Oct 08

In another careless attempt without *any* regard to customer service or flexibility, ‘Thailands mother of all airlines’ is deflecting its own problems with the new airport to its customers. It’s only our time, so where is the problem, right? Oh my goodness……..read on:

PHUKET: To ease congestion and ensure that passengers arrive on time, Thai Airways International (THAI) is calling for passengers to check-in three hours before their scheduled departure times.
The call also applies to passengers boarding flights at Phuket International Airport.

Domestic passengers are asked to check-in at least an hour before departure. The call follows problems at Suvarnabhumi International Airport since its opening on September 28, which has seen many passengers not reunited with their luggage after flights, prompting THAI to set up an emergency 24-hour hotline for passengers to report missing luggage. THAI President Apinan Sumanaseni said that baggage was reaching customers 45 minutes after landing, on average. The hotlines for missing luggage are 02-130 0057/8 and 02-130 0060.

In the meantime, THAI’s public relations office has issued a press release stating that it has opened a web page (http://tg-importcargo-phuket.spaces.live.com) explaining documentation procedures, in Thai and English, for shipping or collecting cargo though the THAI Cargo Warehouse at Phuket International Airport.
The webpage, which includes a list of the customs clearance documents required for receiving imported cargo, is intended to prevent a common occurrence: people driving all the way out to the airport to collect cargo only to find that they do not have the correct documents.

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written by Chris

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