Aug 23

Jack Daniels in Llogara, AlbaniaThis is what happens, if you drink too much of some special alcoholic beverages. Be it Jim Beam, Johnnie Walker or others.

The author of this drink menu had obviously too much of Jack Daniels or Gin.

And why not? Life in Albania might be soooooo much easier, with oiling your throat properly.

The picture was taken by my friend Steffos, who started this Overland trip from Germany to India mid last year, coming back earlier this year in February. Have to ask him, how the people in this town – Llogara in Albania – look like and behave.

You could check out his trip report here or the complete picture archive here.

He is planning the next trip for 2008 – let’s see what adventures they will enjoy this time.


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written by Chris

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