May 30

Coming Home - Reverse Culture Shock?When traveling or living in foreign countries there always comes a time, when you go home. Be it for a while or for a longer visit, or simply to get back to your life or to start a new chapter of it.

Most people feel homesick after a while in foreign countries and cultures, others simply enjoy it and don’t even think about their home country anymore. Out of sight – out of mind.

written by Chris

May 23

Starting up a Kite in Changi Village in SingaporeFlying kites is as old an tradition as mankind. Wikipedia says that kites were probably first invented about 3.000 years ago in China, made from materials like bamboo and silk. It’s a popular past time and pleasure activity in most countries around the globe, although I believe, that some Asian Countries truly have an obsession for it.

Here you not only see kids doing kiting – it’s a true science, involving the whole family. The usually warm air in Asia seem to help as well.

written by Chris

May 17

Asian Beauty by Igor AmelkovichCan you imagine the capitals or countries of Asia as women? No? That is what blogger Indcoup did recently. What a funny idea! But it gets better. Why not start with that and add the vitae of more and other visited places? Here is how it goes – read on:

“I think it would help to imagine Jakarta as some sort of a woman. And in that case I reckon that despite being a bit low in the IQ department, painstakingly slow at doing anything and a compulsive chain smoker to boot – you’d still be drawn to her more positive attributes like her deep cleavage, long jet black hair and happy-go-lucky attitude.

written by Chris

May 08

The Digital NomadA Digital Nomad is a person who needs mobile technology to conduct business while on the road which could be within a city, between cities or from other countries. Nomads are not location dependent except through personal choice and could be employed by a business or be freelancers.

This is a growing trend with the uncertainties of long term employment with a single company and rapid changes in emerging technologies, and there is a different mindset required to be successful.

So the guys over at Digital Nomads are trying to figure out what people who seem to live that kind of lifestyle are like and they came up with a meme about it.

written by Chris

Apr 09

Monday Morning BluesDon’t you just hate it? To wake up every Monday morning and drag yourself to work? With your Clubbing Hang Over still on your back or the memories of that weekend trip with your friends ‘Into the Great White Open’?

(Don’t you just have to hum that song now for the rest of the day, hehe?)

Manic Monday Morning Blues affects most working people since ages. Even worse if you are living in a cold country and you have to wake up very early, to leave the house when everything is still dark, grey and freezing. Can feel those goose bumps on your skin. I don’t need to tell you, why you don’t like Mondays.

written by Chris

Apr 03

The Perfect Beach - a far cry away?Ever since having read Alex Garlands ‘The Beach’ in a bamboo beach hut on Honduras’ Roatan island in Latin America, I was possessed with the idea that there must be a ‘Perfect Beach’ for everyone of us on this our beautiful planet.

So I began to look out for nice getaways in white sandy bays with crystal clear waters on my travels.

I thought the Caribbean, Egypt, Australia or the West Coast of the US would be great places to settle down one day.

written by Chris

Mar 22

Thailand's Coup Leader Sonthi - Only empty promises?In Thailand’s current political arena, things don’t look so bright after all anymore – just 6 months after the ‘bloodless coup‘ over there. Of course Tourism seems to look stable and the Sex Industry isn’t effected at all – as usual.

After the first doubts, if Thailand has a democratic future; the view of the Thai People obviously changes, they demand more clarity on how things will progress further. There are even the first demonstrations in Bangkok and the reputation of the Coupsters vanishes more and more.

Will there be truly free election again soon?

written by Chris

Mar 17

Adam Air PlaneThis could be a quick response to the latest disasters of the last 3 months in Indonesia. As reported last evening, the airline braces itself for possible closure next week.

It wouldn’t come to no surprise, as clearly something has to be done to improve the safety of Indonesia’s Airline industry.

Nick, over from Baliblog is even advising potential customers to not book with them anymore; as you might stand a chance to lose your money or your ticket, if their license will be revoked next week. Obviously this is what happened to one of his friends, when booking 4 tickets with last year’s bust Air Paradise.

written by Chris