May 03

Cheap Flights to Perth?
Travelling to Perth is sometimes imagined to be expensive, but with a bit of clever planning, this doesn’t have to be the case.

Flights to Perth are generally very affordable and you don’t have to wait long to avail them.

Here are three of the best tips for finding a great deal on flights to Perth.

1. Be on trend

The pricing of plane tickets is based on demand, with airlines trying to achieve as full a plane as possible without lowering ticket prices any more than they have to. Demand can be hard to predict, with ticket prices fluctuating wildly from week to week.

Websites like Kayak monitor pricing trends, showing the rise and fall of fares for your selected route, and predict whether they are likely to rise, fall or stay the same over the next seven days. Based on this information, they will then advise you on whether the time is right to purchase your tickets.

2. Keep your eyes peeled for deals

Promotional fares and sales are a great way to score cheap flights to Perth. Sign up for email updates from the major airlines to be notified when a promotion or sale is taking place.

It’s a good idea to begin this process a few months in advance of when you plan to travel, in order to secure the best deals. Adioso’s “watch prices” function is another helpful tool. Enter your email and the price you’re willing to pay, and Adioso will alert you when an appropriate fare become available.

3. Avoid unnecessary extras

Why pay for services you do not want or need? Full-service airlines may be convenient for some of us, but others just want to get from point A to point B. If you are willing to go without an airplane meal, in-flight alcohol, checked baggage, entertainment systems or allocated seats, huge savings can be made.

Budget airlines allow you to select only the services you want to pay for. This is especially good for short flights within Australia or to nearby countries such as Indonesia, where you can travel comfortably without expensive extras.

So there you have it! If you are willing to invest a little time, planning and persistence, it will pay off. Start searching now, and you can travel happily knowing that you have secured an excellent deal.

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written by Chris

3 Responses to “Three Tips On How To Score Cheap Flights To Perth”

  1. PavelNo Gravatar VIET NAM Says:

    So what website do you use for searching tickets, Kayak?

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Expedia, Zuji, Orbitz…there’s quite a few…but also I love to use promo, if I’m flexible to book far in advance.

  3. RayNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Hi Chris, some good tips there.
    I have followed your blog for quite some time (although not a subscriber) and was disappointed when you stopped updating it, as i think its one of the better ones going round. Does this latest article mean that you will be updating on a regular basis again? All the best, Ray

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