Nov 24

The old Indonesian Rupiah notesThe Indonesian Rupiah declined over the last couple of weeks substantially. This week it even hit a new 7-year low of less than Rp 12.000 for 1 Dollar, exchange rates not seen way back in 2001.

Just this week it lost almost 7% of its value against the US Dollar, while the exchange rate to the Euro remained more stable.

While that is certainly good news for Travelers and Expats in Indonesia with assets in US Dollar, the Rupiah is coming down pretty fast.

So what’s the reason?

written by Chris

Oct 12

Paradise BaliLiving the last 2 years in Bali were surprisingly smooth sailing. Originally we wanted to stay here 6 months only – now I almost can’t believe, how quickly time passed on this lovely island.

Coming from Phuket, the first impressions were quite mixed. What stroke me most initially, was the chaotic traffic and the colder ocean temperatures.

Now it’s time to move on again to new shores. Time for a Wrap-up of good and annoying things you can experience, when you live here as a long-term traveler, Nomad or Expat.

Here we go; the Best, the Good, the Ugly of Bali:

written by Chris

Sep 21

Learn English with Authentic Native English Speakers - from AustraliaFound this sign in Jalan Teuku Umar Barat in Bali and it left me a bit puzzled. Are Australians really authentic native English Speakers?

I mean, of course our beloved Aussies grow up speaking English as their first language. But is that the real, authentic English you want to learn to improve your language skills, mate?

What is authentic language anyway?

Is it like asking a Bavarian to teach you German: “Yo mei? O’zapft is!”. Or a Swiss or Austrian?

How about a Balinese to teach you Bahasa Indonesia? Or a Singaporean to teach you Singlish?

written by Chris

Aug 08

Have you seen any travel-related Movies?Most people love to watch movies. Travelers are no difference. In most Bars in Thailand, movies are shown every sunset on a TV or even on big screens.

In Vang Vien in Laos, Travelers sit in restaurants and watch “Friends” episodes all day and night long; surely the smoky atmosphere there helps a bit to be in the right mood.

Then there are movies about Travel and Travelers.

Somehow those are basically pretty scary, after all traveling is dangerous, right? But there are the odd romantic and thoughtful flicks as well, which will blow your mind, make you shed a tear or at least entertain you for a good 100 minutes.

written by Chris

Jul 29

White Knight Two and Space Ship Two Virgin during Galactic flightWith all the ‘Dark Knight‘ propaganda these days, it’s refreshing to see another Knight coming along. Yesterday another step was taken to soon bring tourists into space. Not in a galaxy far far away, but here on our planet Earth.

Does that sound like Science Fiction to you? Jule Vernes anyone?

I would rather say so, if it wasn’t for entrepreneur Richard Branson behind it. He proved already during all his life, that one can fulfill his dreams, if you simply pursue them with enough determination. You can circumvent the globe in an Hot Air Balloon if you feel like it – right?

written by Chris

Jul 24

Fatty's Chinese Kitchen as seen by wickedsmile.blogspot.comBack in the days, when still living in Germany, I used to eat very irregularly. 4 days a week on the road, you just stuff anything edible in your mouth. Mostly things like Fast Food, Pizza and some ‘German Classics’ like Doener Kebab or Currywurst.

Needless to say I always had a bit more pounds on my hips than necessary. Usually 5-10, but up to 20 pounds during the worst of times. And I didn’t have much to do for that.

written by Chris

Jul 14

Serious Travel BackpackWhen setting off a long-term trip for the first time, it’s common for people to bring far more than they need; the uncertainty of what the trip may bring can lead to a mentality of packing things “just in case”, or for comfort.

I remember my first 2-week trip to Thailand, hundreds of full moons back; my backpack looked like the one to the right and embarrassingly I even brought socks for that expected cold night in the tropics. Ahem!

written by Chris

Jul 05

Elitegroup ECS G10IL…that is called ECS G10IL. And what is that? The successor of R2D2?

No, it’s the new Netbook PC of Elitegroup with a strange name – it weighs less than 1 kg and it speaks 3G.

While Asus can lay claims of having invented a complete new line or range of small, budget notebooks – the Ultra Mobile PC (UMPC) or Netbooks – the fierce competition is currently heating up more and bringing out new and similar gadgets every week with better value for money or smaller form factors.

written by Chris