Mar 23

Adam Air - cracked but escapedJust yesterday we speculated about the airlines to be closed. And here comes the news from the Jakarta Post this morning:

Despite experiencing a series of accidents, Adam Air escaped license revocation as it was only categorized Thursday by the Ministry of Transportation as one of the worst airlines in the country that fail to meet several safety requirements.

The Ministry also announced that six other airlines – Metro Batavia, Trans Wisata, Tri MG Intra Asia Airlines, Manunggal Air Service, Jatayu Gelang Sejahtera, Kartika Airlines – were also put in the same category as Adam Air.

The other 13 airlines were placed in the second category as they were only able to meet the minimum safety requirements.

None of the local airlines met all safety requirements as required by the regulations, the Ministry’s Air Transportation Director General Budi Mulyawan Suyitno was quoted by Metro TV as saying.

He said that Adam Air and the other six airlines under the worst category would be given a-three-month period to improve their airlines otherwise their licenses would be revoked.

Hahaha! This is truly Indonesia. They should be member of the N.A.T.O. – No Action Talk Only.


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written by Chris

5 Responses to “Adam Air escapes license revocation”

  1. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    So, what happened? Will they still fly while in the process of that three-month period of fleet improvement?

    If that will be the case, there will be more plane crashes while in the process of improvement :)

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    That’s the big question. I really wonder, if and how much and to whom they had to pay to keep flying for now…

    If that helps the customers is left to be seen.

  3. mercuryNo Gravatar MALAYSIA Says:

    Maybe government will stop them continue their business operation for a while. Its a big cases if their license expired. In Malaysia, recently have a similar news about a expired license of ferry burned and caused 7 people died on that cases

  4. Cloudless Sky ahead for Lion Air? | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] earlier, but some money changed hands and nothing happened – business as usual in Indonesia. Even Adam Air is still […]

  5. Adam Air Indonesia grounded! | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] But – as often in Indonesia – nothing much followed, except maybe some money changing hands and things continued as usual. […]

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