Dec 23

Thinking about retirement? Plan ahead!Recently I found this practical guide on how everyone can retire in their 30’s.

It just requires a little planning ahead – and chosing the right path. It’s nicely written and really a great “How-to”, if you are in your early 20’s and don’t know which way to go. Most of it is truly common sense for a mid-age guy with both feet in life. But the trouble is, you only acquire those experiences over time. And with a lot of potential to mess it up!

At the start of your working career you usually don’t have all knowledge at hand and waste a lot of time and money, which definitely incrases the time for you until retirement is near at hand. Experimenting is okay, but it can cost you time, energy and enthusiasm. When chosing the wrong path, even though you have a good feeling about it, you can end up doing the wrong thing with not much outcome for a very long time.

Guess what?

You will end up in your 60’s, wondering what happened to your life, while you were cleaning tables or sitting on an office chair for most part of your life.

So, if you are young, hungry and don’t know what to waste your energy on, give it a try and read this guide on wikiHow. It has steps to take, tips and even warnings on what to avoid. Here is a short excerpt:

“The financial freedom of a modest, early retirement is actually achievable for many smart and motivated people in college or their early 20’s. If you make early retirement your highest priority in life and follow a disciplined path to obtaining it, you should be able to leave work permanently in your 30’s and spend your life and time at your complete discretion. Here’s how to start moving in that direction…”

If you are 30 already, don’t be frustrated or give up. You can still change your life – just do it now, right away! It took me 14 years to achieve my goals; but that doesn’t mean, you can’t do better than that. Surely you can, armed with the right information!

And while you are at it: there are a few more useful “How-to” guides. So if you want to combine that with a cheap-cost country to live in, don’t look any further and check out those other articles as well:

“If you are willing to leave behind the USA, UK, Australia or other high cost expensive country and live in a foreign country, you can live or retire on $200 per month. Steps: …”

Good day and good luck!


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written by Chris

23 Responses to “How to Retire in your 30’s”

  1. Jack.HNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I have to say this post is most encouraging. Sadly, this dream seems a bit out of reach. Glad to have read the post of someone who has though, kudos to you. I’m 24 going on 30 and wishing that I could retire to Thailand for the rest of my life. Have a great New Year!

  2. JohnNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Great article. I’m 100% focused on retiring in my 30s.

    Check out this site on how to do it:

  3. CathNo Gravatar FRANCE Says:


    This is exactly what I said to my US husband, today at lunch (First day of 2007 = resolutions on the way).
    Why ? look, we live in Paris yes ? live in a 2 rooms appart of 53 Sm though we would have the means to live like pachas anywhere in the world where we love it : great spaces, not too many people, lots of wildness, no luxury (we had it all).
    And we have no kids.

    So I give us one more year like this : for him to cross Paris every morning at 6 am and work in a horrible suburb with abnoxious colleagues, and me look for a job I will never find (a women, too experienced, too “old”, too good for the f… French system), and wait to be able to buy the house of our dreams when , one day, the housing will at least collapse.

    And then, what ? One morning, I wake up an old wrinkled woman, in bad shape, beside my exhausted love and we will say = we has it all wrong and now death is the next stop…

    Merde ! You are right ! And as long as we stay here like two stupid caged animals, we’s better be dead !!! ;)

    Thank you for this post !

    Love from…. Paris

  4. GrahameNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Well I have just cracked 50, and I guess am “retiring”. Or more correctly, have got us into a financial situation where we do not need to work in order for us to live. But that is only part of the answer. Working is part of how we define ourselves and how we can contribute to the world, so in reality, i am not looking to no longer working, just no longer working for the money. Fortunately I am a writer, so living in a little house in Bali should do me (us) nicely.

  5. rajayNo Gravatar SINGAPORE Says:

    I do not concur with the idea of this retiring at 30 by downsizing yourself into living in some other low cost countries. Reason very simple- there are lot many low cost countries citizens are aspiring to go towards US,Europe aus etc., Why ? To earn money so they can convert those dollars and if back to their native can live a better life. If that being so with 200$ income living a retired life back in low cost country will NOT work out for a very simple reason that people who are settling back who are of natural to that region will be increasing their living cost and hence your $200 or what ever it may be a pittance.

    Be wise enough to understand the logic of economics- as long as there is work, you are in tune. The moment slackness comes either in your life or economy or country the state of affairs is going to be down trend.

    The better idea which unfortunately decreasing in the countries of so called economically advanced countries are NOT implementing is increasing their next generation. In 1996 I predicted the best industry of the this millenium would be nursing in the so called economically advanced countries which I now see as a reality ! Where is the next generation in this so called economically advanced countries ? Has Europe or US given thoughts about that ? With child birth rates drastically coming down and increasing living span where does the Europe/US Stand in terms of medical costs and lack of solid next generation ?

