Jul 15

Live in the Philippines Logo.jpgRobert Martin – better known as ‘Mindanao Bob’ is one of my online friends here in the Philippines. He is a workaholic with dozens of websites and offline businesses and an authority and institution about everything Philippines. No wonder, since he is married to a wonderful Filipina and living in Mindanao already for over a decade!

I was thinking to pay Bob a visit in Davao; not quite sure though, if I should do that better by plane or simply riding the Tricycle right through Mindanao. Anyway – when he asked me to write a Guest Post about our Tricycle Trip over at his site “Live in the Philippines“, I felt honored and obliged happily. Read on here, if you are interested or want to join the discussion.

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written by Chris

11 Responses to “Tricyle Diaries – over at liveinthephilippines.com”

  1. Mindanao BobNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Thanks, Chris! You certainly are on a unique journey, and your article generated considerable interest among my readers! I’m kind of upset, though, now that you’ve done thing, I have to think of something even better to do! :-o I’m not sure what I will come up with, though! ;-)

    Seriously, thanks for your article!

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Wow, that was very fast Bob! Anyway – I don’t think you will have any problems, coming up with something better to do. Also there would be still the “Jolly Jeepney Journey around the Philippines” available. Whatever you do, I’m sure we will be able to read about it soon over at LiP. ;-)

  3. Mindanao BobNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Ha ha.. I got to comment instantly, Chris, because when you posted this article the trackback to my site pinged me…. so boom, I hit your site with a comment! :-B

    Jeepney? Hmm… expensive to buy a jeepney compared to a tricycle though! Hmm.. I will come up with something, sooner or later! :-/

  4. Present Day Nomads » Blog Archive » 10 Awesome blog posts I read recently UNITED STATES Says:

    […] 10. Christian Skoda has the same philosophy as I do. Living Life on Your Terms. Except he is ahead of me by several years in living it. I am just beginning to put the wheels in motions. Nomad4ever is how he sees his life and is how he lives his life. He is currently traveling across Phillipines in a Tricycle with his girlfriend, something, it seems, no one has ever done before. He writes his Tricycle Diaries on his blog and here is the latest of the entry in his Tricycle Diaries. […]

  5. boyNo Gravatar LAO PEOPLE Says:

    How do you compare the tuktuk of thailand and laos to the tuktuks of the Philippines?

  6. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Good question. In the Philippines the Tricycles are more colorful and come in countless variations. In fact, every bigger island/region has their own version of tricycle. Sometimes the bike is on the left side, sometimes in the middle, the sidecar is sometimes small, covering only the passenger, sometimes the driver, like a full cabin and it comes in all shapes and colors. What else? ;-)

  7. MauiNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    hey Chris, your website is great! informative, easy to browse and knowing that you are not a Filipino makes it a fun reading.

    For this post…I can add that any tuktuk drivers around the Philippines can converse with any tourist effortlessly :D

  8. TolitsNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I always read your blog. It’ is very informative. Hey, did you celebrate Christmas in the Philippines? If yes, how was it? :)

  9. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Tolits – no, I’m now in Bali and was here also over Christmas. But I’m not the big Xmas person anyway, so it really doesn’t matter much. Over New Year I will be on the Gili Islands in Lombok, a first, so I’m really excited checking those islands out finally! All the best for you also… :D

  10. yasiNo Gravatar JORDAN Says:

    funny!but you know more than i know about the philippines considering that am a pure blooded filipina & i grow up there!anyway i love reading your comments & how you promote the philippines!most of you love the south of the philippines!hope when i come home i would be able to visit south!since I grow up on the north or the so called luzon i dont know a lot of the south!

  11. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    yasi, the Philippines are a beautiful country. I simply like traveling there. Although I don’t know much about the country and its society as a whole, my own travels and staying there for up to 6 months helped me though, to scratch a bit at the surface. Thanks for the heads up! ;;)

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