I used to pay around 400-600 Euro for my Health Insurance – per month! Not that I didn’t try to reduce that or even get around it at all. Why not pay for what you use only?
But back in my home country Germany, you have no choice. You have to pay for a health insurance and you basically pay for it with an arm and a leg. That is, if you earn a good income. The service you receive, when things go wrong, can range from mediocre to great, although you have limited influence, on which doctor or hospital to chose.
This always smelled like communism to me. In my point of view – over the years of the last 2 decades – Europe lost its edge as a leading and competitive healthcare market. Too many beneficiaries but too few paying customers. Always make an even balance for everyone. Where is the grounds or basis for competition, or the means of offering the best possible solution for a competitive price? Value for money anyone? Somehow it got lost along the way.
The US have problems as well, although quite a bit different. The healthcare system is state of the art; the main problem is, most people can’t afford it and lot’s don’t even have a health insurance.
What can we do about it, you ask?
If you are a steady tourist or even a World Traveler, you can benefit from that dilemma, by chosing where to get and where to pay your health treatment. You can either save a lot of money for yourself, or – if you have a flexible health insurance – for them as well, thus reducing your premiums. Not that it should be your main concern in the first place. :-)
Just a quick comparison regarding the numbers we are talking about here:
Those are some standard treatments in quality healthcare locations. The good thing for you as an EU or US tourist, when traveling to Asia – you can even combine your necessary health treatment with a holiday in a tropical paradise for the cost of the treatment alone back in your home country!
Personal Experience
My personal experiences in those countries are restricted to Singapore and Thailand so far. But – my experiences are in general very positive. Over the last 4 years I had the following treatments in Asia:
- several Dentist Visits in Singapore and Thailand (Phuket) with Crown/Fillings, Root Canal Treatment
- Complete Checkup (including X-Ray and Blood Check) in Singapore for my PR (Permanent Residency) Application at Raffles Medical Group
- LASIK Eye-Surgery in Singapore at SNEC
For the LASIK surgery, you have in Singapore alone 4 centres, which are specialized in the procedure and are well up or even above international standard: the National University Hospital (NUH), Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC), Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) and Jerry Tan Eye Surgery (JTES).
Prices came down even more over the last 2 years and are now as low as SGD 2.550 (app. USD 1.700) for both eyes! About 20.000 surgeries are perfomed each year, with the lowest safety rate as high as 99.29% (Source: Ministry of Health, Singapore).
The staff work in a very transparent and professional manner, from check-in, to treatment and after-treatment procedures. You constantly have the feeling, that those people know what they are doing, procedures are highly standardized, very modern, everything is clean, calm and in a professional atmosphere. You don’t see much of the paper bureaucracy you can experience in Healthcare Facilities in Europe or in the US. Everything is computerized to ensure efficiency and avoid human errors.
When I first enquired for LASIK surgery, I got a CD with all relevant information regarding procedures and background information. After that an eye checkup was scheduled and performed, to evaluate my eligibility for the surgery and the best procedure (Basic LASIK, Wavefront, PRK – photorefractive keratectomy). The surgery was scheduled and executed accordingly, all in a very professional and satisfying manner, with me as the patient always in knowledge and control of the next steps.
After the surgery, post-treatment appointments were scheduled and executed in the same professional manner. I got a plastic card with my personal information (the records remain stored for further follow-ups if necessary). You get bills in english language with all procedures clearly stated and priced and payment can be done via cash, check or credit card.
All appointments were done with very few waiting time in the shortest possible timeframe, but best possible efficiency and transparency. It felt a bit like an assembly line, but in a positive and comfortable way.
Overall Recommendations?
From my personal experience I can highly recommend Singapore’s standards in this regard. It’s probably even better (although maybe a bit more pricey) than Bangkok; I would definitely rate Singapore’s governance and transparency, as well as the justice system – in case things go wrong – much much higher, than let’s say Thailand or India. On top of that, in Singapore the day-2-day business language is English and you can fly there from most ends of the planet with the world’s best airline, Singapore Airlines.
Personally I would always go to Singapore for the more complex procedures (due to their high governance level and english language), while for mere standard surgeries or especially dental treatments, I personally wouldn’t hesitate to do that in Thailand, Malaysia or maybe even India, if I happen to be there, due to even lower costs over there.
How to get more or detailed information for your specific case:
You can get more information about treatments, procedures and prices by just browsing the websites below and enquiring about the procedures and prices you are interested in (see info below). Usually you will get an e-mail response within 1-2 days.
