Jan 10

Living in a mind box - Life in a CubicleAre you one as well? A modern worker, an office drone? Sitting the whole day in your amoeba-like cell, doing some work, which hasn’t any real life value?

9-5, 8-6 or better 10-9? Numbers to define your life – time and space?

Are you one of those ‘busy bee’ cells in this gigantic organism called economics? Ready to be used when necessary, regularly abused and exploited, part of a modern collective mind, the grease in a strive for more effective processes, additional customer benefits, cost reductions, outsourced creativity, increasing profits, un-locked synergies. Think in company synonyms, sacrifice your soul. Live a life separated from the world.

The Cubicle, the Amoeba Cell for us Office DronesThe cubicle is the perfect metaphor for what we are, not what we want. We want to be individuals and free spirits, but are square heads forced into a small box. We want to live our dreams, but they come pre-customized and uniformly ready-made. Prison Incorporated Limited. We are forced into the corner, comply, obey and shut up.

How can you think outside the box, when they put you into one?

No ‘room’ for creativity or personal sparks; just add some post-it’s, stickers and pictures of your family. They are smiling, right?

Are you? Ouch!


Want to read about and share stories with other amoeba like you? Click here.

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written by Chris

5 Responses to “The Cubicle. An icon of todays economics or a mirror of society?”

  1. StefanieNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Wow – this post is eerily familiar after 8 years in the corporate world… I couldn’t help but smile. Luckily now I work in open concept :).

  2. PederNo Gravatar SWEDEN Says:

    The cubicle boils down the concept of being employed. There are only two ways out of the cubicle, start your own company and have others work in cubicles for your, or leave the Western world behind by moving abroad. Both scary at first…

  3. Monday Morning Blues? Here is what you can do! | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Because the Monday Morning Blues is a thing you have in common with the rest of the Working Drones, Cubicle Cave (Wo)-Men or other species of the Rat Race. You will feel it every Monday you start into a new week for the rest of your working days; some feel it already Sunday evening, when the weekend is coming to an end. This included me at a certain point of time. […]

  4. Essential Tips For Self-Sustainable or Permanent Travel | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Maybe that’s a way to go for you too? Still better than rot away in your Office Cubicle. […]

  5. 9 surefire Strategies NOT to Retire Early | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] your fate as a cubicle drone – I know you do that already. Your cubicle is your only small place where you can feel protected, equipped with a reason and purpose in life. […]

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