Mar 01

nomad's snippetsWanted to share with you quickly some interesting web sites I found recently:

“The Secret History of the Credit Card” is an outstanding documentary and interesting piece of investigative journalism. The critically acclaimed and award-winning show is now available online as a 5-part Video Streaming Series. It’s an in-depth look into a secretive yet very successful industry. You can learn how your Credit Score is calculated, what methods Visa, Master, American Express and others use to keep you spending and how they earn big bucks from you paying only the minimum charge or nothing at all.

It’s an industry with more complaints than any other with plenty of shady practices.

This documentary is certainly interesting and eye-opening for most people and I salute the authors for their effort in putting the fingers into a big wound of most developed nations. But one thing you should not forget: Credit Card debt and your spendings are your own responsibility!

Of course the Credit Card companies do everything they can to keep the wheel spinning; waiving your Card Fees, upping your Credit Limit to incredible amounts, upgrading you to Gold or Platinum Status and more. But it’s you who has it in his/her own hands to resist some of the more subtle temptations and use Credit Cards in a wise and useful way.

So watch and learn a bit more about the background and tricks of an industry – but make up your own mind to what extent you want to use them. Blaming financial institutions and banks for your own incapability of handling your finances is a weak excuse of not being able to leave the Rat Race. ;-)

Check out and watch online:The Secret History of the Credit Card

Then we have the ongoing Race for the White House, escalating and climaxing with the upcoming Election Day on the 4th of November 2008. TV and Internet are currently full of political statements, the views of politicians, their latest clashes, fan sites, poll/primaries/caucuses results and what else.

Political Compass - do the test!But do we really know what all those candidates stand for? Maybe. How about ourselves?

Do you know where you stand?

Recently on the website of swear-rambling alphabitch I found an interesting link to a political test where you can determine your own political colors.

The results can be surprising or even shocking. You can find out that not only most or even none of the current candidates in the US Race will match your viewpoints nearly, but also international authority figures or politicians are more far off your views than you would have expected.

Just as an example I put in my results (see graph to the left). Okay, I’m considered Libertarian, but came off a little bit right off the middle.

I wonder to what politicians, idols or celebrities I should look for representing me as a Nomad. Probably have to form my own party by now, hehe!

Check out and take the test here: The Political Compass

Favorite Country in South East Asia - Poll ResultsAnd finally after having more than 200 votes the verdict for your favorite country in South East Asia shows a clear winner. It’s Thailand with 25% of the votes, followed by the Philippines (16%) and Indonesia (15%).

Having the poll out for for 6 weeks – it’s about time for a new one. Due to current events it’s a political one. I included the current candidates (even the unlikely ones, whoever that may be) for our own small election – which is a direct one.

So even if your candidate doesn’t appeal to the majority of Americans – you can vote him/her here on nomad4ever directly into the White House! ;-)

I know, I know – your candidate might have dropped out already or isn’t even running for president; but that’s where you can voice your opinion in the comment form below.

Not happy with any of them?

Should Arnold Schwarzenegger do it? Nancy Reagan? Or Oprah? Paris Hilton? Bill Gates? Stephen Hawkins? Donald Trump? Here is your chance to convince other readers that someone else has the better solutions or charisma at hand. Please add your favorite name and grounds for him/her to enter the race as well!

The results for your ‘Favorite Country in SEA’ poll can be found here.

The new poll can be found in the left side bar below the category section.

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written by Chris

4 Responses to “Nomad’s Snippets – Credit Card Secrets, Political Compass and new Poll”

  1. ZahlenjongleurNo Gravatar GERMANY Says:

    I never had a credit card,because i am wise,
    i like to see my money in front of my eyes.
    That`s why i keep my pocket close,
    laughing about those,
    who fullfill their dreams with a creditcard,
    but after that, they have to work very hard !
    Better look out for friends with a big smile in the face, :D
    because they got out of the fucking Rat Race.

  2. simonNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hi Zahlenjongleur ,

    you are very funny indeed,well using a credit card is not as bad as you thing it all depend on what you want from it and how you use it ,

  3. Bob StevensNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    That PBS documentary is really the definitive editorial feature on the underbelly of the credit card industry. Really, well done.

    Here are a few more great resources on credit card fraud as well:

    Here’s a link to the US Secret Services web site about identity theft and credit card fraud:

    Here’s a bit of a humorous blog post on outrageous credit card spending:

    Here’s another great PDF document on how to select a card from

  4. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I agree with Simon. Having credit cards is not a bad thing. The evil thing started once you spend your credit limit beyond your paying capacity. Or even if you could pay your bill, it is when you buy things that are not really necessary…

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