Most health service and hospitals in Singapore are working under the constant supervision of Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MoH) and the SingHealth Group, with 42 clinical specialties, a faculty of 1.200 internationally qualified medical specialists and more than 12.000 staff. Each year, app. 175.000 surgeries are performed and over 3 million patients are handled.
Procedure Highlights in Singapore include treatment for:
- Abnormal Heart Rhythm and Prevention of Cardiac Arrest
- Heart Valve Defect
- Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty
- Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Surgery
- Liver Cancer
- Cancer in the Head & Neck
- Corneal Problems
- Stem Cell Transplant for Ocular Surface Disease
- Hearing Loss
- Knee Pain
- Urinary Stones
- Pituitary Tumours
- Prostate Cancer
- Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Further Information (just google for it):
Health Centers in Asia with high international reputation and focus on the international medical traveler:
- General Information: Medical Tourism Website with a great FAQ
- Singapore: SingHealth, Raffles Medical Group, Parkway Healthcare Group
- Hong Kong: Minimal Invasive Surgery Centre (Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital)
- Bangkok/Thailand: Bangkok Hospital Medical Center Group (their Stem Cell Treatment for serious heart conditions at Bangkok Heart Hospital has more than 60% US patients!), Bangkok International Hospital
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January 5th, 2007 at 5:26 am
In the past 30 years, the costs of healthcare have soared in the United States. Due to rapidly escalating healthcare costs, Americans in ever increasing numbers have begun to search for alternatives that could reduce their personal out-of-pocket medical expenses. In the last few years, hundreds of thousands of Americans have chosen to become Medical Tourists.
Cost of medical and surgical procedures in Mexico is very low compared to what is paid in the United States. In most cases, the savings from their medical treatment can give people extra money for vacation. Indeed, a patient and his/her family can take a luxury vacation in a Mexican resort and pay for the trip with the savings they receive on getting their procedures in Mexico. Medical Tourism in the city of Guadalajara can certainly be a win-win proposition. While taking care of health needs at big discounts, shopping sprees, sight-seeing, cultural pursuits, and trips to nearby beaches and spas can all be arranged around a medical appointment schedule. Contact http://www.surgicalcareinternational.com for more info.
January 18th, 2007 at 9:26 am
Here is a web site I found on healthcare tourism safety.
HealthCare Trip (www.healthcaretrip.org),
a HealthCare Tourism International 501 c 3 nonprofit organization in the United States, is an organization that provides safety and accreditation to healthcare tourism service providers including medical tourism operators, hotel chains and transport companies.
They are non-profit and they also have a complaint and dispute resolution service for patients.
January 18th, 2007 at 9:27 am
I’m not sure how safe healthcare tourism is. A lot of doctors are worried about safety issues from developed countries especially. . .
what do you guys think ? Here is one safety/accreditation organization I found.
HealthCare Trip (www.healthcaretrip.org),http://www.healthcaretrip.org
March 16th, 2007 at 1:08 pm
I’m doing a research on the medical tourism in Hong Kong. Your experience is pretty interesting. Do you think Hong Kong can develop the same kind of service as Singapore or Thailand?
Or you have other comments, please get in touch, my e-mail is
March 18th, 2007 at 4:31 pm
Fantastic write-up. Have cross posted at http://healthabroad.net/blog/?m=20070204
March 21st, 2007 at 4:00 pm
Quality is a key concern whenever we talk about seeking medical treatment in a developing country.
It is only keeping this issue of safety and quality of care in mind that JCAHO (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations), a US based non-profit organization which evaluates and accredits hospitals in the USA has started auditing and accrediting hospitals in other parts of the world including India.
Wockhardt Hospitals, India was the first super-speciality hospital in India to be accredited by JCI (Joint Commission International), the international arm of JCAHO.
The hospital has a very strong and successful base of international patients, who have revelled in their decision to come to India to get first world care at third world cost….and without any cliche.
The hospital has internationally renowned surgeons to perform surgical procedures like Hip Resurfacing surgery, Total Knee Replacement, Heart surgery and cosmetic treatment to name a few.
To know more about the hospital, visit the website http://www.wockhardthospitals.net
To read the real life accounts of common people like you and me who have benefitted from their decision to undergo treatment in the Wockhardt Hospitals, read their stories on my blog.
