Nov 23

Aceh Coastline before and after 2004 Tsunami - picture by LandsatAs it wasn’t enough that Sumatra was horribly affected by the Tsunami of Christmas 2004 – with more than 150.000 people perished around Aceh alone – things could get bad again.

While the reconstruction of the region from the devastating effects just recently came close to completion, even the separatist rebels in Aceh made their peace with the central government in the aftermath of the Tsunami – culminating with a former rebel becoming the governor of Aceh.

So much about the good news.

What’s about to go wrong this time?

A Brazilian Psychic predicted that exactly on 23/12/2007 a huge earthquake (with a magnitude of 8.5 on the Richter Scale) will strike Sumatra, causing death and devastation. The local authorities were getting a letter from the Psychic, which was directed to the Indonesian Embassy in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil.

The making of the 2004 Tsunami around Sumatra(The latest scientific explanations show, that the 2004 Tsunami was triggered by a powerful undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean just north-west of Sumatra – see picture to the right)

Taking the warning very seriously, the local authorities in Sumatra already assigned evacuation shelters to local residents, with evacuation drills prior to December 23 to follow-up. A spokesman for the Bengkulu province said:

“Though we call it a rumor, we take this information very seriously. We don’t want people to blame us if it really happens.”

That’s interesting to hear: it’s actually not about protecting or saving people’s life, but more about “passing the buck” – even before things go wrong. Blame, shame on you -> very bad -> loss of face -> even worse. Better if someone has a vision of things to come.

Has at least someone any Vision?

You have to give it one thing though; the said Psychic is rumored to have previously predicted the 2004 Tsunami already back in 1998, as well as the September 2006 earthquake (8.4 on the Richter Scale), which caused 23 casualties.Destroyed Houses in Sumatra after powerful Earthquake

Although representatives of the Indonesian Meteorology and Geophysics Agency said that “no technology in the world can currently correctly predict an earthquake’s date” – Bengkulu and other provinces in Sumatra are taking no chances.

There are plenty of paranormal and mystic phenomenas, people believe in around the globe. Let’s see if we can name just a few:

An interesting read about Black Magic in Indonesia can be found here for instance.

But back to our topic:

Maybe it is really possible to predict earthquakes, not scientifically, but with a bit of distance and by a hyper-sensitive mind or soul?

So besides waiting and seeing if those prophecies will come true – what do you make out of this story?

Make your own prediction here, check back on December 23 – and find out if you can be a Psychic as well!

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written by Chris

47 Responses to “Psychic predicts devastating Sumatra Earthquake for 23/12/2007”

  1. aerozNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    really? is this really going to happen? i hope this prediction is only a prediction and going to happen

  2. MonNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    Sometimes I wanted to bring my mother back to life just to tell her how wrong she was about her superstition.

    And also in our province in northern Philippines, my grandmother always tells my sisters to refrain from bathing during their monthly period, which was really disgusting. They really have to sneak to the bathroom when she’s not looking or at least not tell her that they have their period.

  3. MonNo Gravatar PHILIPPINES Says:

    I wrote an entry about this DONT TAKE A BATH superstition.

  4. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Your article is really insightful. I didn’t know about this practice, but they seem to exist in every culture and country. Sometimes those old weird traditions are the hardest to adjust to reality. Reminds me somehow how bacterias were discovered and the doctors at that time didn’t accept it and still refused to wash/disinfect their hands before operating….thanks for sharing! :-B

  5. Mads OlsenNo Gravatar NORWAY Says:


    Impressive web site you have here. :) I am planning to visit Indonesia for a month in january, so I’m eagerly searching the www for advices.

    BUT… Shame on this Brazilian, the so called “psychic” for bringing fear to people – both the Indonesian people, their authorities and all the tourists who read about, and take into account this guys premonitions when deciding where to spend their holidays. If he’s not having bad motives for this, like in terror(!), he and all the others who think they are in possession of paranormal abilities, should think about how they can make this world a better place – and NOT be a destructive force.

    Mads Olsen.

  6. MikeNo Gravatar CHINA Says:

    Having lived in Tokyo for too long I saw many tv programs on earthquake predicting. I also feel pretty paranoid about earthquakes. Any slight tremor when I was in Japan made me start thinking if this was the big one.

    One prediction technique is long white vertical clouds. They even found a photo of a vertical cloud going over somewhere in Asia before the last big earthquake. After seeing that TV program I got pretty paranoid every time I saw these clouds.

    Have some searching in Google on earthquake prediction and you can find lots of different scientific and crackpot prediction techniques.

  7. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Hi, I can vouch for “earthquake clouds”, though the ones I’ve seen which have presaged a small local quake were more like the “cotton candy” clouds pictured on the “Coast to Coast” site, if you want to go see what I mean.
    I’ve also learnt over the last 15-20 years that I get strange symptoms before major Pacific quakes; like vertigo, feeling as though I’m standing on a ship’s deck, and I’ve also felt a 6.3 quake while driving in a car on New Zealand’s South Island, which people say you can’t feel…but I did.
    I’ve also been in Vanuatu during a series of quakes, including a 6.2. I actually saw and felt the ground “rolling” like oily waves. Scientists are now acknowledging that the ground does move in waves; formerly they scoffed at such first-hand stories.

    The stronger the quake to come, the more there are signs.
    During the evening for about two months before the big Sumatran quake, everything was very quiet, including insects and night birds where I lived (Queensland Australia). Sounds are very “muffled” even though everything in the suburb was business as usual. It seems very still, as though everything is holding its breath and waiting, and sounds are coming to you through thick cottonwool.

    I personally had very strong vertigo events leading up to the big quake, and several afterwards as well. Birds seem very subdued.
    Prior to a major quake, animals and birds will “tell” you about it. Crows often seem to flock together, making a lot of racket, and then flying around in seemingly random circles for ages. Also on the morning of a lesser quake, I saw many different types of birds flying in circles in the sky, some quite high up. All different types. I couldn’t find any other reason for their disturbance, but later a quake was reported on the news.

    Look for signs.
    Muffled sound. Birds acting erratically. Insects quieter than usual for the season. In fact, when earthquakes are actually hitting somewhere in the Pacific your area (in Australia) will reflect this in some way, you just have to be alert.
    Of course for those who live where the actual quake hits, the signs would be even more pronounced.
    I repeat: Everything gets really really QUIET. Nature knows…
    P.S. Everything is getting quieter again where I live now, so I know something bigger than a 6 is coming up in the northern parts of Australia/southern Indonesia.
    Also, if Macquarie Island gets an 8 or better quake, watch out. Macquarie seems to be the “bell ringer” for big quakes.


    erm… kinda worry… will d earthquakes rise another big tsunami ? my house is just a few feet from the sea… even a high tide will make me DAMN worry…

  9. Andrew 11:11No Gravatar MEXICO Says:

    =D> ;;) :-o :))

    I was revealed by high entities that before January the first, 2008, everything will change for mankind.

