Nov 15

It’s funny to watch and compare the two genders dance around each other in Thailand and Bali. While in Thailand, mainly in Bangkok, Pattaya or Phuket; most of the sex tourists are usually the old, saggy type of men in their late 50s up, it’s almost unheard of that women travel to Thailand for Sex.


The show is completely different in Bali: Here you usually see a younger crowd of men, but most of them bring ‘beer to Munich’ or ‘owls to Athens’, as they travel with girlfriend or wife. Rarely you see typical male sex tourists (in the classical sense) flock to Indonesia.

written by Chris

Nov 11

That is probably a question everyone of us was asking him/herself already. When walking around in Jalan Doublesix a few days back, I passed a stall of used books and this one literally just “jumped into my eye”.

So I had to buy it for Rp 30.000, which was well worth it. Reading through it I was amazed over the similarities of what people struggle with and how and if they overcome their fears and doubts. Most people don’t get it written down on paper, what is their goal in life and how they can achieve a fulfilled time on earth. There is no difference if old or young, open-minded, well-educated or easy-going.

written by Chris

Nov 05

In Indonesia there is a widely accepted practice in stores country-wide, that instead of small change they give you candy. That means for every Rp 100 they owe you, you will get a piece of candy. Sweet or annoying? A welcomed treat for sweet tooths – annoying for some; as some Aussie smart pants tried in reversal to pay his purchases with the same coin. Read on from The Bali Times:

000001In Reversal, Expat Tries, Fails to Pay with Candy

written by Chris

Nov 04

Sally Lever sent in her latest newsletter some interesting ideas, on how to discipline yourself further to live more with less – without torturing yourself. In the end it always comes out to money matters, right? I.e.

1. How much money do I need in order to downshift?

You would need to have an income of some form that is higher than your living costs. If your downshifting plans involve quitting your job and having some time out, either between jobs or in order to start your own business, then it would be wise to reduce your living costs and have some money put aside in savings to cover for that while your income is reduced. Money experts tend to recommend a sum equivalent to 6 months’ income.

written by Chris

Oct 31

It’s been a while. ;-) We are meanwhile settled in Bali, having found both accomodation and transport to get around here. The first 2 weeks we stayed at Jalan Legian in the Jimbaroo Inn, a simple, clean place for long-term stay, you can check-in here for Rp 700.000/month (about USD 78!). You can use a shared kitchen and a pool with Jacuzzi.

The first impressions:Bali Rice Terrace

– it’s hot!

– the (tourist) crowds are younger (and prettier) ;-)

written by Chris

Sep 18

Just came back from a 12-hours trip from Phuket to Ranong/Kaw Thaung. It’s about 350km from Phuket and some companies are specialized to take you there and back in 1 day – to renew your Visa for Thailand.

Temple at Myanmar side of riverOf course you can go to Malaysia as well, but currently there is a bit of civil unrest in the south of Thailand close to the Malaysian border, so I’ve heard. ;-/ Flying out every month is too expensive as well, so what else to do? Did I mention that the airport departure tax in Thailand was increased from 500 Baht to 700 Baht? Did I mention that overstaying your visa costs now 500 Baht instead of 200 Baht per day? Ah yes. We ‘farangs’ are the walking ATMs here. :)

written by Chris

Sep 11

Ten Fantastic Reasons for Downshifting
by Tracey Smith

1) Eliminate financial stress

Realise the equity that surrounds you, ditch the mortgage, dump the store and credit cards. Downshifting need not mean a smaller house, just smaller outgoings and less pressure on your wallet.

2) Live a healthier life

Adopt a more ‘outside’ and active existence. You don’t have to answer to a clock anymore. Eat when you are hungry, sleep when tired and work more efficiently as a result. Downshifters are always busy!

3) Appreciate the simpler things

written by Chris

Sep 11

Are you fed up or is your job under threat? Do you dream of moving to the country? Is now the time to make a break? This time next year, will you have made the leap and be in control of your life? Here’s how you can make it happen – successfully.

Many people dream about quitting the hectic life and starting a small business. They want to work for themselves but are not always clear about what to do. Here are some tips on how to escape from the rut this year. This fact sheet will help point you in the right direction and explain the issues you need to consider. Plus there is a 14-step guide to changing your life.

written by Chris