Nov 17

After shopping in HongKong, Thaksin jets off for 5- to 7-day vacation

thaksin.jpgDENPASAR – Deposed Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra yesterday arrived on the Indonesian resort island of Bali for a holiday. Mr Thaksin, who was shopping in Hong Kong with his wife on Tuesday, was whisked into a limousine at the airport and left without speaking to reporters.

The convoy headed for the luxury Sheraton resort in the tourist enclave of Nusa Dua, south of the airport.

His plans were not immediately confirmed, although his lawyer said that he was on holiday. “He will be there on vacation for about five or even seven days,” Mr Noppadol Pattama said.

He could not say whether Mr Thaksin’s wife, Ms Pojaman, would be staying on in Bali to celebrate her birthday, which falls on Nov 22. After leaving Bali, Mr Thaksin planned to return to China or somewhere near there, Mr Noppadol said.

Thaksin-suffer.jpgEarlier this month, the former Premier was in China and Hong Kong. Mr Noppadol denied that Mr Thaksin planned to return to Thailand in the near future, saying: “I can confirm that he has no plan to return home at the moment.”

Military-installed Prime Minister Surayud Chulanond played down Mr Thaksin’s latest movements, which bring him ever closer to Thailand.

“Mr Thaksin’s appearance has no impact on the government,” Gen Surayud said. “We are not worried that he has been travelling near Thailand.” –

(c) AFP

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written by Chris

One Response to “Bali Holiday For Former Thai PM Thaksin”

  1. Thailand: 6 Months After Coup - Little To Show | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] The former prime minister Thaksin is still traveling in Asia and Europe; I don’t think he will go back to Bangkok anytime soon – it could happen that he will not only get prosecuted because of corruption and graft, but also because of offending and insulting the Thai King Bhumipol, as happened to some drunk-stupid Swiss guy recently. […]

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