  10. rikieNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    damn.. I life in sumatra :(( :(( :((

  11. madNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    I live in Padang, West Sumatra. The place that our physic predicted the earthquake will happen… Here, the situation is ‘very-very strange’, if u know what i mean… people were crazy about this prediction…

  12. manakannuNo Gravatar JAPAN Says:

    Another Indian Astrologer too predicted, an earth quake possibly in
    Indonesia, but surey in “Pacific ring of fire” during dec 23.

    Please see

    People in Indonesia, please take care on this particular day.
    The most you will spend one day in some difficulty, but
    worthy enough if it could save ur life.
    Take care

  13. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Thanks for all the concerns, tips to look for the signs and uplifting remarks. While I agree that it’s probably all a bit exaggerated by the media, it can’t hurt to take some extra precautions around that day. So let’s ‘press our thumbs’ and hope for the best? :-/

  14. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Full moon on the 23rd December; sometimes that triggers earthquakes…
    (all that water movement can affect “weak” points) and as I clearly recall, there was a very close, full moon for the Sumatran 2004 quake.

  15. Mads OlsenNo Gravatar NORWAY Says:

    Wow. I can understand that people are concerned. But really – does anyone even know the name of this so called psychic?

  16. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    So – bets on what excuse this phony psychic will use for getting his/her prediction wrong today? It appalls me how many people are superstitious and believe in quackery and witchcraft, yet are equally as suspicious of science! Spend 20 minutes on and be enlightened.

    :steps off high horse:

  17. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    I f’ed up that link good and proper, didn’t I? I predict that the link will work correctly in this post… ready… sim-sala-bim…

    The James Randi Educational Foundation – an educational resource on the paranormal, pseudoscientific, and the supernatural

  18. Mads OlsenNo Gravatar NORWAY Says:

    Well? Nothing? Strange… But he said it was going to happen today, did he not?

    Let us all sing together now: What a fool believes…

  19. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Yup – nothing happened. I searched the net up and down but couldn’t find any follow-up regarding our Psychic so far. So all only hot air and no substance? Obviously looks like…. x(

  20. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Perhaps it happened in an “alternate universe” than ours, and the Psychic was tuned into the wrong “channel”?

    Kooks like them should be locked up for all the panic and fear they cause.

  21. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Guys, predicting the train arriving at a particular time is impossible…(in most countries anyway!)…so how much more difficult would it be to predict something with so many different parameters, possible causes or triggers and so on?
    Like a major earthquake or tsunami?

    To keep a watch on things (if you don’t already) hunt out Global Disaster Watch site, also IRIS. Another pretty strong indicator of upcoming changes is solar flares, gamma ray bursts and, strangely enough, animal behaviour. Any marked increase in lost animals in your local paper, reports of strange fish washing up on local shores, fisherman and swimmers being swept away by “freak waves”…

    For me, the major heads-up is Macquarie Island, south of New Zealand. If a major quake hits there, watch out for some reciprocity in plate movement around Indonesia/New Guinea…or even New Zealand itself…

    Insofar as “predictions or prophecies” goes, I take note, but trust my own inner intuition.
    I warned a friend about staying away from the beach during Christmas of 2004 on Phuket. She listened, and talked her husband into an inland visit (happily on the very day) that the Sumatran quake caused so much chaos and destruction.
    Being psychic doesn’t mean being infallible…and I also couldn’t tell her WHAT day to avoid the beach, just that I personally wouldn’t go to Phuket at that time. Just to avoid anything that might be coming up…
    And…the only reason that friend listened to me was because I told her about my “quake symptoms” one day, when we were working together. That night, she saw a quake reported on the news, in the vicinity I had thought it might be, and within the strength/size my symptoms had predicted, based on my feelings of that day!
    But I’m still learning about this kind of thing, so essentially its clearer with 20/20 hindsight!

    You’ll find that a lot of people who survive those kinds of things follow an “inner nudge” to be elsewhere…
    Trust your own inner guidance.
    And try never to make a decision based on fear.

  22. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Now governments are asking farmers to “predict” what the weather is going to do, and how its going to affect their crops…and to be creative in their response.
    They are also asking us all to reduce carbon levels, when in fact they are unsure what is exactly causing our global warming/cooling cycle.
    Jupiter and Mars are also “heating up” so its not just a local earth event.

    Scientists predicted that ocean levels would rise in a significant way in about 50 years.
    Talk to the Pacific Islanders, and they’ll tell you its happening NOW. So much for scientific prediction.
    Talk to folk in Bangladesh. They’ll tell you the same thing.
    Again, if we rely on scientific PREDICTION, we’ll be swimming with the fishes if we live on the coasts; starving if we live in drought-affected areas, or swamped by magma or worse if we live in the shadow of active volcanoes.

    I repeat, trust your own inner guidance.

    Here is the link to Global disaster watch site and to IRIS, plus a few others…

    As regards earthquake monitoring, the sites use different measurements for the same quake. Arbitrarily “upping” the magnitude, or lowering it. A search on the internet will reveal what kind of measuring parameters are being used.

  23. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Another pretty strong indicator of upcoming changes is solar flares, gamma ray bursts and, strangely enough, animal behaviour.

    With respect, there is no statistically-reliable scientific evidence showing anything resembling a positive correlation between these so-called stated “indicators” and the occurrence of earthquakes. The same goes for the (full) moon, by the way.

    Merry Christmas everybody!

  24. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    A massive GRB was recorded on the very day of the Sumatran quake. It was so strong and “bright” that the very close full moon was lit up, according to scientific reports.

    Scientists are still catching up with how the GRB’s, our sun and our own planet are inter-dependent.
    Intuition states, categorically, however…that we are not insulated against solar system changes or fluctuations.
    Europe has responded obediently to the edicts on carbon emissions, and are now finding that their clearer skies are causing heat waves and drought. Spain (again according to science) will become a desert…(probably sooner than they think, if current trends continue).

    Rain is caused by air-borne particulate matter gathering moisture, and eventually falling to the ground in droplet form. The larger the particulate matter, e.g. volcanic emissions…the more “torrential”, heavier and larger the rain drop.
    If there is a trend at all, it is for more violent weather, more sudden downfalls, heavier rain in some areas, and absolutely no rain in other areas.

