Jun 28

Having returned from our short trip, I put some pictures of Camiguin Island (Waterfall, Hot Springs, Sunken Cemetry) and Boracay (White Beach) on my Flickr.com Page.

Check it out under:

We arrived in Manila just a few days after a new coup alert was issued by president Gloria M. Arroyo. That meant more police than usual, traffic/car controls and even more traffic congestions. Fortunately, outside of Manila things went on in the usual relaxed manner, with sleepy Camiguin Island and lively Cagayan de Oro completely unimpressed of the political turmoil. In Boracay we saw the start of the low (cooler) season, which left most hotels/resorts in a run for their money. Rates started with 500/1000/1500 Peso/Night for Bamboo Hut Fan/Aircon/simple Hotelroom. All-you-can-eat buffets started at 200 Peso/Pax and 2-for-1 drink promos for as low as 30 Peso/San Miguel Beer, or 40 Peso for Rum Coke – that’s what I call value for money! ;-)

(1 USD = 53.4 Peso, or 1 SGD = 33 Peso currently)

Nevertheless, Boracay looks completely different than 2 years ago, with heavy construction everywhere (the most recent probably ‘Alice in Wonderland‘s new multi-story hotel and shopping complex. Progress or Commerce?

Last day (25/06/2006) everything back to normal, with Gloria – having successfully recovered from a diarrhea ;-) signing a bill abolishing the death penalty and announcing a trip to Europe (to visit Spain, Italy, Vatican and the german-born Pope Ratzinger/Benedict XVI of course!)

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written by Chris

One Response to “Philippines – New Pictures on Flickr.com”

  1. keshavNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    phillipines is a pradise

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