Jun 19

No Sports - play basketball til you drop Bali is located just below the equator. That means the weather is tropical, humid and constantly hovering around or above the 30 degrees Celsius mark.

Being a sporty person usually means you will be doing your workout or running sessions early in the morning before the sun reaches its summit, or in the late afternoons.

Or you might consider going to an air-conditioned Gym, there are quite a few around here.

Still there are crazy people (mostly tourists), who jump around at the beaches at noon, playing ball games or simply trying to get sunburned as much and as quickly as they can.

That leads to the typical lobster effect one can admire on tourists here coming ‘fresh off the boat’.

winner and losers - volleyball and basketball in baliI drove past this place on the pictures a few times already, but only now had the time to stop and take a picture.

Isn’t this spot convenient?

A Basketball and Volleyball playground with attached cemetery. What does it tell us:

If you are healthy, you don’t need sports, if you are not, you better don’t start?

 Sports Playground on Cemetery on BaliThe spot on the pictures is located in Kuta, at the corner of Jalan Patih Jelantik and Jalan Majapahit and is only a very small cemetery.

It can be also seen on Google Earth or Google Maps, see the picture to the left.

It’s more or less a testimony that space in South Bali is precious and used very efficiently. Looks like they were right when they say, that sports is a microcosm of human life.

And what about the people lying in those graves? I guess they didn’t lose the game, they just ran out of time. ;-)

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written by Chris

3 Responses to “Funny Aliens: An Athlete ‘Til The End”

  1. Teresa OrlandoNo Gravatar CANADA Says:

    Or maybe they are just spectators. Who doesn’t like a good basketball game.

  2. ChrisNo Gravatar INDONESIA Says:

    Hehe! Spectators? Sounds about right to me, Teresa!

  3. JocelynNo Gravatar CANADA Says:


    haha, I wish I could travel like you do!

    At least we get a little glimpse of what it is like from your blog.

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