Nov 18

Under Construction!I’m currently upgrading the site to the latest WordPress Version (2.3.1). Therefore you might see some funny effects or a non-complete site layout.

Don’t worry though – it’s not your computer, but mine being responsible for that. I hope everything will be back to normal by tomorrow.

Will take a few hours though to check, if everything works like it should.

Some other changes you can expect:

1. That annoying but non-reproducible Internet Explorer Bug for which I searched far and wide to find a solution: in the end I could pinpoint it down to the WordPress Theme I used.

Unfortunately the author of the Theme couldn’t help me to fix the problem and basically doesn’t support it anymore.

So a change was necessary to not scare away a good 60% of my readers, as the content pane was sometimes not accessible with IE. I hope you will like the new Design, it uses the i3theme, created by Mickey Cheong Kah Meng of in Singapore. It’s brand-new and Mickey is putting out new improved versions every few weeks or so. I’m hoping currently for a version with fluid width for the middle pane, to allow a better utilization of larger (especially: wide) screens.

So far the Theme works great on Firefox 2.x, Opera 9.x, Internet Explorer 6 & 7 and Safari. And the best thing – Mickey is very quick in bug-fixing, in applying new features and he helps when someone runs into troubles.

2. Some readers requested to be able to subscribe to comment threads – there will be a new function in place which allows just that.

3. Smileys – to make it easier to express your emotions when commenting, I will include clickable Smileys. Let me know, if you need more or different ones, it’s easy to modify them.

Please give me feedback, if you can’t access the content or other parts of the site. Thanks a million! ;-)

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written by Chris

2 Responses to “Site Maintenance – up for something new?”

  1. Iklan Baris GratisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Congrats Chris, i have big problem too before when i upgrade to wordpress 2.3.0
    and i must delete all files and then i do clean install and the problem is gone! =))

    Btw happy thanksgiving for you Chris and everyone.. :-B ;;)

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Thanks for the friendly wishes. Same to you! Sorry to hear about your upgrade pains. I had a similar mess once and since then I always use a template first on a sub-domain to try how the upgrade affects the content and plugins. Saves a lot of troubles! ;)

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