March 29th, 2007 at 2:09 pm
Informative article!!! Asian countries are truly emerging as the hottest destination for medical tourism. Good medical care and low cost has been a major draw. Medical Tourism
April 25th, 2007 at 2:40 pm
No surprises when the medical tourism destinations are offering medical treatment at much reduced prices in comparison to European and American countries. Besides, availability of worldclass medical facilities are wooing patients from all over the world.
June 3rd, 2007 at 12:53 am
This industry will continue to grow and provide alternatives for people who don’t have insurance or adequate insurance. There are alot of potential risks including governmental intervention and legal issues.
July 27th, 2007 at 11:52 am
The benefits of medical tourism are manifold – low cost, top quality healthcare (with equal or superior outcomes compared to the US), immediate availability of healthcare service, the opportunity to travel overseas, etc.
But, research is the key. Before setting on the journey abroad, patients must do their proper homework. They must do the research about the various hospitals out there that serve their needs and requirements. They must assure the hospitals have high standard or quality and the surgeons have the right qualifications and experience. Patients must check out the hospital and doctor profiles to their satisfaction. They should get quotes and compare the cost, quality and other offerings by the various healthcare institutions.
For more information log on to Healthbase at http://www.healthbase.com.
July 30th, 2007 at 8:11 pm
Josef Woodman just published the Singapore special edition of his book on medical tourism, Patients Beyond Borders. It is a comprehensive guide for medical travelers thinking about going to Singapore. His website: http://www.patienstbeyondborders.com/
August 20th, 2007 at 8:55 am
[…] Chris presents Medical Tourism in Asia – Boost your Healthcare and Reap the Cost Savings! | nomad4ever posted at nomad4ever. […]
August 20th, 2007 at 9:00 am
[…] Have you been reading about the growing "medical tourism" field? here you have a very upbeat post on how you can Boost your Healthcare and Reap the Cost Savings! (nomad4ever). […]
November 10th, 2007 at 1:15 pm
I am in Bangkok, Thailand, near Khao San Road and I daily walk by about four dentist offices. I stopped in one day and had my teeth cleaned for 600 Baht or about 18 US Dollars. This is about six dollars more than I think I need to pay in other parts of Thailand. I have had my teeth cleaned two time at the Khon Kaen University dentist school and I think they did twice the quailty of work.
I have traveled for many a year, I highly recommend that a person almost never use any company that is advertising or promoting their services outside their native country. I see the cost as being about 100 percent higher than the normal price. If I was choosing, I would go to a Universtity outside a major city, not for instance Bangkok or Koh Samui or Phuket, some strange city like Korat and Khon Kaen, find a University and talk, talk, and do more talking.
I am amazed at the naive marketing strategies that people fall for…
Just because it is Thailand, does not mean it is cheap.
I also keep looking at a advertisement for dentist laser teeth whitening, says USA FDA etc, and the cost is 6500 Baht or about 200 US to get your teeth whitened. I am not sure, I think this is par or more than the USA. I would like to know? I have been outside the USA for 10 years and do not know the current prices. I think maybe this is more than the USA, and for sure less trustworthy, so a bait and switch, you are in Thailand so cheaper.
I do not talk to other foreigners to learn a good price, I must talk to Thai people.Andy of HoboTraveler.com — Submit Hotel URL Note, I wish explorer was working.
November 2007
November 22nd, 2007 at 6:49 pm
Portugal and Spain are new upcoming markets for medical travel. Check out this website: http://www.fly2doc.com
February 10th, 2008 at 5:11 pm
[…] your own Health Status, “repair” what can be done home and decide what medical services would be cheaper to do abroad (e.g. Dental Services are very good and affordable in Thailand or […]
March 7th, 2008 at 6:52 pm
I’m the author of the book The Complete Medical Tourist and the industry is booming across the world not just in Asia. European destinations like the Iberian peninsular, which has been mentioned, offer competitive rates for people who don’t fancy the idea of flying all the way to Asia wehn they are ill. http://www.davidhancock.eu
March 30th, 2008 at 3:45 pm
Do you think there is potential for developing medical tourism in Hong Kong?
Similar services as Singapore or an other type of medical service??
Or you have other comment??
here is my email
April 1st, 2008 at 11:11 pm
sherry – what do you mean? I’m sure there is potential for western foreigners to get cheaper treatment in Hong Kong than in their home countries. But how to develop that, uh, oh – I’m probably the wrong candidate to give recommendations. :-/
August 12th, 2008 at 10:43 pm
Medical tourism is the way of the future. Globalization along with increasing technology provides options consumers as never before. Traveling for health care is becoming the norm. This being said, safety and transparency of information will by hugely important issues.
