Feb 04

Horseback Riding at Sunset in Seminyak, BaliThat is what true freedom really means for me. Freedom of time, mind, action, day in and day out. Freedom to do, what you want to do – when you want to do it. May it be a jog at sunrise, staying in bed all day, swimming at dawn or horseback riding at sunset.

Thankfully you can fulfil a lot of those freedom dreams in Asia.

That’s why this is my favourite region on this our beloved planet! You can find nice scenery, high, snow-topped mountains and deep green valleys, crystal clear oceans and lakes, great food, friendly people, pristine beaches, roaring volcanoes, permanent sunshine, hang mats at palm trees, good surfs and breaks, lonely dive spots, endless caves, indigenous species and soooooo much more. On top of all it’s still so affordable, you really get plenty of bang for your buck and don’t have to pay with an arm and a leg.

Take Horseback Riding as an example:

It is truly a relaxing and majestic hobby. Every weekend you can see people taking a ride here at the beaches of Bali, even though it isn’t a very cheap thing to do, compared to Asian standards. You have to shell out around USD 30 per hour, this usually includes a guide on a second horse, if you aren’t so familiar yet with those natural acceleration, clutch and brake. ;-)

After a while it all comes naturally. You gallop freely along the beach line; sprays of water flying at your arms and legs.

A cool wind in your hair, warm smell of Colitas, rising up through the air…..oops, that was something else. But you get the point, it doesn’t have to be Highway 101 in California to get this feeling. Here you can ride through rice fields, sand dunes, along the beach shores and best; you can chose the time, track and your company.

Horseback Riding at Sunset along the Beach in Seminyak, BaliSo is horseback riding for you?

Don’t know? Don’t worry to much about it. Just give it a try!

As Mark Twain coined it, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”. Haaa!!!

So, coming back to the title; what is better: Italian Suits and Ties – or Horse Rides at Sunrise; and if you still don’t know “Why?” it all pays off to get out, change your life and start doing something different today – read here.

Maybe you will start with horseback riding? Right Cath? ;-)

And please don’t forget to tell here, what you think and what you did!

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written by Chris

10 Responses to “…weigh my Horse Rides at Sunrise to your Italian Suits and Ties.”

  1. HeliodoreNo Gravatar not found Says:

    Beautiful pictures !
    I’m impressed

  2. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    That’s quite interesting, Chris!.. I like horseback riding, too…

  3. IsabelNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Hey Chris,

    I love horseriding,always have, although havent done it in a little while. And would swap my “italian suit” anyday for a horse ride at sunset.


    ps- loved the pics…

  4. CathNo Gravatar FRANCE Says:

    Hi Chris!

    People invented bicycles, cars, trains, planes, spaceships, but they will ride, always !

    Horses and humans…

  5. sophieNo Gravatar PORTUGAL Says:

    Horses give us the wings we lack.

  6. ManzurNo Gravatar PAKISTAN Says:

    We all have a subconscious desire to give up our ”Italian suits’ for our favorite rides which might notnecessairly be horse rides.But the one thing we lack is the ‘courage’ to let go our present states and to break the invisible chains.I might do it any time coz i m fed up.

  7. Horse Approved » Blog Archive » Horse Lovers Blog Carnival UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Chris presents …weigh my Horse Rides at Sunrise to your Italian Suits and Ties posted at nomad4ever […]

  8. Digital NomadNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Never had an Italian suit, but I like what you are saying. Had to stop by for some inspiration.

  9. Horse Approved | Horse Lovers Blog Carnival - Today is the Day! - “Why I Am Thankful For The Horse (Equine)” UNITED STATES Says:

    […] presents …weigh my Horse Rides at Sunrise to your Italian Suits and Ties posted at […]

  10. Living the Good Life in Bali - a Wrap up after 2 Years | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] to get into the right mood. Swim with dolphins or visit sunken wrecks on the bottom of the ocean. Ride a horse on a beach during sunset or sunrise. You name it, Bali has […]

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