Aug 09

River view at Vang Vien, Laos I’m still amazed by the laid-back atmosphere of Laos.

Unbelievable is the beauty of Vang Vien, where we stayed 4 days, just sitting at the river admiring the landscape and environment. Nature aplenty, with rice fields, caves, mountains and mud tracks.

The changing light coming over the mountains, the fog, the flowing river, the swarms of bats during sunset which avoid collisions and sudden maneuvers, and maintaining constant situational awareness by flighing smoothly in incredible figures and formations – what a sight!

Vientiane and Luang Prabang are the slowest “towns” I’ve been so far, situated at the mighty Mekong River, but clean and neat and full with the friendliest folks of people. It’s like Thailand just 15 years ago.

More new pictures on Flickr under the tag Laos.

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written by Chris

5 Responses to “Laos – mysterious land…”

  1. ianmackNo Gravatar CANADA Says:

    i certainly had some experiences in Laos…and lived to put together a video clip!

    I’ll be sure to check out your photos too.

  2. Wondering how Thailand was 20 years ago? Look no further…visit Laos! | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] From Vientiane you can reach Vang Vien by mini bus within about 6-8 hours. Vang Vien is a village at the Nam Song River, which is now famous with young travelers. I described it first in my post here. […]

  3. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Wow Ian,

    what a great clip! Cool Music. Did you produce that yourself? Very nice!

    Catches the spirit of Laos much better than just a few photos.

    Seems we almost did the same trip, Vientiane, Vang Vien, Luang Prabang, Kuang Si Waterfall and so on….

    I allowed myself to link back to both your video and your website from my new post about Laos here:


  4. Laos: Coup Attempt Prevented | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Laos is a great country to visit. As you might know, I’m a big fan of Laos, as it’s still cheap, unspoilt, great scenery, with friendly people, delicious food, tasty beer and a relaxing and free atmosphere. […]

  5. The Ancient Mystery of the ‘Plain Of Jars’ | nomad4ever UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Related Posts Laos: Coup Attempt PreventedIf Asia were a Woman…Wondering how Thailand was 20 years ago? Look no further…visit Laos!Best mode of transportation to get around in a big countryLaos – mysterious land…The Magic of the Chocolate Hills […]

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