Aug 09

Purple Toilet Paper, ah yes! Nobody knows, why toilet paper in Laos is of a certain purple colour.

Could it be a reference to the old ‘rough’ paper of former communist countries (to make even the last bum a Red)? :)

Certainly the information for the case here is not available. Funnily you can find the same paper and colour in the whole country, most hotels have it as well.

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written by Chris

5 Responses to “Funny Aliens: The Mystery of Purple Toilet Paper i…”

  1. Wondering how Thailand was 20 years ago? Look no further…visit Laos! | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Vientiane will get you into the mood for the whole country already, things are going slowly here; it’s easy to explore and you will find signs of forgotten times and its easy-going people. […]

  2. KillianNo Gravatar FRANCE Says:

    That sure is an ugly purple color! They should order from instead! Funky website with funky colors! purple, green, pink, peach, blue… I guess that is what make the difference between a developing country and a developed country…

  3. stephanie saltzNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    =D> =)) :)) thatz so hot they should totally sell that ….id buy it

  4. Garry NingNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    For me, they created this purple tissue to make it more attractive and grab the attention of the buyers. In this way many people will buy this product.

  5. Jhonson DomoganNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    The country of Laos became popular because they had a very extraordinary purple toilet paper instead of white toilet paper. This is commonly used in their place.

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