September 16th, 2008 at 3:51 pm
hope u can write about philippine medical tourism as well.
i am an avid reader of your site.
September 18th, 2008 at 12:52 pm
sako, I’m not aware about Philippine Medical Tourism, but maybe you can set me on the right track, I would do some recherche and maybe put some more info online. What medical services are you thinking about?
September 27th, 2008 at 6:10 am
I can personally recommend Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok for their excellent customer service and high level of medical care. I have had OB/GYN, emergency dental, and serious cardiac problems diagnosed and treated there. Across the board, they are excellent.
December 15th, 2008 at 4:26 pm
Yes, medical tourism can indeed help. But all care needs to be taken in choosing the right international hospital and doctor abroad. Here are some tips for medical tourists.
February 27th, 2009 at 8:02 pm
As I live in Germany I never came in the position to travel on health care purposes. But I can understand that people do so. Especially since I have seen Sicko by M.Moore. The only case I know people from Germany travel for surgery ist that beauty surgery is cheaper in Poland or the eastern countries. But the standart in Germany is still on a higher level. And everywhere in Ger. its the same standart, no matter where you are located. I wish everyone would get this attention in their countries. Best Regards!
March 1st, 2009 at 8:52 pm
Pauschalreisen, if you only live in Germany you better stick with the health care system there, as you paid for it already anyway via compulsory health insurance plans deducted every month from your salary. So it really wouldn’t make any sense to travel someplace else to get medical things done. Except for options which aren’t paid by the system of course.
However, if you live without health insurance, then it is like any other shopping experience. You look for the best quality for the cheapest price. In this regard, Thailand, India and other countries have a lot to offer, often with comparable or even better quality than Germany and most if not all the time – for much lower prices.
March 15th, 2009 at 1:00 pm
Haha ^^ nice, is there a section to follow the RSS feed
March 15th, 2009 at 9:30 pm
Radomir, the symbols for RSS feeds are in the lower left sidebar. Or simply click here for content or comments.
April 23rd, 2009 at 9:48 am
Totally agree with Viju’s post
You constantly hear some horror stories from patients who opt for surgery overseas. However, there are plenty of other options when considering medical tourism companies. Places like Australia and New Zealand offer excellent services at afforable prices.
June 28th, 2009 at 1:22 pm
I think an even better idea is to get yourself insured by an Asian insurance company. The reasons:
1) premium much lower than that for your European policies
2) buying insurance when you are healthy so that you can enjoy full coverage instead of having exclusions if you buy later
3) having insurance reduces risk of bigger bills if you suffer unexpected deterioration in health which can be costly
June 29th, 2009 at 8:19 am
Regarding the choice of medical institutions in Asia, why not check whether they are JCI-accredited. A good choice would be Singapore, whose hospitals are mostly accredited. Second, selected hospitals in Malaysia, Thailand, India, and China are also JCI accredited. As I argued, it’s also wise to buy a guaranteed renewable medical insurance from one of these countries since medical costs may rise considerably driven by the increasing wealth of the middle-class in this region. You don’t want to end up spending a big portion of your savings on an unexpected medical problem. The best thing to guard against this risk is to have an insurance.
June 30th, 2009 at 3:57 pm
Sunny, what is JCI? Never heard of it…
June 30th, 2009 at 5:00 pm
JCI=Gold standard in hospital quality assurance
June 30th, 2009 at 5:25 pm
Sunny, ah so! I mean I can agree with you, if Health Insurance is what I’m looking for.
However, as long as you are young and healthy, I believe you can do fine without Health Insurance and pay for health issues out of your pocket.
I lived with countless (forced) insurances most part of my life and I paid with an arm and a leg for something I never needed. What could I have done with all that wasted money! Of course, IF the big health problem kicks in, you would have to fork out a bigger amount. But if you have saved and invested the saved amount before-hand, you can do better also than insurance companies. After all – insurance is a safety concept. And it’s also safe to say, that in the end we will be all dead, insurance or not.
