Jan 10

Yahoo LogoRumours were there already months back (starting in november 2006 by techcrunch.com), but a few days ago it really happened. Yahoo acquired the Social Network MyBlogLog for USD 10 Mio.

It will be soon accessible via your one Yahoo Account as well, like other services like Yahoo Answers, del.icio.us and Flickr.com before.

While Google is racing ahead in both Search Engine Competence and Stock Price and somewhat in tools for content creation, monitoring and management, Yahoo seems to focus more on the community and social aspect of the so-called Web 2.0.

And why not? Building communities of loyal customers and consumers? Sounds like the next big thing to generate web revenues, doesn’t it?

Although it’s not clear yet, where it will lead us, there is sure more to come with ongoing internet company mergers and feature additions in this fast-paced creation of a brave new world. The whole world is getting smaller and Cyberspace is no exception.

Logo MyBlogLog.comMyBlogLog started out simply as a tool for measuring blog metrics and statistics aka a down-sized version of Google’s Analytics, but constantly evolved into a personal community tool for bloggers world-wide.

I like to use it as well, as you can in the lower left sidebar of this blog and in posts with comments. You can see a picture (Avatar) of the person, who is visiting your blog and other bloggers can see, if you came along to theirs. It gives the whole blogging experience a nice personal touch, which is otherwise not so obvious. Then you have the MyBlogLog Communities, which you can join based on your interests or other topics, you’d like to monitor. You can find easily other like-minded people and can exchange ideas, ask for help or support or just feel good being part of one of the fastest growing online communities.

The question now is, how well and how fast will Yahoo integrate everything with their other services. There is alot of discussion ongoing right now, what Yahoo should do with MyBlogLog; examples can be found here or here.

So far both Google and Yahoo offer merely a patchwork of useful applications and features. Who will emerge as the integrator, giving more valuable and useful tools to the Web 2.0 community? Anyway, those are exciting times ahead for us!

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written by Chris

2 Responses to “What does Yahoo want with MyBlogLog?”

  1. Cornwall SEO » Why Mybloglog.com is the worst social network in the world UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    […] What people have to say about myblog from around the web. Shoemoneys’ predictions correct Why Yahoo Needs MyBlogLog, and Vice Versa The MyBlogLog Blog Bloggers unite! Yahoo! joins forces with MyBlogLog MyBlogLog has finally been acquired by Yahoo! Yahoo Buys Networking Site For Blog Junkies What does Yahoo want with MyBlogLog? Om Malik on the sale to Yahoo Mashable talks about the Yahoo sale Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  2. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I expect for more improvement with Mybloglog being bought by bigger company. I can site two examples. In the early 2000, I was already using the free web services of Geocities and when it was bought by Yahoo, there had been obvious improvement of the service.

    Second example is when Blogger of then Pyra Labs was bought by Google. I was already a Blogger user even before Google take it over. When Google handled Blogger (of course, with the same Pyra Labs people working in it), there had be considerable improvement to the service.

    My conclusion is that this kind of system should always work for the greater good…

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Hey, if you want a picture to show by your comment, why not get a gravatar?

;-) :twisted: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :evil: :cry: :arrow: :?: :-| :-x :-o :-P :-D :-? :) :( :!: 8-O 8)