Jan 05

Although ‘wealthy’ or ‘rich’ are terms a lot of people would interpret entirely different, it usually means that you have a lot of money. A load of money. Tons of money. Or at least more money than the guy next door, your neighbour.

Global Wealth LevelsEven the United Nations had to evaluate in its latest study, what ‘rich’ actually means – globally speaking:

  • USD 500.000 are required to rank among the wealthiest 1% of the world’s people
  • Only 37 Millions of people live on this planet, with that level of wealth

written by Chris

Jan 03

Internet is everywhere...When you stay a bit longer in one place – basically when you are a traveler, not tourist – internet cafe’s tend to lose their appeal to surf the internet. The disadvantages are many

  • you have basically shared bandwidth, therefore slower connection
  • they tend to be more expensive than own dedicated access (of course; they have a whole infrastructure and staff to pay for)
  • it can be noisy, if many people are around or some kids play shooter games
  • it’s not very private, if you want to “Skype” someone, on top of that you disturb the people around you

written by Chris

Jan 01

MBarGo, Fraud, Violence, Pain, Criminals…because it is run by a bunch of fraudsters and violent criminals!

Why, you might ask? Here is the whole story:

My fiancee and me had a ball of a time partying the night away with friends on New Year’s Eve in Jalan Dhyana Pura, Bali. After midnight, around 3-4am of the first day of the New Year 2007, we thought it might be a good idea to sway in some chill-out rhythms to one of Kuta’s famous in-places – the music club “MBarGo” in Jalan Legian, Kuta. We’d been there before and usually they play a nice mix of music on 2 floors.

written by Chris

Dec 31

Medical Tourism - a way for me to cut my healthcare costs?I used to pay around 400-600 Euro for my Health Insurance – per month! Not that I didn’t try to reduce that or even get around it at all. Why not pay for what you use only?

But back in my home country Germany, you have no choice. You have to pay for a health insurance and you basically pay for it with an arm and a leg. That is, if you earn a good income. The service you receive, when things go wrong, can range from mediocre to great, although you have limited influence, on which doctor or hospital to chose.

written by Chris

Dec 29

Internet in Asia Offline 99.9%Actually I wanted to post this one here 3 days ago. But nothing worked – obviously. ;-)

An earthquake disrupted internet services in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Indonesia and Japan. I currently still have heavy problems accessing my e-mail not to talk about websurfing. Seems to be one of the biggest disaster since 1999, when a major internet outage occured in Asia.

written by Chris

Dec 23

If you invest in stocks, shares, funds or currencies like me, you want to know constantly, how the markets stand. This way you know what the clock is ticking and are able to react quick, if necessary. When traveling in foreign countries, this can be quite difficult. Even more so, if you are a Permanent Traveler or Nomad.

Of course you can read a newspaper every day, surf the internet until you drop or log into your Online Banking or Brokerage Account to check, what time it is for your investments.

written by Chris

Dec 23

Thinking about retirement? Plan ahead!Recently I found this practical guide on how everyone can retire in their 30’s.

It just requires a little planning ahead – and chosing the right path. It’s nicely written and really a great “How-to”, if you are in your early 20’s and don’t know which way to go. Most of it is truly common sense for a mid-age guy with both feet in life. But the trouble is, you only acquire those experiences over time. And with a lot of potential to mess it up!

written by Chris

Dec 20

For most people it’s a dream to live one day in their own house, which they paid off with their own hard-earned money. Mortgage Rates lock you in the Rat Race for a long time

Depending on where you live and how high your demands and your income are, this can actually result in you paying off a bank loan over the next 10-20 or even 30 years. After which you practically *own* the house (before it was actually owned by the bank). And after which you probably start spending again (during probably as well), as even the best build quality deteriorates over time and needs upgrades, re-invest or maintainance.

written by Chris