    Glaciers are melting at faster rates than “predicted” by science.
    So why throw vitriole at “psychics” for getting timing wrong, if science, with all its resources and hundreds of years of research, can’t figure out what the heck is going on and WHEN it will happen??

    This whole planet, historically, geographically, and archaeologically, has been here before. That’s what all the warnings are about. Past civilizations trying to let us know that once we reach a certain “area” in the solar systems’ motion about the central galactic point, we also reach a place of great danger. Even science has indicators – look at the increase in the number of potentially harmful asteroids (and how much closer to earth they are than previously).
    It’s all there for you to see.

    And when you’ve studied this subject for about 30 years, as I have, and can come to a different conclusion (even though the evidence is right outside in your own garden!) then perhaps I will consider your dismissive view point as valid.

    What I mean is this; everyone is entitled to a point of view. And I would defend to the death your right to your view point, but my purpose writing on this site at all is to warn people, who might not necessarily be aware, that great changes are manifesting right now, right in your own backyard.
    I predicted over 30 years ago that people would buy water. I was, of course, laughed at heartily.
    There was no PROOF at the time.
    I predicted that violent storms and wild weather would be the norm. At that time, it was quite rare. People scoffed.

    Again, I am being laughed at. That’s ok, I’m used to it.

    Your world will change beyond your ability to comprehend, within the next three to five years. I am merely one of many messengers. The causes are beyond humanity’s ability to control…though I’ve no doubt efforts are being expended towards this end, which may or may not cause greater harm in the long run.

    I cannot tell you how to prepare, because there will be very few places on this planet completely unaffected.
    However, I can tell you to prepare yourselves psychologically.
    Food shortages are already in process. Water is already the most expensive necessity. Look up Cocoa-Cola Amytil’s holdings. They bought up heaps of water rights quite a few years ago. They aren’t stupid.

    In Australia, one of the driest continents on the planet in good times, nearly 85% or more of it is in dire drought. USA is experiencing the same thing.
    And northern Queensland is now experiencing flooding. But not anywhere near the water catchment areas. Stage four water restrictions in build up areas.
    Farmers ploughing in fruit crops, and the olive and wine industries are borderline merely to continue, let alone achieve any profits.
    Italian olive grove farmers are talking about the end of their industry.
    As humans, we insist on living on arable land, which in Australia is on the coasts. Within a shorter period than we are prepared for, those coasts will be uninhabitable due to oceanic encroachment…so no point in building salination plants, right on the coast. They’ll be under sea-water. Same for Indonesia, Sumatra, Phillipines, west coast of the U.S., Africa…India is already having relocation issues for millions of people. Already! Not 50 years in the future, as predicted by scientists!!!
    Java’s mud volcano is quietly swallowing the island…and there’s a lot of people going to be looking for somewhere else to live…and that’s if the 169 plus live and active volcanoes in that region don’t make living anywhere else impossible.

    The IPCC report has already had to be “corrected” and the latest meeting of heads of state in Bali has resulted in a revision of views on ocean water encroachment (Pacific Islander nations were not agreeing that they’ll be under water in 50 years time, as some of their islands are already there!) plus many other associated security issues (relocation of indigineous people to mainland countries would probably be high on the agenda!)

    And I haven’t even touched on what will happen if bees die off…or the humanitarian disaster that is inherent in genetically modified food sources, and the fact that WHO is confidently predicting an H5N1 pandemic…sooner rather than later.

    Guys, your beer is going to become scarce! Without water, it ain’t gonna happen…
    I’d think you’d sit up and take notice why…..

  25. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    A massive GRB was recorded on the very day of the Sumatran quake.

    Er…. well, a gamma-ray burst was recorded the very day after the Sumatran quake. There is no evidence to suggest the two events are linked.

    Scientists are still catching up with how the GRB’s, our sun and our own planet are inter-dependent.

    Actually, I think they are more preoccupied with building and refining models to explain their origin, which has long been a mystery. Yes, it has been proposed that a localised GRB could strip away our protective atmosphere. I don’t see where the Sun comes into this, though.

    Intuition states, categorically, however…that we are not insulated against solar system changes or fluctuations.

    Believe me – when it comes to certain realms of science, you are best off leaving your intuition behind! Yes, certain solar system changes would obviously cause us problems, such as the Sun turning into a red giant as it will eventually do (causing it to get, er, a fair bit hotter), or as stated, a huge, localised GRB. But as for “every day” fluctuations – the roughly daily GRBs, and regular solar flares, changes in sunspot activity… the atmosphere does a pretty good job of protecting us, and has done so for millions of years to allow life to evolve – and survive.

    So why throw vitriole at “psychics” for getting timing wrong, if science, with all its resources and hundreds of years of research, can’t figure out what the heck is going on and WHEN it will happen??

    Well, perhaps because one of the groups you mention is investigating the phenomena you describe by following a logical, critical and unbiased method to build complex computer models of our ridiculously complex global climate, which are constantly refined based on measurable, observable data – and the other group consists of people pulling “predictions” out of their arses. I’ll leave you to work out which group is which!

    Even science has indicators – look at the increase in the number of potentially harmful asteroids (and how much closer to earth they are than previously).

    Can you point me to a scientific paper that states that? I must have missed that one. I ask you to consider that perhaps the number of potentially harmful asteroids has “increased” because more scientists are out there actively looking for them! Not to mention their detection techniques improving with time leading to greater detection rates…

    And when you’ve studied this subject for about 30 years, as I have

    I’m afraid I don’t have even 30 years on this planet yet, but I’ve been familiar with the scientific method for about half of them and do not see any evidence of you having applied it in any of the above.

    Call me naive, but I feel the best way to deal with climate change is to measure it (as has been done), apply the scientific method to find out what is causing it (as has also been done), and then take steps to combat the causes (as is currently being done – with varying success). I don’t see how shoehorning all the world’s problems to fit the “Mayan Doomsday” in 2012 (which I assume you are referring to), going all Chicken Little about it and then resignedly stating there is nothing we can do to stop it is a constructive act. So forgive me if I am a little disparaging of such “December 23 Earthquake” people who propagate such groundless superstition to whip up fear (and sell books).

  26. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    They are also asking us all to reduce carbon levels, when in fact they are unsure what is exactly causing our global warming/cooling cycle.
    Jupiter and Mars are also “heating up” so its not just a local earth event.

