reached the 100.000 Visitors mark today! I want to thank all my Readers for their Interest, Comments and Support over the last 11 months! You fantastic people bring this Place alive!
I’m very happy that so many people are interested in this small Niche of Travel & Lifestyle and hope you guys continue to come back, comment heavily, sending me e-mails, criticism and suggestions.
Okay, it’s about time to look back how it all started and to evaluate some Statistics, Demographics, Developments and other Data:
I started the site on 1/11/2006, although I had a tiny travel blog before on Blogger, called Nomads + Vagabonds. Due to its limitations I decided to move up a level from the Blogger Platform; getting my own domain and starting afresh with a more professional blogging platform, based on WordPress. The old posts I imported to the new site. It’s amazing what one can simply try out and learn in just a few months about Blogging, Google, Webdesign, Widgets, Plugins, Adsense, HTML, SQL, Technorati and other technical stuff.
Besides the overwhelmingly positive responses from you Readers, this is also one of the main reasons for me to continue doing it; to keeping my brain juice flowing and learning something new every day. I know I won’t become rich from blogging, but please don’t mind the Ads, as they help to cover my hosting bills.
So far I can confirm, that I’m still a happy Blogger and satisfied with the overall development of the site and the response of you – my readers! I will continue to post at least 1 Post per week; sometimes more than that – if something interesting pops up in between or when I have a rare “idea explosion”.
Overall I continue striving for Quality over Quantity and some ideas just need to breed a bit longer, to turn out into something good and valuable. Which of course still isn’t always achievable.
Comments and questions I will try to address as soon they occur, in a timespan of maximum 48 hours.
Here are some Highlights and not-so-good things of the last 11 months:
- Constant Increase in Visitor Numbers
- Constant Increase in Google PageRank (from 0 to currently 5)
- Constant Increase in Alexa Ranking (although very volatile; currently 194.730, highest 182.000)
- Very Lively and Active Readers Base, I’m sure most Bloggers would die for!
- Strong Increase in numbers of Comments from Readers (588 Comments in 11 months – I love you guys!)
- No Hosting Downtime during lifetime of blog (during the Asian Internet Crash (12/2006 to 02/2007) it was reachable for Readers outside Asia, due to hosting in California)
- Internet Explorer 6 and 7 Cache Bug sometimes leaves middle pane of the Site blank, thus hiding the most important thing, the content from Readers (unfortunately 52.73% of Readers still use IE)
- in the recent months the visitor numbers hover constantly around the 300-400 mark per day, I’m looking especially into it, on how to break that ‘barrier’ and improve these numbers significantly
- Post High Quality Content more oftenly
- Welcome 1 or 2 Guest Writers from other Travel Regions of our beautiful Planet in the upcoming weeks
- What else would you like to see and read? Suggestions are welcome!
For Statistics Fans and ‘Number Crunchers’ – here are some transparent Statistics as of today. I’m basically dropping my pants – don’t worry! – just the cold, hard, honest numbers:
Visitor Stats
- Visitors: 100.004 from 191 countries
- Google PageRank: 5
- Alexa Rank: 194.730 (click here for Details)
- BlogTopList – Travel: Rank #5
- BlogTopSites – Travel: Rank #9
- Referring Sources: 1.180
Top 5 Visitor Sources: Google (38.98%), Reddit (7.37%), Boing Boing (4%), StumbleUpon, (3%) MyBlogLog (3%)
- New Visitors: 89.33%
- Recurring Visitors: 10.77%
- Average Time on Site: 2.20 Minutes
- Blog Feed Subscribers: 125
- Day with highest number of Visitors: 5/11/2006 (5.107 Visitors due to ‘’ Traffic for Bali: Expat Tries, Fails to Pay with Candy), other peaks on 2/5/2007 (1.578 Visitors) and 31/7/2007 (2.556 Visitors) due to ‘Boing Boing’ Traffic
- Day with lowest number of Visitors: 2/11/2006 (2 Visitors, after 21 on the first day 1/11/2006; mainly coming from the previous site)
- Comments from Readers: 588 Comments (718 including Trackbacks)
- Top 3 Commentators: Dodong Flores (40 Comments), JennDZ (17 Comments), Mike (16 Comments)
- nomad4ever – Flickr Pictures Views: 200 Photos with 4.805 Views
- nomad4ever – YouTube Video Views: 13 Videos with 18.889 Views
- Posts published: 194 in 35 categories (65 of those were taken over from the previous site Nomads + Vagabonds)
- Month with most number of Posts: 12/2006 (26 Posts)
- Month with least number of Posts: 02/2007 and 06/2007 (both with 6 Posts)
- Most viewed Post: How to downshift – learn to live more with less (8.469 Visits)
- Least viewed Post: Phuket Scattered by Storms…Surviving… (8 Visits)
- Best Revenue Earning Post: How much money do you need to retire?
