keperluan lain yang jauh lebih bermanfaat dibanding membiayai pejabat berwisata ke luar negeri untuk kegiatan (yang katanya) promosi Wisata. Semoga panitia Kopdar 3 Bali Blogger Community dapat mengagendakan hal ini pada pertemuan nanti. […]

  9. Ketut OkaNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Saya ikut mendukung agar bali tetap cantik

  10. ryan ZoupNo Gravatar SINGAPORE Says:

    L-)mr.chris i s goo d choice of this link i can see you took a lot picture in INDO-bali that awesome.for my support you took all this is reality and fact thats why i keep reading all your web and i enjoy of your post.good luck

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