    Just to add, you also have this dangerously wrong. Scientists do know what is causing the recorded warming. The models may not be completely accurate, but they are a pretty good fit considering the complexity of the system – a whole planet’s climate! – they are trying to describe.

    Most importantly, there is absolutely no evidence to suggest Jupiter and Mars are warming. These are the sort of arguments put forward by Global Warming Denialists – and they have zero scientific merit. Please do not fall for them. I urge anyone interested in climate change to read up on the subject from a credible source; Real Climate is a good starting point.

    Again, if we rely on scientific PREDICTION, we’ll be swimming with the fishes if we live on the coasts

    This is where we differ. I tend to think the scientific method has been pretty good to us over the years. I dread to think where we would be had we relied solely on our “inner judgment” and “intuition”. Perhaps still believing the Earth was flat and that it was the centre of the Universe, for the thirty years or so we’d be alive without the advances of modern medicine?

  27. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    So if humans are responsible for global warming, using radioactive lightbulbs with a very long half-life during the disposal stage is a responsible response? Or driving hybrid cars, which are about 30 years too late to make a difference, even if the oil cartels weren’t controlling them? Hydrogen is even more flammable than diesel or petrol! and electric cars rely on electricity to charge them…which relies on the oil and associated hydro-electric schemes, short-sighted in the extreme.

    How would you suggest we counter the encroaching oceans? With a report from Indonesia as recently as Christmas Day?
    See links:

    This is becoming a much more common problem. Not only are tides “arriving earlier” but they are also higher; I have recently read reports on some of the major rivers in China where the tide not only didn’t go out, but stayed high when they shouldn’t have, causing flooding etc.

    I’m merely suggesting that over 97% of all the scientists who have ever lived are alive today, with billions of dollars of research going into almost every aspect of our planetary problems, and the best they can come up with is – we should use our legs more, and our lights less?
    And hardly two of said scientists can agree on WHAT is causing the issues facing us all, let alone decide on a practical response.
    What I’m saying is, we aren’t ENTIRELY responsible for volcanic activity, subterranean earthquakes, or wild weather patterns. This is a cycle. Something which happens every 26,000 something years or so.
    The Mayan calender indicates the end of our current cycle. Not necessarily the end of the world (though we can certainly expect some amazing changes to our way of life over the next few years, even more than has occurred in the last five!)

    I haven’t said I’m an expert on the Mayan calender or Mayan traditions. Actually, this is the first time I’ve mentioned it, in response to your comment!

    We are collectively in deep “do do”.
    Why you should expect me to come up with a cover-all answer, or else I’m labelled as an idiot, is expecting more of me than you are getting from all the “best minds” available today.
    I’m merely pointing out that there are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy…

    Just open your eyes and your mind.
    I’m not responsible for it all. So why should it be up to me to “prove” myself by providing a solution???
    That’s silly.
    Especially when it isn’t ONE thing which is causing major issues planet-wide, but many, some of which I’ve not even raised for discussion!

    I’m not against science. I’m against the blind following of any creed.
    Humans are not just mind, but also heart.

    Good luck.

  28. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    BTW, quote me one major disease “Science” has cured.
    Perhaps…the common cold? How many millions of currency has been expended in research? And now the common cold virus is becoming virulent, not just a cold anymore.
    How about cancer? No???
    On the increase…
    Research the links between vaccination and autism.
    Research the links between the genetically modified ‘scientific foods’ and cancer, tumours, you name it.
    By all means…research.
    Science hasn’t come up with a single “cure” that I can find.

    The human body, however, can still come up with cures. Using something invisible….like Spirit, Love, and all those immeasurable characteristics that science scoffs at…yet the answer won’t be found in the visible world.

    Science can only measure how fast you can die, not how well you can live. And no scientist or politician or statesman should ever dictate what is right for another.
    Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  29. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

  30. Mads OlsenNo Gravatar NORWAY Says:

    The world is coming to an end.


    Where is the moderator?

  31. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    using radioactive lightbulbs with a very long half-life during the disposal stage is a responsible response? (etc)

    Don’t know :-/ You have left the realms of clear-cut empirical science and entered the fuzzy world of “policy”. Science has discovered we need to cut carbon emissions. The policymakers and advisors then take over to discuss how to meet our energy needs. Little old me certainly doesn’t have the answers to such difficult questions.

    And hardly two of said scientists can agree on WHAT is causing the issues facing us all,

    I’m afraid this is another falsehood. There is a wide consensus amongst climate scientists as to the factors contributing to climate change.

    What I’m saying is, we aren’t ENTIRELY responsible for volcanic activity, subterranean earthquakes, or wild weather patterns. This is a cycle. Something which happens every 26,000 something years or so.

    The only cycle I’m aware of that has a 26,000-year period is the precession of the equinoxes, and there is nothing special about that – just a “wobble” like a spinning top that has occurred since the Earth was created. Can you point me to some empirical evidence that indicates a causal connection between this cycle you speak of and increased volcanic/earthquake activity?

    Why you should expect me to come up with a cover-all answer, or else I’m labelled as an idiot

    I don’t expect you to come up with an “answer”, and I apologise if I have given you that impression. All I have stated is that the scaremongering actions of “psychics” such as that originally discussed are seriously counter-productive.

    Just open your eyes and your mind.

    I am certainly open-minded – but not to the extent that my brains fall out! Should we be open-minded to everything? If I told you that climate change was caused by an invisible pink unicorn called Fluffy, who arrives once every 13,000 years, and whose Glorious Hoof stomp causes earthquakes, whose Swishing Tail causes tsunamis and whose Horny Breath causes GRBs, would you believe me? Why/why not? What if I told you this is something I felt inside so deeply, that it was intuition? That I had predicted Her coming? Would you perhaps expect me to present evidence for the existence of Fluffy and to demonstrate She causes such acts? Why/why not? Hopefully by this analogy you can see why I have no reason to accept what you have proposed unless you can back it up with reliable empirical evidence?

    I’m not responsible for it all. So why should it be up to me to “prove” myself by providing a solution???

    Again, I am not asking this of you. I do expect you, however, to back up your statements with reliable evidence.

    I’m against the blind following of any creed.

    Then we agree on something ;)

    Humans are not just mind, but also heart.

    No – humans are not just mind, but also a little bit Fluffy the Pink Unicorn. Her Mane of Wonder pervades all, and the oscillations of each one of Her Hairs of Creation breathes life into what some people refer to as the human “soul”.

    BTW, quote me one major disease “Science” has cured.

