Mar 27

Hypnotic Forex Services in GoaIf you didn’t know by now that India is a spiritual country – here you have the proof. Hypnotic Forex Services as seen here in Miramar in Goa should definitely ensure that you always have the best exchange rates for your traveler checks.

If your money or credit cards get lost, they can surely help to locate the culprit or even the missing items. And yeah, Thomas Cook is also in the boat, so here you have the security and safety of your assets guaranteed.

Isn’t India incredible?

In Mumbai and other big cities in India, Classes are offered to influence and persuade the people you have to do with on a daily basis, into actions which are aligned with your personal goals. So you will be able to influence fate and your surroundings according to your very own pursuit of happiness. Similar to the “Laws of attraction”, just a more actively managed version.

On the internet, there are even seminars offered to improve your Stock Trading Skills with Hypnosis. They call it natural self-hypnosis programs. Ah so!

I do long-term Stock, Funds and Forex trading in my spare time and a hypnotic service could truly help to predict the movements of the markets.

Or couldn’t it?

Dow Jones up or down? Go Short or Long?

Invest in Dollar, Euro, Yen or Pound?

Here we go, via clearly laid out strategies seen long before it happens. After all, history repeats itself over and over again and mass instinct is purely driven by greed, fear and overall excitement. A true hypnotic medium can probably make use of all that, tell you the overall mood and help you to make tons of money. ;-)

But there we are again, with more money come more worries and sorrows:

When is enough enough? Will I be able to make more out of it? Will I loose it all again?

So better don’t have all these worries. And who believes in hypnosis anyway?

Do you?

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written by Chris

One Response to “Funny Aliens: Hypnotic Forex Services”

  1. [F]oxymoronNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    This, my friend, is hilarious! Hypnotics… services? I see an entire empire of Hypnotic (TM.) businesses!

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