Oct 02

The last couple of days we had some stormy nights and windy days – although it’s still warm, around 25 degrees centigrade.

Some days of strong winds and heavy rain were expected – as the slow-moving tropical depression responsible for the unusually surly weather moved westward from central Thailand into Burma. Last night’s winds knocked over some trees at Saphan Hin and caused some flooding in Karon, but there were no reports of injury or major property damage resulting from the storm.

Police wanted to watch especially flood-prone areas in tambons Wichit and Rassada, as well as in Phuket Town, where downed trees could cause traffic accidents.

Anyway some trees didn’t survive that good, with the road between Patong and Karon blocked for almost half a day on sunday and ongoing works still today. Here an electricity pylon was broken and bent dangerously over, with the electric cable lying openly across the main road (see first picture).

Around Naithon beach some trees fell into the electric wires as well, but were soon after cut off (2nd picture).

Some patches of sun even allowed for a swim later on monday, so no worries, everybody is surviving. :)

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written by Chris

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