Found this interesting site, which has listed 88 tips, tricks, ideas and tutorials, on how to save your hard earned bucks.
A few of them are really astonishing and not that obvious.
So over time you should be able to put some money aside and go on that Round-The-World-trip, no?
or save article to your Facebook with 1 simple click:
December 12th, 2006 at 11:43 am
Mate, I absolutely love your blog has to be probably the best of all that I read. You’ll be getting a link on my site ASAP. I didn’t think I’d ever find someone who felt exactly like I do about travelling and being free.
December 13th, 2006 at 10:05 pm
Oh I so agree! do the world trip, now I just gotta convince all in my party…
great blog!
March 1st, 2007 at 4:49 am
I like number 32 (Grow your own herbs). Now that would be a real money saver. :-)
October 21st, 2007 at 9:30 pm
[…] 88 Tips to save Money […]
May 23rd, 2008 at 12:13 am
Hi everybody, I’m Italian,traveller, and, forgive me, but frankly I’ve never ever read anything so silly and childish like these tips to “save money” Thery are so fun to me, and I think for a lot of other people.
How somebody can seriusly say: Go buffet,Make your,pizza,Grow your own veggies, fruit, (regarding herbs, I absolultley agree with the swedish buddy :)), but, Comeon,I mean do you guys really need somebody, a Voice from the sky, a Big Brother when you are shopping that simply tells you:
“hey, asshole, halt!. stop for a second. just a second. Start using your own brain . damn, use it. now think if you really need this shi.. that you are buying? things, we are talking about thinghs, clear?do you really really need it? ever think that you can be happy with a book, a chair and a sandwich?” or this compulsive tension of shopping is so much radicated in you? and what do you want to do? going to the shinker to deredicate it?yeah! another turn, another coin, . Come on, wake up friends!! want to travel?, travel but stop think about money, don’t waste stupid money in terrible, devastating , cruel,offensive, habits like tipping everyboody for what? Rule one and only :wake up!, use, use, but Use our brain.
Love . Happy after long, Giacomo,39.
May 23rd, 2008 at 6:57 pm
giacomo, you are spot on with your comment for a certain type of people. Others prefer the method of little steps to achieving a goal.
I sometimes too want to scream at people (or friends) to wake up and leave their world of conformity and ‘life-long security’ behind, as it doesn’t exist anyway or is only wishful thinking.
But I had to learn the hard way, that they mainly don’t want or appreciate my advise and in the end I will appear as a smart-ass or as arrogant/intolerant. So these days I usually refrain from agitating directly and maybe offering simpler ways or solutions, but yeah, we can’t force someone and that’s fine with me.
Everyone has to go ones own way. And that’s a good thing!
(For sure some of the above mentioned tips are simply hilarious, but maybe they help to initiate a different thinking process) :D
February 9th, 2009 at 5:50 am
I barter a lot ! It’s been a great way to save. I do photography and web design. Just one example is saving $750 in townhome repairs this year. I did a $500 website trade for a roof repair and a $250 portrait trade for a siding repair.
If anyone has a service or product to offer, barter is great.
My other trades have been for massage, hair cut/color, original artwork, and b and b stays!
I do agree with the article about not eating out as much …. but great restaurant meals are such a wonderful part of life that I just can’t cut back (too much) there.
There were a few more tips that won’t ever happen for me, but it was a good article!
February 9th, 2009 at 5:54 am
Giacomo :
I’m not sure if read your comment right, but skimping on well deserved tips isn’t a good way to save. That’s just mean. I may have read your note wrong.