    Science has studied and eradicted thousands of diseases. It has brought us advanced immunisations, penicillin and other antibiotics. It has consigned smallpox – once killer of millions worldwide – to a shelf in a laboratory.

    And now the common cold virus is becoming virulent, not just a cold anymore.

    Yes. It’s called “evolution”, which is another mindblowingly brilliant concept brought to us by science ;)

    Research the links between vaccination and autism.

    Which are groundless…

    Research the links between the genetically modified ’scientific foods’ and cancer, tumours, you name it.

    I’m not aware of any reliable evidence that current GM foods cause cancer; however, even if it was shown they did (imagine the lawsuits involved!), this would be a failing of the scientists involved and not an attack on the scientific method in general. The scientific method is morally ambivalent; it will help cure cancer in one breath and create terrifying weapons that cause cancer in the next.

    The human body, however, can still come up with cures. Using something invisible….like Spirit, Love, and all those immeasurable characteristics that science scoffs at

    The human body’s immune system is very much visible! Under a powerful microscope, at least ;) Acquaint yourself with the wonderful white blood cell. It’s your body’s best friend!

    I’m not against science.

    Hmmm…. really?

    I can certainly categorically state here that science does not have all the answers, that it has been wrong in the past, and will continue to be wrong – and continue to produce, on occasion, terrible things. However, I can state with confidence that the scientific method is by far and away the best tool we have in our possession in order to progress and continue to learn more about our universe and ourselves.

    Hope you don’t mind us turning your post into a little debate, Chris =D>

  32. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Mads Olsen, I’m here and I’m following the discussion with bated breath. It’s impressing to see the civilized manner of the arguments between Yearinthelife and Kayenne, even though both are coming from 2 complete different angles they both have their points. I’m just sorry that I can’t add to the discussion due to lack of in-depth knowledge regarding the subject. Can merely take up what I read in the media and quote it. :-?

    Yearinthelife and Kayenne, don’t you worry for hijacking the post – it’s definitely an entertaining and intelligent debate and I learn a lot from both your arguments. I bet other readers see it in a similar way.

    :-B :D

  33. The Best of Nomad4ever in 2007 | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Asian food attracted plenty of readers, while another post from November is still going strong: The Psychic, who predicted a devastating earthquake for 23/12/2007 was obviously completely wrong, but the related post sparked an interesting and entertaining […]

  34. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    A microearthquake occurred at 4:56:58 AM (PST) on Thursday, December 27, 2007.
    The magnitude 1.5 event occurred 2 km (1 miles) NE of San Francisco Zoo.
    The hypocentral depth is 11 km ( 7 miles).

    Magnitude 1.5 – duration magnitude (Md)
    Time Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 4:56:58 AM (PST)
    Thursday, December 27, 2007 at 12:56:58 (UTC)
    Distance from San Francisco Zoo – 2 km (1 miles) NE (43 degrees)
    Daly City, CA – 6 km (4 miles) NNW (338 degrees)
    San Francisco City Hall, CA – 7 km (5 miles) WSW (240 degrees)
    Colma, CA – 8 km (5 miles) NNW (336 degrees)
    center of Golden Gate Bridge – 9 km (5 miles) S (188 degrees)

    Coordinates 37 deg. 44.5 min. N (37.742N), 122 deg. 29.5 min. W (122.492W)

    And “coincidentally” a Siberian Tiger escaped before this small quake, and killed one person, attacking two others.

    These are the kinds of “signs” I’ve pointed out are essential to monitor.
    The animals aren’t caught up in our intellectualizing or theoretical arguments.
    They KNOW.
    The islanders on Andaman (group of islands) were all feared dead after the Sumatran quake, because they were in a direct line from the earthquake slip. Not one died. Why?
    Because they are in tune with their natural environment. They understand how Spirit/Mind/Nature work (at least in their own terms, they do!) If they’d relied on science or mind alone, they’d be dead as!

    BTW, I’ve posted many links to reputable sites for Yearinthelife to go and do his own research on the “theories” I’ve mentioned. It’s all out there.
    Obviously, not really knowing me, it’s easy to assume I’m a follower of his magic Unicorn philosophy. Anyone truly knowing me understands that I don’t swallow elephants, and then gag on gnats…
    I do however, research quite exhaustively.
    Having worked in the disability industry, anecdotally I can tell you that I’ve met over fifty families whose children became autistic after routine vaccinations, for example. They told me! I didn’t go asking…Statistically, according to medicine, that means the Australian population should number over three times what it currently is, to match their stats on how often adverse reactions happen in children.

    Yearinthelife, the “invisible” I’m talking about is the creative principle underlying all matter, not sub-atomic particles, but the “energy” or matrix which keeps those sub-atomic particles in a particular ORDER. Otherwise known as the Creator etc etc.
    Cells replicate to a certain order. If they don’t, they are aberrant, malformed or cancerous, depending on the timing of the aberration.

    If we are in tune, literally, with the Original Sound or Word which always is, then there is order in our smallest “parts”, and therefore order within ourselves as a whole.
    If there is sourness, or we are Out of Tune, or out of phase, then we become disordered. Firstly mentally, then emotionally, and eventually physically.
    That’s basic Metaphysics 101.

    I consider too much emphasis on one “part” or another e.g. totally intellectual at the expense of the emotions, or too emotional at the expense of the physical…as disorder. These are just examples.

    When we include into ourselves a philosophy of balance (as long as it IS balanced!) – and whether we call it philosophy or religion or spirituality, or perhaps “nature worship”…(no matter the naming of it!) then we are in tune, or in phase, with the underlying pattern of our universe, and can detect when there are anomalies around us e.g. tsunami or earthquake.

    Humans have become so complicated in their thinking, that they stand staring at a tsunami on a beach in Phuket or Thailand, and simply don’t get it. And still go on thinking they are superior to all other living beings.


  35. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Er…. well, a gamma-ray burst was recorded the very day after the Sumatran quake. There is no evidence to suggest the two events are linked.

    What evidence do you have to suggest they are not? Study the nature of common electrics…before the light switch is actually TURNED ON, there is a precursor anomaly in the current/wiring… And, additionally, in this case you are taking the word of scientists that the GRB happened afterwards.
    As someone asked me recently, (for example) since when has NASA ever told the whole truth about anything???

    Your philosophy, it seems to me, is to scientifically divide everything into its parts and then say it is not part of a whole.
    My philosophy (as the moderator gently pointed out!) is the opposite.

