Dec 16

Chica the CatToday after lunch, I was just sinking in my arm chair to read ‘The Bali Times’ – it suddenly became a bit hectic in our yard. The cat was running around scared and began hiding combined with some desperate meowing, followed then by an awakening hunting instinct towards the bushes and palm trees in our yard.

What was going on?

Intruder AlertArmed with a broom stick I parted some leaves around the plants and noticed some moving shiny brown body. Very slim and lots of curves. The centerfold of the month? No!

A snake of about 40-50cm of length was hiding behind the plants. Understandable – it’s quite a shady and cool place to rest from the merciless Bali sun. :)

It came probably from the rice paddies in front of our house, which look like a great place for frogs, mice or other prey. Hold on – aren’t those serpents dangerous? Is the cat in danger? A whole nest of snakes there maybe? Questions over questions shot through my head. :-)

Earlier Road Kill about 150cm longDoing a quick check on the internet about snakes in Indonesia and especially Bali, here and here – I was almost certain, that the snake wasn’t poisonous. But hey – you never know!

At least I learned something today, that there are about 450 snake species in Indonesia, out of those only about 5-6 are dangerous, like the colourful Coral Snake, the Banded Krait, Black Spitting Cobra and King Cobra, Malaysian and Green Pit Vipers, Temple Viper and Sea Snakes. Sound pretty scary enough though…

I wonder if I ever see one of those in Bali. This is only the second encounter with a snake so far, the other one being a road kill of a similar species a few weeks back (see picture left).

What did we do with the snake? Nothing much. Just taking a picture (above right), putting the cat in the house for a while and leaving the snake alone. Hoping that our intruder will be gone by nightfall and isn’t taking up residence here.

Enjoy your weekend! ;-)

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written by Chris

8 Responses to “Intruder Alert in the Yard – Man the Deck Guns!”

  1. zorak163No Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    Your cat is adorable… the snake is not, lol.

  2. IsabelNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Hey Chris,
    snakes-poisonous or not- are an animal I am completely terrified of..Wouldnt even consider going back to take a pic – broom stick or no broom stick..:p Cool to see ur pics tho..

    Keep well..

  3. Cat InSight » Blog Archive » 1001 Cats And A Cat Insight UNITED STATES Says:

    […] presents Intruder Alert in the Yard – Man the Deck Guns! | nomad4ever posted at […]

  4. ladysownNo Gravatar CANADA Says:

    Hmmm… hunter cat in the making. Glad you checked things out so you could keep a learning kitty safe from harm. :)

  5. kateNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:


  6. kyleNo Gravatar CANADA Says:

    hey some time u can add me and i have over 100 snakes ok and wacth out for snakes they could still bit and kill

  7. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    You have over 100 snakes? Wow, that’s a lot. What are you doing with them? :-o

  8. ramjeeNo Gravatar INDIA Says:

    It appears to be the non-poisonous rat snake. You did the right thing, by leaving them to find their way out on their ow. they in fact help us by killing the rats, which destroys our paddy fields…
    Cool snaps. A close up of the snake would have helped in the identification better!

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