Nov 04

The AlchemistDreams, symbols, signs, and adventure follow the reader like echoes of ancient wise voices in “The Alchemist”, a novel that combines an atmosphere of Medieval mysticism with the song of the desert.

With this symbolic masterpiece Coelho states that we should not avoid our destinies, and urges people to follow their dreams, because to find our “Personal Myth” and our mission on Earth is the way to find “God”, meaning happiness, fulfillment, and the ultimate purpose of creation.

The novel tells the tale of Santiago, a boy who has a dream and the courage to follow it. After listening to “the signs” the boy ventures in his personal, Ulysses-like journey of exploration and self-discovery, symbolically searching for a hidden treasure located near the pyramids in Egypt.

When he decides to go, his father’s only advice is “Travel the world until you see that our castle is the greatest, and our women the most beautiful”. In his journey, Santiago sees the greatness of the world, and meets all kinds of exciting people like kings and alchemists.

However, by the end of the novel, he discovers that “treasure lies where your heart belongs”, and that the treasure was the journey itself, the discoveries he made, and the wisdom he acquired.

“The Alchemist”, is an exciting novel that bursts with optimism; it is the kind of novel that tells you that everything is possible as long as you really want it to happen. That may sound like an oversimplified version of new-age philosophy and mysticism, but as Coelho states “simple things are the most valuable and only wise people appreciate them”.

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written by Chris

2 Responses to “Book Review: The Alchemist”

  1. chandraNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    hi christian i know u through the news that subscribe your ID and how you got to travel along the asian country specially my place flores. ich name chandra 29 yrs old stay in the philippines as a missionary. hope u enjoy my country indonesia good luck.

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Chandra, I’m currently in the Philippines also, was living in Indonesia a while back. Probably will return one day, hopefully when the Visa Rules ease a bit. In this regard, Indonesia could learn a bit from the Philippines, about how-to-make-an-easy-visa-process, not the costs. Or from India (both costs and process are heavenly compared to Indonesia). But hey – nowhere is it perfect, missing the international diversity of Bali food options……arglgllglgl! ;-)

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