May 31

JetSetCitizen_LogoJohn Bardos asked me recently to answer some questions for his website The site is about people who live a nomadic lifestyle; the modern gypsies of this world who create the lifestyles they want to live. So it was a no-brainer for me to comply. You can find the interview here.

If you liked that one, but don’t know how Lee Kuan Yew, Naomi Campbell or Egyptian queen Hatshepsut fit in the picture; you might want to check out also this earlier Q&A session with Epicurienne.

Meanwhile, ‘Mission Triycle’ is developing and will kick start probably this coming week. Stay tuned! ;-)

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written by Chris

2 Responses to “nomad4ever interviewed for”

  1. daveNo Gravatar IRELAND Says:

    Hi Chris,

    Have read your blog for a while now, maybe 2yrs+! And I really enjoy reading your site. Basically you are doing what I intend to do within 15-22mths. Can I ask a personal question in relation to your US$800/mth budget you mention in the JetSetCitizen interview? Question is, does this figure include absolutely everything? Or do you have a separate ‘pot’ for annual expenses. I’m aiming for a slightly higher figure of US$900/mth (for central america), meaning $750/mth for daily/monthly costs, with $150/mth or $1800/yr earmarked for big ticket items, like international flight, sports gear, or medical emergencies. Sorry for such a boring question, but I’m trying to figure out how I will manage my money once the paycheque is gone, thx man ;-)

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    dave, thanks for reading here! And cool that you are working on fulfilling your travel plans! I can only say: do it, you won’t regret it!

    Regarding the 800 USD, that’s really more an average amount per month, not absolutely everything. I don’t count several things like flight tickets, medical emergencies or luxury purchases – basically all what you mentioned above. Those are extras. Also I withdraw money from Euro, USD or SGD accounts, depending on the exchange rates of the host country I’m in, so it’s not all truly in USD. Some months the amount is higher, sometimes slightly lower – but over all the last 3 years it fits about that number. If you are only 1 person you are probably fine with the calculation you mentioned. Trust me, later on it’s easier than it sounds now. ;-)

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