Feb 01

Monopoly Money - you will need more than that to retire earlyA while ago we established a concept, that it doesn’t take you necessarily heaps of money to retire early in your lifetime. If you don’t have high demands, are happy to live a simple but fulfilled life in a low-cost-of-living country, plan ahead and have some savings which will provide you with passive income in the form of interest, rent, dividends it might be even possible that you can retire already in your 30s.

You can read many tips and tricks on this site on how to plan ahead and retire early to enjoy what life really has to offer. So if you seriously plan to retire early, is there a chance that you can totally f*ck it up? But of course!

written by Chris

Jan 16

Store, Access and Sync your Data while Traveling the WorldTraveling the world, most people take plenty of pictures, need access to their business or private contacts, want to make mid or long-term appointments, have to write letters to Visa or Immigration authorities or simply want to stay in touch with their loved ones.

While bringing a laptop or notebook computer is an option for many – most people refrain to do so, as they are quite bulky, can break down, get lost or stolen – all of which will cause havoc to your personal documents, private video or music collection and other valuable private data on it:

written by Chris

Jan 02

Lion Air 737-900ER Wingtip as seen from Row 3 Window Seat cruising over Java IslandGoing to Bogor and Puncak over the festive days, we were taking Lion Air to get to Jakarta from Bali and back. Apart from being competitively priced (around Rp. 350.000 one way/person), I was positively surprised about the Lion Air flights.

The plane used was a spanking-new Boeing 737-900ER, one of the newest mid-range/single-aisle planes of Boeing. This youngest member of the 737 family only received its FAA certificate in the US in April 2007. And guess who was the launching partner?

Wait a minute – Lion Air Indonesia launching partner for the 737-900ER?

written by Chris

Dec 27

Best-of-2007 for nomad4ever - travel on!The year is almost over and thanks to your continuous support – it was an exciting and successful year, which saw phenomenal growth for nomad4ever.com.

Checking over at problogger.com, I noticed an interesting list of his best articles in 2007, copyblogger.com has a similar one.

I liked the idea and simply ‘copyblogged’ it, so much about this short introduction and the intention for this article.

Here is the wrap-up of the monthly highlights of Nomad4ever.com in 2007; the posts which attracted the most readers and sparked a lot of comments from you guys:

written by Chris

Dec 23

Supporters of PPP cheer early election results in Bangkok, Thailand - Photo by AP - David LongstreathAs the election booths were closed earlier today following the first election after the Coup of the Thai Military – the smoke is slowly starting to clear up. It looks now like the Allies of then deposed former PM Thaksin Shinawatra are headed for a victory.

This would come as a double blow to the Military who executed the ‘bloodless Coup’ accusing Thaksin of Corruption and robbing money from the people. They basically took over the country, when the PM was on a business trip in Europe to meet with other leaders.

Seems that the people have a different opinion:

written by Chris

Dec 16

Warung Murah in Bali, Jalan Doublesix, Food Selection and Price TagsAs mentioned earlier – people around the world love and crave Asian food. I’m not talking about your standard Chinese Restaurant. There is more to experience and taste out there. Let’s start to introduce some of the many delicious dishes you can find around this vast region.

Where to begin?

As I’m currently residing in Bali, Indonesia – naturally I have to start with food from Indonesia. Indonesia has a wide variety of tribes, religions, cultures and cuisines. The most dominant food you can find at almost every corner, street or restaurant is Javanese food – originally from Java – and for good reasons:

written by Chris

Nov 26

National Stereotypes Cartoon - British, French, Italian, GermanInspired by an idea of Mon earlier on this post, I searched the net far and wide to find the most common stereotypes about Nationalities.

Generalizations about cultures or nationalities can be a source of pride, anger or simply bad jokes. Some people say that in all stereotype there is some basis in reality, as they don’t develop in vacuum.

To give a more serious definition: “National Stereotype is a system of culture-specific beliefs connected with the nationality of a person. This system includes beliefs concerning those properties of human beings that may vary across nations, such as appearance, language, food, habits, psychological traits, attitudes, values etc.”

written by Chris

Nov 19

Mixed Couple in AsiaAsia is a melting pot of different cultures, religions and values. Ever since Marco Polo made his way to this part of the world, people had their own ideas, misconceptions or prejudices without even knowing some basic facts first hand.

Some of those prevail even today, especially about mixed relationships.

With this I mean relationships between Asian and Caucasian women or men.

Everyone heard those kind of stories of bald, old, fat foreign men flocking to Asia and soon be seen hand-in-hand with an exotic beauty. Sooner than later they will buy a house and a pickup truck for their ‘new-found family’. A bit later they are back were they were before – just stripped of their money and other belongings. Need an example?

written by Chris