Sep 14

Toilet in Vang Vien, Laos - obviously too much MarihuanaThere was this guy who painted this picture to mark the toilet entrances for male and female in Vang Vien, Laos. He obviously smoked too much Marihuana, as he couldn’t remember, which side was for which gender.

Nothing unusual so far. Not in Vang Vien.

But laziness comes with it as well. So instead of starting all over again, drawing a new picture – he just switched the sides ‘top-side-down’.

Uhhhh – done! That wasn’t that hard, was it?

Actually it wouldn’t matter at all, which toilet one has to visit – as they both look alike and are equally equipped. But in this case here, it must have been very important business. So good that he got it right finally and nobody wouldn’t be confused.

Or would you?

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written by Chris

2 Responses to “Funny Aliens: Too much Smoke in Laos”

  1. NihalNo Gravatar MALAYSIA Says:

    Hi Chris,

    This is a good one, and turning those pictures ‘top-side-down’, now that’s a splendid idea… he he he :)

  2. Laos » Blog Archives » Vientiane journal: Sabai dee Laos UNITED STATES Says:

    […] Funny Aliens: Too much Smoke in LaosToilet in Vang Vien, Laos – obviously too much Marihuana There was this guy who painted this picture to mark the toilet entrances for male and female in Vang Vien, Laos. He obviously smoked too much Marihuana, as he couldn’t remember, … […]

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