- Google Revenue Earned: USD 686.88 (in 11 months)
- TextLinkAds Revenue Earned: USD 317.99 (since 04/2007)
- Hosting Costs Paid: USD 141.80 (for 2 years)
- Domain Costs Paid: USD 9.95 (for 2 years)
More Technical Statistics and Information for (Reader Info):
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October 2nd, 2007 at 7:35 pm
[…] You can read the rest of this blog post by going to the original source, here […]
October 2nd, 2007 at 10:33 pm
Hey, congratulations!
October 3rd, 2007 at 5:37 am
congrats Chris! way to go
October 3rd, 2007 at 8:22 am
Congrats on reaching those numbers!
October 3rd, 2007 at 10:23 am
Congratulations Chris! Keep up the good writing and we’ll keep up the good reading!
October 3rd, 2007 at 12:13 pm
Wow, congratulations on your success!
Any tips for aspiring travel bloggers?
October 3rd, 2007 at 12:31 pm
I see it’s the people from the U.S. who make up the majority of visitors ….. I guess we would be the most likely candidates to be living our dreams vicariously ( for now ) and gathering ideas from your blog !
Congrats on the record # – that’s fantastic ! ~Amanda
October 3rd, 2007 at 8:18 pm
Hello Friend,
It makes me happy to read of your successes! Good on you, man! Just wanted to let you know that I linked you from my Song of the Open Road travelogue and Photographs from the Open Road photoblog I hope it adds at least 1 or 2 more visitors to your 100,000 haha.
Walk Slow,
October 4th, 2007 at 5:40 pm
Congratulations from one of your 100,000 readers
October 5th, 2007 at 10:12 am
Congrats Christian,
You’re an Inspiration to those of us with wanderlust in our hearts and our feet nailed down.
I’m in the process of prying those nails out and will be back on the “road” again! And loving every minute of it.
Once again…congrats!
October 5th, 2007 at 4:14 pm
Rhea, Kadek, JennDZ, Michael@TSM, Cabin Girl Annie, Amanda, Wade, Mike and Don – thank you all for your friendly and uplifting words and wishes!
October 8th, 2007 at 11:26 pm
Those are some nice stats. How do you do it?
October 11th, 2007 at 11:59 am
Congratulations, Chris! That’s a great accomplishment. I’ll be in Bali in a little over a week. Maybe I’ll buy you a congratulatory beer
October 16th, 2007 at 11:41 pm
I got a few e-mails regarding tips & tricks to achieve 100.000 readers in a short time.
And Cabin Girl Annie + Digitalnomad asked here as well.
So I decided to write a short article in the next couple of days with some tips and answers. Just don’t expect too much! I’m no John Chow or or other blogging Guru, therefore just a few tips from Travel Blogger to Travel Blogger. Okay? So, watch this space in about a week or so!
October 18th, 2007 at 5:26 pm
Hi, Chris! Congratulations…
I read this entry a few days back and I’m coming here again to repost my comment (it didn’t appear)…
I’m proud to be one of the top poster of this celebrated website.
October 20th, 2007 at 6:30 am
Hi, Chris! Congratulations from me as well!
I enjoyed every post – so take care of you!
October 20th, 2007 at 9:23 pm
Dodong and Gnomad, thanks for the compliments! Regarding the missing comment: sometimes things get lost in the Akismet Spam Filter, which unfortunately has to filter out some hundreds of Spam Comments every day. I’m trying to edit manually as well, only rarely things get really lost in the sea of Spam. Hope not to often and I will check more thoroughly in the future – promise!
October 22nd, 2007 at 11:25 am
I am back with bated breath…alas, I will have to return.
October 29th, 2007 at 8:52 pm
Thanks for sharing the detailed info on visitors and revenue, its hard to find someone being so honest on the internet and gives some of us just starting off something to aim at!
November 12th, 2007 at 9:22 pm
[…] Being in the same lucky position just recently, I was asked by many readers, if there are any tips and tricks to share. […]