    It is thinking that everything is separate from everything else, that everything does NOT affect anything else, that has got us all into this pickle in the first place. (Hmmm…chaos theory…will I go there? better not…)

    Therefore, Watson, rethinking the issue to look at it all WHOLISTICALLY, might actually contain the remedy. Well, that’s my thinking….

    :)) :))

    And apologies to the owner of this thread for “hijacking”.
    My original posts on this subject were inclusive of observations we as humans can make, in our daily lives, to foresee natural disasters (including watching the lost and found animals section in your local newspapers!)….using the senses we all have, not necessarily having to be “psychic” or indeed take a psychic’s word for it…
    I attempted to explain how difficult prediction is, insofar as “timing” goes…the human element is always “chancy” and personal interpretation colours everything…..
    However, the responses have been hostile, so I’ll leave it there.

  36. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    And “coincidentally” a Siberian Tiger escaped before this small quake, and killed one person, attacking two others.

    The question that immediately springs to mind is: how were all the other animals behaving?

    It’s all too easy to shoehorn events to fit our beliefs. (By the way, police are investigating claims that the victims were taunting the tiger).

    The animals aren’t caught up in our intellectualizing or theoretical arguments.
    They KNOW.

    I’m interested… which animals know? All of them? Do snails also experience the same desire to escape as tigers appear to, a full two days before an “earthquake” that wouldn’t even cause a ripple in your coffee cup? Curiouser and curiouser…

    The islanders on Andaman (group of islands) were all feared dead after the Sumatran quake, because they were in a direct line from the earthquake slip. Not one died. Why?

    I think the answer is clear; Fluffy the Invisible Pink Unicorn appeared and told them what was about to happen.

    Well, either that, or living on an island in an incredibly seismically-active area meant that the tell-tale signs of a tsunami – such as the waters receeding – were well-known to them – no doubt passed down from parent to child like, er, road safety is in our culture – and on seeing it, they immediately fled to higher ground. Who knows for sure, without asking some of them? Regardless, I don’t see why a vacuous term such as “spirit” has any relevance to the matter.

    BTW, I’ve posted many links to reputable sites for Yearinthelife to go and do his own research on the “theories” I’ve mentioned. It’s all out there.

    I couldn’t find any trace of your Gamma Ray Burst theory on the IRIS website, or any of the others, for that matter. I’ve also yet to see any resource from you that shows a causal connection between the 26,000 year cycle you speak of and increased earthquake activity.

    Obviously, not really knowing me, it’s easy to assume I’m a follower of his magic Unicorn philosophy.

    The philsophy itself is irrelevant; it’s the fact it’s completely analagous to your 26,000-year, earthquake-causing cycle that is important. Why don’t you accept my theory of Fluffy? On what grounds?

    anecdotally I can tell you that I’ve met over fifty families whose children became autistic after routine vaccinations, for example.

    Unfortunately, anecdotal evidence is of little to no value. Scientific studies have repeatedly shown no statistically significant link. It is worth pointing out that autism usually reveals itself after about the age of one – at about the same time the MMR vaccine is administered, so you can at least understand why some parents have jumped to the conclusion that there is a connection. But just because two things appear to be correlated does not necessarily mean they are causally linked – the Average Global Temperature vs. Number of Pirates is a classic example of this ;)

    the “invisible” I’m talking about is the creative principle underlying all matter, not sub-atomic particles, but the “energy” or matrix which keeps those sub-atomic particles in a particular ORDER. Otherwise known as the Creator etc etc.

    With respect, this is all words and no meaning. Can you measure this “energy”? How do you know the “matrix” is there? (By the way, I have also seen the sub-atomic matrix, and it is Hoof-shaped). What do you mean by “ORDER”? This sub-atomic “ORDER” you speak of is distinctly at odds with the experimentally-verified theory of Quantum Mechanics, which says the Universe on its finest level is a tumultuous soup of unpredictability!

    A Creator, eh?

    Who Created the Creator?

    If we are in tune, literally, with the Original Sound or Word which always is, then there is order in our smallest “parts”, and therefore order within ourselves as a whole.
    If there is sourness, or we are Out of Tune, or out of phase, then we become disordered. Firstly mentally, then emotionally, and eventually physically.
    That’s basic Metaphysics 101.

    Er… no it’s not… it’s New Age spiritualism. From Wikipedia: “More recently, the term “metaphysics” has also been employed by non-philosophers to refer to “subjects that are beyond the physical world”. A “metaphysical bookstore”, for instance, is not one that sells books on ontology, but rather one that sells books on spirits, faith healing, crystal power, occultism, and other such topics. The philosophic pursuit of metaphysics generally does not include any of the above.”

    What evidence do you have to suggest they are not?

    The onus is on you, not me, to provide support for your theory! What evidence do you have to suggest Fluffy the Invisible Pink Unicorn does not cause earthquakes with Her Great Hoof?

    Shall we conclude that earthquakes are caused both by GRBs and by Fluffy the Invisible Pink Unicorn? Or with no evidence supporting either theory, shall we simply discount them both?

    What’s it to be? ;)

    Study the nature of common electrics…before the light switch is actually TURNED ON, there is a precursor anomaly in the current/wiring…

    What on earth is a “precursor anomaly”? Can you point me to a scientific paper that discusses the effect you describe?

    And, additionally, in this case you are taking the word of scientists that the GRB happened afterwards.

    Hooray! It’s a good old-fashioned conspiracy! Those darned evil scientists are lying to conceal a greater truth! =))

    Your philosophy, it seems to me, is to scientifically divide everything into its parts and then say it is not part of a whole.

    You have the first part right and the second part wrong. As a matter of fact, I am fascinated by the progress made in physics to unify the four fundamental forces into one Grand Unifying Theory, a framework that unites Quantum Mechanics with Relativity. Fascinated!

    My philosophy (as the moderator gently pointed out!) is the opposite.

    Yes – your philosophy, it seems to me, is to non-scientifically divide everything into its parts and then say it is part of a whole…

    Hmmm…chaos theory…will I go there? better not…

    Oh please do ;)

    However, the responses have been hostile, so I’ll leave it there.

    I’m sorry that at that point you possibly deemed some of my responses – which were primarily pointing out falsehoods and requesting supporting evidence for theories – as “hostile”. I admit in this post I have become somewhat sarcastic, and it is to my detriment, but in my defence I am tired and somewhat exasperated ;)

    I wish you all the best – sincerely – on your journey towards truth and knowledge.

