Nov 26

Even those who live in the tropics will enjoy the city’s unique summer offerings

by Justin Cheong

Sydney HarbourLiving in a tropical, South-east Asian climate, we tend to take for granted the heat and humidity – things that dwellers in the temperate regions gladly welcome and call “summer”.

For Australians, it’s a season everyone’s been waiting for all year. And that’s why it’s cause for celebration.

Beginning in December, the Australian summer lasts till the end of February and is packed with fun-filled events and activities perfect for the Singaporean family.

With its balmy breezes, countless shopping haunts, cosmopolitan cuisine and thrilling things to do, the city of Sydney, in particular, has it all.

Sydney Harbour alone would take up a good portion of your itinerary with its myriad offerings.

The avid flea market shopper will find great bargains at The Rocks. Books, food, indigenous art and craft, and jewellery are just some of the numerous items on sale at more than 150 stalls.

Art lovers would do well to step into the Museum of Contemporary Art, which not only exhibits cutting-edge and thought- provoking artworks, but also has a café that offers modern Australian cuisine and spectacular views of Circular Quay.

For the most fun an adventurous family could have, a jetboat ride around Sydney Harbour with Oz Jet Boating should satisfy the desire for an adrenalin rush. With robust 700-horsepower Cummins diesel engines, the jet boat zips across the harbour at speeds of up to 80kmh.

Certainly, it will be an exhilarating – if extremely soggy – way to catch some of Sydney’s most famous sites, including the Harbour Bridge, Taronga Zoo and the iconic Opera House.

Circular Quay is also home to Sydney’s many ferries, the Manly Ferry being a must-do for any visitor.

Olympic Beach SydneyJust half an hour’s ride away, Manly Beach offers the weary city-dweller a tranquil respite with a beach large enough to never feel overcrowded. You can kayak, play beach volleyball or simply take a leisurely stroll along the promenade all the way to Shelley Beach.

Here, the protected cove with its gentle waves provides the ideal setting for a picnic by the sea.

Back on land, you might like to try straining your eyes to see Manly Beach from the apex of the Sydney Tower. On a clear day, you just might. After all, the tower rises 260m above street level.

Even more electrifying is taking a Skywalk tour, which suspends you over the edge of the tower as you take in a 360-degree view of Sydney.

From up there, you might also catch a glimpse of events held in conjunction with the Sydney Festival, an annual summer fiesta that comprises music, theatre, dance and free family-oriented performances galore.Sydney Botanic Garden

The world-class celebration kicks off on Jan 6 and will feature the legendary Lou Reed, theatre performances of Samuel Beckett’s works and the ever-popular Jazz in the Domain.

With such a plethora of activities, a trip to Sydney in the summer is something you’ll look forward to experiencing again and again – even if you live in the tropics.

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written by Chris

4 Responses to “A Spectacular Summer In Sydney”

  1. CyberkittyNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Sydney seems like the perfect place to vacation. The Skywalk tour is something I’d like to try out !

  2. GeorgiaNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Australian summer is all good and fun for a tourist.. but for a local especially a local who owns land with stock or crop on it.. It means long, hot and dry especially around the Western and Southern states.. I love summer for nthe beach and sun.. but when r paddock run dry, I cant wait till the little rain we recieve in winter

  3. Andrea RomaNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Sydney has so many tourist spots and they are highly visited by many people. They have great place3s and they offer great services.

  4. GraceNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Wow, those pictures are really awesome! I think I would consider Sydney as my travel destination next year.

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