Oct 10

The fires in Sumatra and Borneo still bring over a lot of smoke and haze to Singapore and parts of Malaysia, including Kuala Lumpur.

Though it got better already in the last couple of days, it’s still quite heavy, as you can see on this shot from Chinatown Point/Chinatown Park Center in Singapore. Usually you see a cloudless blue sky behind the silhouette of Capital and Temasek Tower in the afternoon.
This time, there is hardly any sky (not to mention ‘blue’) to be seen. We are talking of distance of 1-2 kilometres here. Singapore is measuring the haze density with some sort of PSI (Pollution Standard Index), which fortunately showed some improvement during the last couple of days. At CNA (ChannelNewsAsia) they say, that in a few days all will be back to normal.
The funny thing is, when Singapore and Malaysia complained to Indonesia regarding the fires on Sumatra and Borneo, the answer was that it’s mainly Singaporean and Malaysian companies, who cause them. Cutting (and burning) jungle and making room for farms and other installations is surely a profitable thing as well. Hmmm, whom is to believe here?

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written by Chris

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