Mar 13

Why oh why?There is not only one chain letter going round the internet. There are thousands or even millions of them.

Most of them are plain stupid and I don’t even know, why some people still fall for the Nigerian Money Digger Mafia, the Penis ‘Extensionists’, Lottery Agencies or lost daughters of Saddam Hussein or Thaksin Shinawatra who are trying to bring their fortune millions into safety – with your help of course, haha!

Some of those schemes are quite smart and in a subliminal way manage to touch someones pride, vanity or ego.

written by Chris

Feb 27

What’s the fuss?

Laos: Karst Mountains near Vang VienLaos is still a mysterious country, dominated by sheer nature, dense jungles, vast empty spaces and remote villages, ‘Karst’ mountains, waterfalls, hot springs, bat swarms, endless muddy rivers and rice paddies. It only opened up from communist isolation in recent years in the 1990’s.

Through Laos runs the mighty river Mekong, which is one of Asia’s largest and longest rivers. It starts in higher Tibet and is finding its way through China, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

Ready to go backpacking in time?

written by Chris

Feb 21

How to get around in a big country?What the best mode of transportation, if you stay more than a few months in one location? Flying? The Train? By Ship? Take the bus? Taxi? Walk? Yeah right! :)

What then?

The best modes of transportation are still the ones you can handle yourself and use as you like and whenever you want.

That leaves basically only a car, a motor-bike, a bicycle or your feet. As long you are a marathon man or sporty decathlete there is nothing to argue about a bicycle or walking or running. If you aren’t – or just plain lazy like me, that would lead to a lot of arguing with yourself.

written by Chris

Jan 28

Daihatsu Feroza Rental CarHaving a few days at hand and nothing better to do, we decided to explore Bali’s East Coast a bit and go for a 2-day ride.

How to get there?

Nothing easier then that: hop on your bike or rent a car and off you go. As we were 2 couples and in the mood for chatting all-way-long, we went for the latter option.

Our car was a Diahatsu Feroza, a slightly bigger kind of “Jeep” then a Suzuki Jimney. It offers enough space for 4 people and some luggage and with a price tag of Rp 100.000/day – a quite affordable one as well.

written by Chris

Jan 24

Mobile Phone SIM CardDo you use your mobile phone when traveling in foreign countries? Yes? No? Apart from the comfort of not having to change your SIM card and just calling and getting called like you’d do everyday; the usually outrageous roaming charges will surely knock you out of your travel budget soon.

But – it doesn’t have to be that way. Just get a local SIM card!

Is it really that easy? Yes and No.

written by Chris

Jan 14

Money Changer Rates in BaliWhen traveling to other countries, you will most likely have to deal with local currencies. Baht, Rupiah, Rupee, Peso, Dong, Remimbi, Won, Riel, Yen and various kinds of Dollars are only a few currencies you can run across Asia.

Depending on what your home currency is, you have to exchange your home money from time to time into a local currency.

I have bank accounts in Germany (Euro) and Singapore (SGD), so depending on which currency offers a better exchange rate compared to the country I’m currently in; I decide from which account to draw money.

written by Chris

Jan 12

Beckham shopping againIt came as a surprise for most European Soccer Fans, but somehow it was clear all the way: David Beckham is downshifting!

He is leaving the most famous Club on Earth, Real Madrid, going to a nobody. With his move to the unknown Club of LA Galaxy in even more unknown Soccer-nation United States of A, he is doing less and even managed to get paid more than ever.

Beck’s preparing for retirement? Are you kidding me?

Yes, he is! Semi-retirement at least. Last night, while sleeping, I had an interview with him, asking for his reasons for the switch. Here are the reasons, he told me in my dream:

written by Chris

Jan 10

Living in a mind box - Life in a CubicleAre you one as well? A modern worker, an office drone? Sitting the whole day in your amoeba-like cell, doing some work, which hasn’t any real life value?

9-5, 8-6 or better 10-9? Numbers to define your life – time and space?

Are you one of those ‘busy bee’ cells in this gigantic organism called economics? Ready to be used when necessary, regularly abused and exploited, part of a modern collective mind, the grease in a strive for more effective processes, additional customer benefits, cost reductions, outsourced creativity, increasing profits, un-locked synergies. Think in company synonyms, sacrifice your soul. Live a life separated from the world.

written by Chris