Aug 09

MSG anyone?It’s been a while since japanese food chemicals giant Ajinomoto first started to mass-produce MSG (Monosodium Glutamate) to ‘enhance’ the flavour of our food.

It’s almost certain, that an overuse of MSG these days can harm your health. Or maybe not?

Europeans and Americans speak of a so-called Chinese Restaurant Syndrom, which is something like an allergic reaction to artificial ingredients in food, previously mainly used by Chinese or Asian chefs.

These days it’s more the other way around – it’s added more and more to processed and prepared foods, even without our knowledge. On the foods labels this ingredient is disguised or even not mentioned at all. Ever heard of E621, Yeast Extract or Plant Protein Extract?

This happens mainly by american and european Multinationals (KFC, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, Mc Donalds, Knorr, P&G Pringles, etc.) while Asians use it more as a condiment to freshly prepared food (as seen here in Laos). There you simply can say ‘No!’, before it’s added.

Should we speak now of an American Diet Syndrom? Or is it all big bahoo about nothing? At least ‘Food for thought’…..


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written by Chris

2 Responses to “Funny Aliens: ‘MSG anyone?’”

  1. Wondering how Thailand was 20 years ago? Look no further…visit Laos! | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Back in Luang Prabang, sitting on the river banks slurping a beer or enjoying some satey or strawberry or Duck Pâté Baguette (just watch out for MSG), you will have developed a fascination with the Mekong River by now. […]

  2. 55 Nations - Stereotypes that will Ruin or Make your Day | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] – religious; Buddhists; family-oriented; weed smokers; MSG lovers; warm & friendly people; relocated & traumatized refugees; Boat People; farmers; […]

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