May 19

I’m currently researching for a more in-depth article about some new exciting technology making its way to Bali. While this might take another 1-2 weeks for the next update, I noticed that the motivation category also hasn’t seen some new input in a longggg time.

When I surfed on my friend Jerm’s website I found this gem of truly inspiring music.

Although Jerm and me sometimes have different viewpoints and can debate endlessly and full of enthusiasm in regards of philosophy, religion and tech gadgets, this is surely one life motto we can always agree on.

When are we going for Karaoke again, buddy? ;-)

So here is to Freedom – which we all got thrown at us when we first started to walk this planet, but some of us chose to abandon it for the comforts of modern slavery society.

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written by Chris

5 Responses to “I Was Born Free”

  1. dodong floresNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Good luck to your research, Chris…

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Thanks boss! Next time in Manila we seriously have to catch up! ;-)

  3. It's me..No Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Can we still call it freedom, if our head control our heart?

  4. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    It’s me: good question, how about that one: can we still call it freedom, if we let our heart control our head and mind? :D

  5. It's Me..No Gravatar not found Says:

    Hmm… Either heart or head. So, there’s no absolute freedom, then…

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