Sep 04

Don't say a prayer for me now - save it 'til the morning after...I know that religion is a controversial subject but a powerful force in the lives of many. Just sometimes a little prayer is all that it takes, right?

Here we go again. Oha – I’m proudly presenting the official prayers for all major faiths, to prevent your aircraft from crashing down.

It’s up to you to decide, if you prefer to pray – or crash (sleep) it out in your seat until you arrive.

These ‘Invocations’ were taken from the Inflight Manual of Garuda Airlines; but I’ve seen them with most Middle Eastern and some Western Airlines as well (only English texts here):

  • Islam – We seek the help of Allah, the most Gracious, the Most Merciful… Who has bestowed upon us the will and ability to use this aircraft without Whom we are helpless. Verily, to God alone we worship and to God alone we shall return. Oh Allah, shower us with Your blessings and protect us on this journey from any hardship or danger and protect also our family and our wealth.

  • Protestantism – Lord in heaven, we praise and thanks of thy bless and endless love in our live. In this opportunity, we call Thy holly name to accompany our journey. We believe Thou will guard and protect our plane from any disturbance and danger. To the all air crew, Thou will lead their duty in order for us arrive to destination in time and save. Thank you for Thy help and firm love from beginning, now, and forever, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

  • Catholicism – In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Long Ago You saved the children of Israel who crossed the sea with dry feet. And three wise kings from the East received Your command with the guidance of a star. We beg You. Bless us with a safe trip, with good weather. Bless us with the guidance from your angels, so that the crew of this aircraft will lead us to our destination safely. We also hope that our family remain happy and peaceful until we land safely. Blessed be Your name, now and forever. Amen. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  • Hinduism – Om Sanghyang Widhi Wasa the Greatest, all wealth and intelligence comes from your blessings. Keep our minds and manners pure and let us attain inner peace and happiness.

  • Buddhism – Praise be to Sang Bhagavca, the Pure. One who has attained enlightenment. Praise be to Sang Bhagavca, the Pure. One who has attained enlightenment. Praise be to Sang Bhagavca, the Pure. One who has attained enlightenment. Let All Creatures live in happiness in accordance to Your will.

So, what shall we make out of it? Are there any better prayers or options when facing turbulences?

Is praying suitable to protect us from mechanical, human or higher power failure or useful only to calm your nerves on a flight?

Is religion just ‘opium of the people’, as Karl Marx put it – or an ‘Illusion, deriving its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual (fears and) desires?’ (Sigmund Freud).

Can it help on a plane, train or ship to divert an upcoming disaster or catastrophe? On the Salem Express it obviously didn’t – but maybe it just wasn’t done right?

What do you think? Any Comments, Remarks and Criticism are welcome!

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written by Chris

7 Responses to “Experiencing Flight Turbulences? Pray or Crash!”

  1. KadekNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    well, whether the pray really ‘work’ or not, but after doing it, I can calm down my self. something like “..agh its ok..the God takes care everything now so what I do now just sit tight and relax….”
    so, from my personal experience, the point is not about whether the pray works or not, because just by doing that, I can put my mind in calm.

  2. Aussie CampervansNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    Prayer can give us peace of mind. Though it depends on person and view for prayer is different for every one. But for me in trouble prayer make one stress free a little bit.

  3. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Guys, I’m happy that a prayer gives you peace of mind and can calm you down. And yes, it’s then not a question if it really works or not. So as long as one gets something out of it, it’s definitely more than worth it.

  4. Travel BettyNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I’m not religious, but for some reason it calms me to see other people on a plane doing religious things (ie. making the sign of the cross or reading a Koran). I guess leaving it in God’s hands gives people a little more assurance than leaving it in the pilot’s hands. Either way, it all goes smoother with a Xanax.

  5. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.
    — Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary (1881-1906)

  6. Why can’t Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and others coexist peacefully? | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Related Posts Experiencing Flight Turbulences? Pray or Crash!Thailand: 6 Months After Coup – Little To ShowVatican To Allow Use Of Condoms?LibertarianismHitler got it all wrong…No-Frills Flights are taking off for Long-Haul Routes! […]

  7. Hanbnah UNITED STATES Says:


    It would be great help if I could get some clarity on the real issues…

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