July 1st, 2009 at 7:22 am
Hey, Chris, if you haven’t got an insurance, do think it over. It’s really important your finance (expenses) be predictable if you have retired. Predictability can only be achieved if your expenses (eg premium) is more or less foreseeable. If you are not insured, your expenses cannot be predictable. As you age, and especially when you cross 50, conditions like hypertension, diabetes, high bad cholesterol and slipped disc may occur. And these are fairly common. Once you have ANY of these, other serious conditions may follow. These may be heart surgery or organ transplant or, worse, kidney dialysis, which can cost US$2k/m for life. Without an insurance, you are exposing yourself to countless uncertainties that may include US$2k for dialysis on top of whatever expenses you have now. For me (it’s a personal view) I want as much predictability as I could of course without it being too costly. I’d rather pay US$20-100/m (not above this range for someone below 50) for a good insurance than to risk carrying these risks myself.
July 1st, 2009 at 7:41 am
Just to add on to the above points, when I retire like you had done, I shall be traveling most time, and with such a lifestyle, there are additional health risks. In fact, Travel Medicine is a discipline in its own rights; some doctors specialize in it. When we travel to especially 3rd world countries, the air, water, environment, food and people may not be as healthy. You may not be aware of a few facts. Certain insects can cause viral or bacterial infections and these infections may even cause infection of your brain, which then leads to neurological and muscular impairment. The toxins in polluted water, buildings and air may increase your risks in a variety of diseases, such as lung cancer. Of course, flu can become more fatal if they mutate and it may lead to serious infections of the lungs. Dirty food may lead to Hep A infections which may be damaging to the liver. So, when I retire, I certainly don’t want to tie down my finances by keeping extra emergency cash to self-insure against these. Id rather be insured. Of course, I shall go for medical screening regular also to detect preventable fatal diseases like cancer and chronic diseases like diabetes (which usually develop from a pre-diabetic stage that is not well-managed). I am fortunate that I have none of these diseases and that I am insured. Lastly, given that the world is not always peaceful, I will also be insured under a Travel Insurance that covers War and Full Terrorism. In case there is some terrorist attack, kidnap, travel-related sicknesses, strikes, loss of money (theft and robbery), delays in flights, I can still make a claim. I will continue to be insured when I retire for:
1) hospital and surgical bills
2) critical illnesses
3) travel insurance
4) long term care and disability income.
July 2nd, 2009 at 7:01 pm
Sunny, you really have some good points here and I don’t want to deny that. It’s just that for some people (including me) insurances are a strange concept. I’m not the youngest and healthiest, but I think that I can manage the money spent for an insurance better than they would do. Also I believe strongly in self assessment and medication, having being used as a test rabbit from countless doctors before already.
Medical Tourism is another answer to be in charge of your own health. You mentioned Hep-A and I’m aware of that example also. Certainly, the older you get, the more difficult it will be to stay of good health, cover your health costs and have your finances predictable – like you said.
But I believe that you can’t insure all eventualities, life just doesn’t work like that. Long-term care and disability income? I would prefer the golden bullet if it comes to that. Travel Insurance? Why? I either travel or I don’t, why insure that. Critical illness – maybe. But what good is the money, if you are critically ill.
Okay okay, I agree that insurances might get more important, the older you are. For now, in my mid 30’s and of reasonable manageable health, I feel that I don’t need one. Prefer to self-medicate if necessary and do medical checkups when in a country with good value for money.
But surely – that is not a solution for everyone, you have to sleep sound at night and don’t be afraid of getting financially bankrupt due to your illnesses.
July 3rd, 2009 at 8:09 am
Hi Chris,
As long as you make informed decisions about whether you want to be insurer-insured or self-insured, the choice is up to each individual. But please go for annual screenings even if you feel you are young and healthy. Sometimes, the conditions may not have early symptoms.
I wonder if you are concerned about the environmental pollution as a frequent traveler. Do you bring along a water- or air-purifier? Do you have a UV stick for sterilizing liquid drinks and soups? Do you have insects repellents? Do you read the travel advice from US govt’s website to be updated about terrorism? Do you have a network of friends around the city you will visit who can assist you if something goes wrong? I’d guess that these are concerns that nomads like you would have?
I am a very systematic person. Haha, as you can see from my postings. So I plan everything before I do something.
July 3rd, 2009 at 1:58 pm
More info on insurance
July 4th, 2009 at 4:12 pm
Sunny, nothing wrong with being systematic, that’s actually one thing why I like Singapore (my home away from home) so much. Very systematic and organized, everything works, no corruption and on top of that – the better weather! It’s like a much better Germany. :D
Myself I used to be pretty systematic, but found out that it causes me to worry too much. Guess it started, since I moved to Asia about 6 years ago – I slowly changed and nowadays take things pretty much as they come along.
