Jul 15

Upon some research on the net I found some specialized websites, catering mainly travellers or travel bloggers.

So far the following look quite interesting:




all with similar features, more or less easy/complicated to use.

Did anyone test out some of them or even others?

The idea to organize your trips and have something like a diary sounds interesting. So far I organized my pictures in a chronical way, but this can sometimes get messy, when you just want to find some infos/pictures about a certain destination.

A travelling community can be helpful as well, for information gathering re locations and planning ahead or so.

Hm, maybe I should invest some more time, when coming back from our next short trip – Laos, which starts tomorrow for about 7-10 days.

Let’s see…………….

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written by Chris

One Response to “Which Travelblog Website rocks the boat?”

  1. DanNo Gravatar AUSTRALIA Says:


    I like the navigation and layout of this one, you’ve probably already seen it, best thing is there are some top quality bloggers and photographers on there and they aren’t that hard to find.

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