  37. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    I’ve asked you several questions, and all you have done is reply, not supply proof or evidence to the contrary. I asked you – Has science cured the common cold? They’ve had at least 100 years to do so…

    Scientists have reported that animals are a good indicator of earth changes or earthquakes. Japan is studying zoo animals, for example. Don’t put me down – go and research it yourself!
    The wall involved in the zoo in San Francisco is below five metres. It’s been that way since it was built, in the 1940’s. My house cat can nearly jump 2 metres, and she has a bung leg…why they’d think a Siberian tiger couldn’t jump at least that height is bizarre, in my opinion.

    How many big cat attacks have occurred, outside of the holding section, since this zoo was built?
    And if you’ve ever been to a zoo, there are always idiots throwing things at the animals; its one of the big complaints zoo keepers have about the public – how dumb they are! I personally know someone who worked in Jersey Zoo in the U.K., which is a “drive through” type of zoo, and he said you wouldn’t believe how many people got out of their cars to take photos of the lions….

    For all I know, snails might be responsive to quakes; after all, they live on the ground or close to it!
    There is now more research devoted to how animals have responded to the onset (or before the onset) of quakes, particularly since the Sumatran quake.
    Additionally, people DID ask the Andaman Islanders how they knew. Obviously you haven’t seen the documentary which includes this.

    Mate, your attitude is becoming more snide and nasty.
    By all means, disagree with the findings of the scientists you admire, but keep it civil.

    When animals predict earthquakes
    17 February 2007
    Matt Kaplan
    Magazine issue 2591
    ON THE morning of 26 December 2004, villagers from Bang Koey in Thailand noticed something strange. A herd of buffalo grazing on the beach lifted their heads, pricked their ears and looked out to sea, then turned and stampeded to the top of a nearby hill. For the baffled villagers who chose to follow them, it was a live-saving move. Minutes later, the tsunami struck.

    Since then, there have been hundreds of reports of animals seemingly foretelling the catastrophe – not just minutes, but sometimes hours and even days before it occurred. These include tales of bizarre behaviour across a menagerie of wild beasts including elephants, antelopes, bats, rats and flamingos, plus stories of dogs refusing to go for their usual morning walk along the beach. Could these creatures have been sensing early warning signs of the massive earthquake that triggered the Asian tsunami?

    The above quote only mentions one specific, very large earthquake, of course, before you try to point it out to me (as though I were an idiot!)

    You are really amusing!
    So here is a link to a site which collects information (from mainstream news sites, internet sites etc) on “strange” animal behaviour. There are various causes for aberrant behaviour cited, including disruption of feeding habitats by humans, encroachment into territory, and other earth changes like warming or melting (as in the case of polar bears), amongst other possible causes.
    More sites:

    After my experience with the anxious rabbits I have learned that, since the beginning of recorded history, virtually every culture in the world has reported observations of unusual animal behavior prior to earthquakes (and– to a lesser extent– volcanic eruptions), but conventional science has never been able to adequately explain the phenomenon. Nonetheless, the Chinese and Japanese have employed such sightings for hundreds of years as an important part of a nationally-orchestrated earthquake warning systems, with some success.

    Earthquakes and Animals
    Article #295

    by T. Neil Davis
    This column is provided as a public service by the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, in cooperation with the UAF research community. T. Neil Davis is a seismologist at the institute.

    Chinese seismologists have underway a major program of evaluating animal behavior as a means of earthquake prediction. They got serious about the matter in 1966 when it was discovered that all the resident dogs left their kennels at a village in Hopei Province just before a large earthquake originated in the rocks below the town.

    The Chinese scientists soon collected more than 2,000 eyewitness accounts of unusual pre-earthquake behavior, mostly involving domestic animals. The strange behavior was reported to peak in the 24-hour interval just prior to the earthquake; sometimes strange behavior in animals was observed several days before an earthquake. The bigger the earthquake, the more reports there were of unusual behavior.

    Several centers now have been established in China to make earthquake predictions by various methods including observation of animals. These centers have set up operational networks to report and evaluate the observations of animal behavior.

    An article by a Chinese scientist in the U. S. Geological Survey Earthquake Information Bulletin implies that the Chinese think that the strange pre-quake behavior of animals arises from their sensitivity to small foreshocks occurring before the main event. This idea comes partly from experiments on animals having had their sensory capabilities altered by surgery.

    A series of observations near Yakutat just before the Lituya Bay earthquake on July 10, 1958, backs up the Chinese conjecture. One person picking berries saw leaves move when they shouldn’t have, while nearby others saw birds become disturbed and fly over the trees in unusual numbers. Simultaneously yet another nearby group suddenly started getting bites from fish with every cast into the river. Several minutes later the magnitude 8 earthquake struck. In this instance it seems likely that the birds and fish were responding to vibrations evidenced by the moving leaves but which were not noticed by the people present. Also, it has been suggested that animals may be responding to the release of gases such as methane just before the earthquake.

    Is that enough scientific, empirical proof for you?
    *My bold and italics.
    Substantiates my earlier posts of OBSERVATION of animal behaviour before a moderate quake was reported on mainstream news in my own area.
    And Science is about observation.

    I repeat, people do not have to be psychic to predict earth movements or volcanic eruptions.
    All they have to do (and I’m speaking to our brethren in Indonesia particularly!) is to observe your natural surroundings. Study the clouds, listen and watch the birds and animals, and do your own observations, draw your own conclusions. Study all the scientific evidence which is available, via library, college or internet. Be prepared.

  38. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    The 9.3 Richter earthquake was ten times stronger than any other earthquake during the past 25 years, and was followed just 44.6 hours later on December 27th by a very intense gamma ray burst, which was 100 fold brighter than any other in the past 25 year history of gamma ray observation. It seems difficult to pass off the temporal proximity of these two Class I events as being just a matter of coincidence. A time period of 25 years compared to a time separation of 44.6 hours amounts to a time ratio of about 5000:1. For two such unique events to have such a close time proximity is highly improbable if they are not somehow related. But, as mentioned above, gravity waves would very likely be associated with gamma ray bursts, and they would be expected to precede them.

    Many have inquired if there might be a connection between these two events (e.g., see the article). Not thinking of the gravity wave connection, astronomers have been reluctant to admit there might be a connection since they know of no mechanism by which gamma rays by themselves could trigger earthquakes. They admit that the December 27th gamma ray burst had slightly affected the ionization state of the Earth’s atmosphere, but this by itself should not have caused earthquakes. However, if a longitudinal gravity potential wave pulse were to accompany a gamma ray burst, the mystery becomes resolved. The connection between earthquakes and gamma ray bursts now becomes plausible.

