Mar 31

Overseas Courier Service per bicycle?While running around this week in Singapore, I found this interesting vehicle advertising an “Overseas Courier Service – Shipping made easy around the world in 103 countries with 247 offices since 1957”.

I wonder how they are operating?

Anyway, the picture quality isn’t so great, I just had the phone camera at hand. The picture was taken @ Raffles Place/Republic Plaza Taxi Stand. It was a bit raining as well.

Since I’m back in Bali now with a brand-new-2-month Visa, you can expect some more frequent articles within the next few days.


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written by Chris

6 Responses to “Funny Aliens: Worldwide shipping per bicycle in Singapore”

  1. MikeNo Gravatar THAILAND Says:

    Any update on the 3 month visa for Indonesia? How much does a 2 month visa set you back?

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    I didn’t hear any news regarding the 4-month-Visa-on-Arrival yet.

    The Sosial Budaya, for which you have to apply outside of Indonesia, will set you back SGD 75 (about USD 50) in Singapore for the first 2 months and it can be extended 4 times for Rp 200.000 (about USD 22) per month in Indonesia.

    So all in all you could stay 6 months in the country without traveling in and out.

  3. MikeNo Gravatar THAILAND Says:

    Cool, that is good to know when I get there. So you need some kind of sponsor for the visa?

  4. MischiqueNo Gravatar MALAYSIA Says:

    Hey there..I must say I love your site. Have you been to Malaysia?You should if you haven’t :)

  5. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Mike, yes – you will need an Indonesian to ‘sponsor’ your stay, even though it might be you who sponsor. If you haven’t by chance an indonesian wife or fiancee, I would recommend to just travel for 1 month on the Visa-On-Arrival scheme and make some friends during that time. There is the chance of ‘one hand washes the other one’ as we say in German and people are willing to help you with visa problems. In case of doubt, you can check with Visa Agencies, who inofficially provide this kind of service as well.

    Mischique, yes I traveled a lot in Malaysia as well, mainly to KL, Melakka and the islands Langkawi, Rawa, Sibu, Tioman. And Johor Baru of course about a dozend times, when I stayed in Singapore. It’s been a while, but you are right – I should write some posts about Malaysia. Any topics you would like to see? Maybe you want to support me as a Guest Author? ;-)

  6. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Congrats for your new visa and I wait for more of your postings…

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