I don’t bring air- or water purifier, no UV sticks, I use insect cream against mosquitoes, sometimes Baygon in a room to spend the night. My environmental footprint is probably still lower than anyone who owns a car. Will drink from plastic bottles and eat lot’s of local food from small road stalls or small shops. I don’t care about the US government and their terror warnings (more rely on news from other travelers) and the network of friends is only growing while traveling. Tend to not rely on them too much though, as I don’t like asking favors except in emergency situations.
But hey – everyone is different! It’s good that we are all kinds of people, makes the world more colorful, right?
August 7th, 2009 at 11:09 pm
Chris I think you’re doing fine. From what i gathered you seem to know what you’re doing.
August 8th, 2009 at 4:47 pm
I hope so, Angioplasty. :-/
September 28th, 2009 at 3:52 pm
Hi There,
This website a good source of information about medical tourism in Asia especially from neutral perspective – well done.
I have been quite interested in this Medical tourism topic for about a year now and what I’ve noticed lately is that many countries are trying to jump in the bandwagon of becoming the preferred Medical Tourism hub.
To encourage international networking we have decided to come out with the event called the ASIA MEDICAL TOURISM & WELLNESS CONGRESS 13th-14th May 2010 @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. http://www.glow2010.com
For those who are really into medical tourism – do come by and visit…
December 7th, 2010 at 7:30 pm
Once you have ANY of these, other serious conditions may follow. These may be heart surgery or organ transplant or, worse, kidney dialysis, which can cost US$2k/m for life. Without an insurance, you are exposing yourself to countless uncertainties that may include US$2k for dialysis on top of whatever expenses you have now.
December 8th, 2010 at 11:33 am
Amy, insurance is more of a psychological problem for Westerners. If push comes to shove, we could always return back to our home countries and take the basic coverage from the government.
Myself – as I hate doctors and their constant milking you for cash by finding whatever psychosomatic or hypochondriac illnesses in you – I would probably prefer to jump off a cliff than returning permanently to Europe, if I would have a life-threatening or serious disease that would require me to be treated continuously.
Live healthy and enjoy every day like it’s your last day, then it would be probably easier to part from misery once it might struck you. But don’t listen to me on that one. >:)
December 11th, 2010 at 12:56 pm
. Dirty food may lead to Hep A infections which may be damaging to the liver. So, when I retire, I certainly don’t want to tie down my finances by keeping extra emergency cash to self-insure against these. Id rather be insured. Of course, I shall go for medical screening regular also to detect preventable fatal diseases like cancer and chronic diseases like diabetes (which usually develop from a pre-diabetic stage that is not well-managed). I am fortunate that I have none of these diseases and that I am insured. Lastly, given that the world is not always peaceful, I will also be insured under a Travel Insurance that covers War and Full Terrorism.
my blog discount handbags
December 31st, 2010 at 7:23 pm
I just wonder, is there such a thing as health insurance for PT with no country of residence?? Or how to get around this problem if not available. Thanx!
January 9th, 2011 at 4:42 pm
Just an update. As of January 2011, there are more that 10 lasik centers in Singapore rather than the 4 mentioned above. And the cost of lasik surgery has gone down a lot, probably because of the competition.
January 13th, 2011 at 1:42 am
I know of Indian Americans who do not have health insurance, instead they just fly to India once or twice a year, get the complete health check up and treatment done and then fly back. It beats the excessively high prices in the US
January 14th, 2011 at 2:32 pm
reina and David, there are definitely insurances for long-term travelers and holiday makers, one example can be found here. Just with anything else, it might work for some, other might not want or use it and decide to pay out of their pockets in case of emergency. Why type of traveler are you? :-/
September 12th, 2011 at 8:16 pm
Asia is the best destination for medical tourism. Not only in terms of cost but also quality and also offers great destinations to enjoy holiday vacation while recuperating.
– Mika from Gosculptura
January 18th, 2012 at 8:33 am
I had spinal surgery in Korea and I must say it was the best choice I have ever made. The care was great, and I can’t believe what they did for my back. Dealing with healthcare here in the states was a pain, so I decided to make it a trip and see a part of the world I have never been to before. Anyone thinking about going, I highly recommend it, you’ll be glad you did!
April 14th, 2012 at 10:08 am
I would probably prefer to jump off a cliff than returning permanently to Europe, if I would have a life-threatening or serious disease that would require me to be treated continuously.medical supplies Malaysia
April 25th, 2017 at 7:52 pm
I will prefer India for medical travel.