    In his 1983 Ph.D. dissertation, Paul LaViolette called attention to terrestrial dangers of Galactic core explosions, pointing out that the arrival of the cosmic ray superwave they produced would be signaled by a high intensity gamma ray burst which would also generate EMP effects (e.g., see Page 3). He also noted that a strong gravity wave might be expected to travel forward at the forefront of this superwave and might be the first indication of a superwave’s arrival. He pointed out that such gravity waves could induce substantial tidal forces on the Earth during their passage which could induce earthquakes and cause polar axis torquing effects.

    [Please note, the gravity potential gradient associated with a stellar explosion or core explosion would drop off in intensity inversely with distance traveled (according to 1/r), and would not drop off as the inverse cube of distance as some have claimed on the internet. That is, it does not have a force-distance dependence similar to the lunar tidal force. So the impact would be quite significant. The mathematics are worked out in the above reference.]

    In his book Earth Under Fire (as well as in his dissertation), LaViolette presents evidence showing that the superwave that passed through the solar system around 14,200 years ago had triggered supernova explosions as it swept through the Galaxy. Among these were the Vela and Crab supernova explosions whose explosion dates align with this superwave event horizon. He points out that these explosions could be explained if a gravity wave accompanied this superwave, it could have produced tidal forces which could have triggered unstable stars to explode as it passed through.

    He wrote at a time when gamma ray bursts had just begun to be discovered, and when no one was concerned with them as potential terrestrial hazards. In recent years scientific opinion has come around to adopt LaViolette’s concern, as can be seen in news articles discussing the SGR 1806-20 gamma ray outburst, e.g., see news story. They note that if this gamma ray burst had been as close as 10 light years it would have completely destroyed the ozone layer. By comparison, the Galactic superwaves LaViolette has postulated to have been generated as a result of an outburst of our Galaxy’s core and to have impacted the Solar system during the last ice age would have impacted the solar system with a cosmic ray electron volley having an energy intensity 100 times greater than this hypothetical 10 light year distant stellar gamma ray burst. In comparision, SGR 1806-20 has been estimated to have a stellar progenitor mass of 150 solar masses, whereas our Galactic core has a mass of 2.6 million solar masses. In its present active phase, SGR 1806-20 is estimated to have a luminosity 40 million times that of the Sun, whereas during its active phase the Galactic center could reach luminosities of 400 trillion times that of the Sun. So it is understandable that if the Galactic center were to erupt, it would produce a gamma ray burst and a gravity wave far more intense than the outburst from this star.

    If anything, the December 27, 2004 gamma ray burst shows us that we do not live in a peaceful celestial environment. And if the December 26th earthquake was in fact part of this same celestial event, we see that this stellar eruption has claimed many lives. For this reason, it is important that we prepare for the possibility of even stronger events in the future, the arrival of superwaves issuing from the core of our Galaxy. Like the December 26th earthquake and the December 27th gamma ray burst, the next superwave will arrive unexpectedly. It will take us by surprise.

    Still, scientists were surprised that a magnetar so far away could alter the ionosphere.

    With all due respect to the scientists alive today, we all have to accept that such a growing, fluid field of endeavour hasn’t yet reached the end of learning – that they don’t know everything…
    And more surprises are coming up the pike!

  39. KayenneNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:

    Gamma Ray Burst
    Episode 3 from Season 2
    Scientists at the University of Kansas believe gamma ray bursts were responsible for a great mass extinction on Earth 450 million years ago.
    Original air date September 19, 2007

  40. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Ahem – while I’m definitely pro-scientific methods, yet subscribe to the idea of animal ability of forecasting/sensing natural catastrophes (saw a NatGeo show a few months back) – the connection between that SF Zoo incident and an earthquake seems a bit far fetched to me.

    Though I must admit that I’m getting confused by that msss of information about mini earthquakes, gravity waves, sun activity and gamma ray bursts.

    Might have successfully lost the plot. ;-)

  41. YearinthelifeNo Gravatar UNITED KINGDOM Says:

    Since it is clear that you have taken some of my comments as a personal attack on yourself, not to mention that you have quietly sidestepped nearly all of the questions I have posed to you, I am going to leave it there.

    We hope you all enjoyed the show =D>

  42. Mads OlsenNo Gravatar NORWAY Says:

    Good fighting Yearinthelife!

    The show was good, indeed.

    Now I am going out to see all the things that clearly are there to see, if I just open my eyes. Better not forget my glasses, then.

    Happy new year, everybody! Travel and learn!


  43. B. Woods MattingleyNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    I concur with Kayenne. I am not a psychic, but a psychic researcher and dream analyst (51 years’ studies); I am also a trained educator with work experience in the USA, Japan, Vietnam and Thailand. More earth changes approach; the entire planet will experience these. A solar event (with an X-Class Flare) unprecedented will occur at about the time the Mayan Calendar ceases (21 December 2012); this event, I feel, will trigger a series of earth changes so climactic that many millions may be “transferred” from the earth plane to other spheres. Those earth changes have begun. Earth’s physical population may be reduced by up to two thirds. Those physically surviving will be the beginnings of a new race chosen to populate a New Earth. Both alien and angelic visitations will increase. We are about to witness a great Solar-Planetary change. Pray. Look Within. Study the Fatima, Garabandal and Medjugorje appearances of the Virgin Mother and Her prophecies (I am not a Catholic and do not proselytize.). Read the Edgar Cayce predictions. Your own intuition speaks: listen. Pray to know whom/where you are to serve. We are here to serve. Serve the Divine. Serve your own Lotus Within. (Please sign me: “Thunder.”)

  44. Disaster1eaNo Gravatar UNITED STATES Says:

    For years I get a ringing in my left ear prior to a earthquake. It toke me years to figure out what it ment? Basically how this works I normally get a ringing 24 to 48 hours to a quake. The intensity of the ring coincides with the future quake. I know this sound crazy but it’s true! I wish I had a vision with the ring so I could pinpoint a specific location. So, if there are any see’ers that can help me develope this and other gifts please contact me. I only want to help save the people of the world..

  45. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Great gift, Disaster1ea! I really envy you. Can you develop that in a way to foretell, if a potential partner likes you enough to share a night with you? Would not save the world right away, but for sure a lot of time also! :D

  46. MiteshNo Gravatar ISRAEL Says:

    paul is absolutely the best psychic

  47. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    And I heard, that the Spaniards want to adopt him now, Mikesh. Hehe! Let’s see if someone remembers Paul the Octopus when the next World Cup hits in 2014. :-/

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