    Hope wisdom dawns on not to retire at 30 but create future generations !

  6. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Thanks for the fruitful comments!

    Just wanted to add that of course this concept isn’t for everyone. People might prefer to still work as they enjoy it, or fulfil community or personal goals with their work. Other people will try to move to more developed countries to earn more money for their families back home. People from 1st-world countries might find the over-commercialism too much and move to lower-cost, less commercial countries.

    Other people may never be in the position to plan their own future ahead, as they lack education, the right location of birth or are tied up and planned into their family’s plan from early on (i.e. in developing countries).

    These are facts, nobody can move aside easily. But does that have to stop one as an individual to find the best place (literally) for yourself in this world?

  7. Peder KarlssonNo Gravatar SWEDEN Says:

    Oh no, these type of guide always stresses me out! I just turned 30 and I’m still stuck in expensive Europe! Used to be such a globetrotter in my early twenties, but with 2 kids and a wife not wanting to leave our expensive house I think I’m stuck here for ever…

  8. MaltinNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I just woke up to the reality of early retirement. We live in DC area and have 3 kids. I started questioning the validity of school system, consumerism and everything we get everyday from the media. I got tired of “competing” with neighbors I don’t know, with making rich the credit card companies, banks, mortgage companies, being taxed for every single thing every day (food, gas, phones, income, utilities, property and who know what else). Why are people walking outside at 6am in 10 degrees temp ?? I bet they really love their jobs. We all need to contribute to the new 3 trillion budget Bush just announced. May be I just will miss all that fun, after I sell all properties and stuff, I may be next year in the caribbean with my family enjoying life. I can taste it already. THis past december I missed the “spirit” and stopped spending in a lot of junk, guess what!! My bank account is looking good. I calculated how much coming to work is costing me a year (additonal car, other expenses, taxes) and my nice housing. Forget it is an illusion. I am sorry I didn’t jumped earlier I would kave made a lot of different choices, but if you read this Do it !!! You will be glad.

  9. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hi Maltin,

    I really felt delighted when reading your comment! Don’t worry, you did everything right! You have a great family and woke up to realize, what’s going on in our crazy world.

    And you have choices, which you will take!

    I wish you all the best for your changes in life and a new life in the Caribbean maybe next year. It’s a great place to be. I was only in Honduras and Dominican Republic so far, but would trade those places anytime with a cold, cold DC area monday morning traffic jam.

    Grab what you have right now, sell & save the rest and you will live like a king with your family until the rest of your lifes in a lower-cost country. With less worries, less sorrows and free of all the boundaries of a modern world.

    All the best to you 5!

  10. klaasNo Gravatar GERMANY Says:

    The idea of being able to retire on 200 USD is utter bullshit. There is not one single country in the world where you could pull that off, unless you plan to retire in the middle of the jungle of say Borneo or Irian and try to live as a hunter-gatherer, or if you manage to find a wealthy Asian woman who will take care of you (financially). In most SE-Asian countries you will need at least around 500 USD per month now to be able to lead the most basic lifestyle, You will probably need around 1000 USD or more per month to be able to have a more or less normal lifestyle (comparable to that in your own country).

  11. Attitude UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Why work your behind off to buy a Porsche, 2 houses and tailor-made suits when you can drive an old used motor-scooter in beautiful surroundings, rent a small but cozy flat and sit in flip-flops and shorts at the Perfect Beach, thus avoiding Monday Morning Blues forever? The choice is yours! But make your choice early! […]

  12. Essential Tips For Self-Sustainable or Permanent Travel | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] For permanent sustainable travel and living at a young age, you basically have to work on 2 sides of the book: […]

  13. AdrianNo Gravatar NETHERLANDS Says:

    I don’t know what’s funny about retiring in Indonesia living on 200US$ a month sipping cheap bears. Maybe you could spend your next top post on that subject.

  14. SukhdeepNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    The idea is ok but how can u get retired in 30….? who will take care of you..?

  15. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Who said you have to retire alone? Retire with your loved one and you can take care of each other, no Sukhdeep? ;)

    Oops, I didn’t see the previous comment of Adrian until now. The “funny” thing you mentioned is something different. It’s not about doing “something” – like work – because you have to or society tells you that it’s the only way to live your life. It’s more about doing anything what you want.

