Oct 30

Brad Pitt is baking Bread in SingaporeWhile waiting for the Indian Visa, the last few days were spent here roaming around Singapore, eating plenty of Malay, Chinese and Indian food. And watching some new movies in the Cinema.

Amongst those new flicks was one starring Brad Pitt, directed by the Coen Brothers, called “Burn after Reading”.

What an amazing little film!

I loved the Coen Brothers since “Fargo” introducing Frances McDormand as a pregnant police woman to movie goers. And who could forget “The Big Lebowski”, with Jeff Bridges and John Goodman, again rocking Steve Buscemi, besides Julianne Moore and Philip Seymour Hoffman as the giggly and obviously gay servant.

Nihilism and White Russian anyone?

And yeah, while the Brothers certainly came a long way – winning Oscars left and right (last year for “No Country for Old Men”) – this year’s star-studded flick is a beautiful black comedy again. George Clooney, Tilda Swinton and John Malkovich joined the cast and said Brad Pitt is amazingly funny as the dumb, yet smarty pants – helping Frances McDormand (who is BTW married to Joel Coen) to blackmail a CIA agent to make them pay for her cosmetic surgeries.

Guess who sleeps with whom, who will come out winning and who will be dead? Oh my! ;-)

Anyway, the same day after having watched the movie I strolled around Chinatown, paying a small tribute snack to one of my previous favorite food courts, the Maxwell Food Center in Maxwell Road (I used to live some hundred meters behind that one in Club Street for a good 3 years).

bakerman is baking bread pittWhile the food court certainly had seen better days and looks more and more rundown over the last few years (despite a make-over some 2 years back), I noticed a new stall which obviously tried to cash in on the success of one of the celebrities mentioned above.

Bakerman is certainly baking bread here.

It does make for a cheap exploitation of Brad Pitt, but it will leave you with a smile on your face as well.

So, count me in having fallen for this cheap trick and using it myself with this cheap post. ;-)

The next article will probably come from Goa, tomorrow night is the flight via Chennai and sometime around Saturday we will be at our new destination, a small guest house in Candolim for a start. After having figured out internet access, you can expect updates sometime early next week.

(Oh yeah, sorry for the abysmal picture quality, only had the hand phone with me for the snapshot)

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written by Chris

4 Responses to “Funny Aliens: Brad Pitt’s got some Business in Singapore”

  1. TomNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    =D> i look forward to your tales of adventure in goa :D

  2. EpicurienneNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Bread Pitt, classic!
    I know what you mean about the Coen bros films. I love Fargo in particular, especially the wood chipper scene at the end. And who else would put Frances McDormand into a police uniform as a heavily pregnant officer getting around in that hostile snowy landscape? I don’t know where they get their concepts, but they’ve got me hooked. I’ll make sure to see Burn After Reading soon.

  3. Stevo | China TravelNo Gravatar CHINA Says:

    I’d eat at Bread Pitt. That is something missing from my life. Great post. I look forward to more.

  4. Margo TrianaNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Brad Pitt is my favorite actor in hollywood. I like it very much he is very beautiful and sweet!

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