    No need to sip beer all day, if that doesn’t fulfill you. I can perfectly understand that, it wouldn’t satisfy me neither. That’s what this whole website is all about. To show things possible besides working only or sipping beer all day. And yes, it’s still possible to retire cheap in Indonesia or elsewhere, it all depends what is your lifestyle and how much you need to be happy. Happiness doesn’t come from money alone. Or does it? ;)

  16. Retire At 30No Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    The one thing that regular people have who manage to retire at 30 or in their 30’s have, is they do not live large. They tend to have fairly simple lifestyles and they can stick to goals.

  17. 9 surefire Strategies NOT to Retire Early | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] A while ago we established a concept, that it doesn’t take you necessarily heaps of money to retire early in your lifetime. If you don’t have high demands, are happy to live a simple but fulfilled life in a low-cost-of-living country, plan ahead and have some savings which will provide you with passive income in the form of interest, rent, dividends it might be even possible that you can retire already in your 30s. […]

  18. KurtNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I am 42. Have worked many years, developed many skills, made quite a few people lots and lots of money. Never enjoyed life much, and I know what kind of life I want.

    A life where you are not automatically graded a failure by women if you don’t roll up in a Mercedes or Lexus fresh off the barge.

    A life where actually being physically attractive is considered a positive, and will positively impact your social life.

    A life where (believe me, on Maui, this has not been the case) the women are actually ALLOWED to like me! Not be discouraged from dating me because I’m 42 and white, but instead be encouraged to engage in group sex at 13 with the local boys who are younger. LOL

    Finally, I just like night life. I like dancing, loud music, bright lights, and women who, as I said, are actually not only ALLOWED to like me, but won’t reject me outright because I’m 42, (look much younger, I’m told) white, and not a millionaire!

    Thanks for the article. I already know enough to start my own business. Now I can finally make some money for me, and have a future worth looking forward to. I can make approximately ten times as much money as I do now doing what I do independently, and I plan on doing it now. Nice to know the reward of hard work is a life you want to live, not just an endless treadmill of drab, gray scenery where people figure the only women good enough for you are the 32-year-old grandmothers that largely populate Maui.

    Strangely, I don’t WANT someone else’s leftovers. I don’t care for the booby prize.

    I guess Hawaii was the last stop on my way from the East side of the USA to somewhere better.

  19. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Kurt – you certainly sound like you had some bad experiences with demanding women. Do you want to elaborate a bit more? I hope you will finally find the right one! Your business seems to be on a good way and when you do what you enjoy, happiness will follow automatically.

    Most people think that happiness comes with money, but as you, me and many more each day figured out already – that’s rarely the case. :D

  20. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I wish I can retire so soon. I’m already near 40 and haven’t had traveled that far. We’ll see if blogging can sustain for my retirement, and I’ll brave early retirement then ;-)

  21. Early RetirementNo Gravatar SINGAPORE Says:

    Thanks for the article, Chris. Retiring in a lower cost country is definitely one way to stretch one’s retirement savings and yet live a carefree and higher quality life. Coupled with some freelance consultation work on the side and a person can look forward to early retirement.

  22. CraigNo Gravatar not found Says:

    klaas, that’s an utter crock of shit. Why don’t you try it first instead of running your inexperienced mouth.

    I’m living in rural Thailand and in my early/poor days of being here I managed ok on about £200/month. It sure wasn’t luxury living, but I managed to support my girlfriend and eat out 2-3 times a week. There are places in the cheaper parts of the world besides just tourists hubs you know. Despite how adventurous most people like to think they are, 99% of them never venture outside of the Lonely Planet zone.

  23. BradNo Gravatar JAPAN Says:

    Although “retiring” on $ per month” may sound appealing, the inescapable threat to a low-cost lifestyle in a developing country is inflation. A look at Chris’ post of costs in Bali from 2008, particularly rental housing, shows that in just 5 years, a 2,000,000 ($200) per month rental (2008) goes for 5,000,000 per month in 2013 (per my own investigation in Jan.’13, while there on vacation), or 2-1/2 times. Will it double again in the next five years? Then you’re looking at the equivalent of $1000 per month, or inflation of 5x in ten years. Land prices are completely out of whack with local incomes. Other lower-cost countries have experienced similar rates of inflation, due in no small part to all the cheap money being pumped into the monetary system by the bankrupt Western nations, led by the US. Thus, you need to build into your plans some sort of inflation hedge; either more savings to start with, better investment returns, or, the even better way would be to start a business that will provide a growing income over time. Find a niche that needs to be filled and make it into a business that has growth potential. It’s the only viable way to make this work. Retirement only sounds good to people who either hate their job or do physical labor that grinds their body down over time. People in either situation just need to change their occupation. Do what you love and then you never will want to retire.

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